New Group Calls For Boycotting Systemd

Chris Adams linux at
Thu Sep 4 20:02:41 UTC 2014

Once upon a time, Gregory Maxwell <gmaxwell at> said:
> The scope of systemd has crept dramatically since the start. If the
> initial discussions of systemd said it would merge dhcp, udev, and
> that it would push binary logging, etc.  Do you really think it would
> have gone without more vigorous opposition?

Yeah, I think this is my biggest annoyance with systemd.  Scope creep is
terrible; it almost always results in an unmanageable pile of bits that
has to be (once again) reimplemented.

systemd seems to continue to subsume other parts of the system that
really don't seem to be related.  We have a perfectly functional network
stack that has seen many years of development and refinement; why
reinvent yet another wheel?

IMHO it is heading towards the emacs mode, where it is an operating
system unto itself (if systemd ever grows an email client or a text
editor, we'll know for sure it is time to knock it down and start over).

Chris Adams <linux at>

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