bugzilla usage trends

Przemek Klosowski przemek.klosowski at nist.gov
Thu Oct 9 21:39:34 UTC 2014

I was curious about the rate of bug reporting in Fedora, and did this 
quick experiment. I thought it might be interesting to folks here who 
either work on the infrastructure or are curious about long-term 
collaboration trends in Fedora.

I checked the date of reporting of every 10,000th bug (bugzilla #1, 
#10000, etc, all the way to the recent 1150000---see attached data). 
Some bugs were private so I didn't have access to their info, but I got 
enough data to  calculate bug velocity (increase in the bug number 
divided by the time interval) over time. The data is a little noisy, but 
you can clearly see the ever-increasing trend.

See attached plot; it turns out that Bugzilla is receiving presently 
~400 bugs per day and rising (a bug every 3 minutes or so).

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