Incorrect order of /usr/bin and /usr/sbin in path

Kalev Lember kalevlember at
Mon May 5 20:38:10 UTC 2014

On 05/05/2014 10:28 PM, Matthew Miller wrote:
> On Mon, May 05, 2014 at 04:24:03PM -0400, Matthias Clasen wrote:
>> It causes pointless configure and Makefile complications in every single
>> upstream project that wants to install something into that location and
>> has to differentiate between Fedora (/usr/libexec) and the rest of the
>> world (/usr/lib/$pkg). It has ripple-on effects throughout the project -
>> e.g. having to patch the right prefix into desktop files, into service
>> files, etc etc.
> Now that's a practical reason that I can get behind. But given that we're
> already here and have done all that, is it valuable to undo? Again, I shrug
> -- plenty of other stuff to fix, but I think a case could certainly be made.

I don't think it's valuable to undo it at this point, but rather let
applications install into /usr/lib/$pkg/ if they want to. Right now, the
Fedora guidelines downright forbid that.

I'll emphasize that I really mean /usr/lib/$pkg/, as opposed to
/usr/$multilib_directory/$pkg/ -- this ensures that the same directory
is available in all distros the same way, and avoids multilib issues
with helper binaries.

Right now, various upstreams have to ship checks like:

if (fedora_based_distro)
  helper_dir = /usr/libexec
  helper_dir = /usr/lib

Relaxing the guidelines would allow those upstreams to write saner code,
and be more compatible across various distributions.

Hope this helps,

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