first and only X needs to be on tty7

Lennart Poettering mzerqung at
Mon May 5 18:19:31 UTC 2014

On Mon, 05.05.14 12:24, Felix Miata (mrmazda at wrote:

> On 2014-05-05 17:55 (GMT+0200) Lennart Poettering composed:
> >On Fedora tty1 is the graphical login, since a long time.
> I've managed to avoid that in order that my boot messages tail stays
> there undisturbed until such time as I've run out of vttys and need
> to use a sixth, the way I like it, same as last century. Change
> isn't always improvement.

Hmm, well, this is Fedora, the bleeding edge of Linux
development. You'll not find everything supported exactly the same way
as 1989.

There are better ways to get boot itme log output. For example
"journalctl -b".

> >>That sounds like a method that will prevent a DM from running on the
> >>same tty as startx would as a first and only X session, as if that
> >>hasn't already happened. OT, reading that man page, is setting it 0
> >>how to revert from auto spawning to keeping gettys running on all of
> >>tty1-6 as before systemd existed?
> >I cannot parse this.
> There are two parts to it. WRT part 2, as I wrote, OT WRT thread, I
> looked at the logind.conf man page section NAutoVTs= and was
> wondering if by setting it to 0 auto spawning vts could be dispensed
> with entirely so that gettys could run there continuously from the
> outset as they used to. Full screen sessions with bigger text are
> good for the eyes, so I use them a lot. I have a problem
> understanding that man page paragraph.

You don't even need to set NAutoVT to 0 for that, you can simply
instantiate as many getty instances as you wish by symlinking
getty at .service from /usr/lib/systemd/system/ into
/etc/systemd/system/getty.wants/getty at tty2.service and so on...

> WRT part 1, I don't see from reading that man page how NAutoVTs=
> could do anything to enable and/or further a first and only X
> session regardless how started to run unconditionally on tty7.

logind will not configure how X works.


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat

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