Heads up CouchDB and RabbitMQ users!

Peter Lemenkov lemenkov at gmail.com
Fri Nov 28 07:07:52 UTC 2014

Hello All!
I've finally found time to fix a very long-standing issue with Erlang
applications pulling in a lot of X11-related rpms during the
installation. See these two Bugzilla tickets for the details:

* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/784693 (Fedora)
* https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1161922 (EPEL 7)

Now fresh headless Fedora 21+ (and even EPEL7 is you live dangerously
enough to use epel-testing) installations of CouchDB or RabbitMQ won't
pull a long tail of packages related to GUI, which is great. Now
you'll get a more slim and tiny containers with CouchDB or RabbitMQ

Some of the out-of-the-box Erlang/OTP functionality was intentionally
cut off. Namely the ability to remotely connect to debugger on the
headless node or running dialyzer there - if you try to install the
packages necessary for the remote debugging they will install all the
X11 stuff again.

I believe this isn't a serious issue though (nevertheless I'll try to
address it as time permits). However I'd love to gather some unusual
user experience - if you're using debugger, dialyzer, observer,
applications remotely on a production node then please talk to me. I
believe that the only application which needs to be de-X11-ied further
is "observer" since my experience tells me than nobody runs dialyzer
(static Erlang code checker) on the production node remotely (unlike
running observer which is necessary in some cases). Prove me wrong if
you can!

if you're just a casual CouchDB or RabbitMQ user then I believe you
won't notice anything (except of more slim and tiny containers with
Erlang applications inside). However if you see something strange then
file a Bugzilla ticket ASAP!

With best regards, Peter Lemenkov.

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