promote package updates and any fedora-related work on the Fedora Magazine

Ryan Lerch rlerch at
Wed Sep 10 21:15:51 UTC 2014

If you are pushing an update to a package or application that contains 
some major updates, consider promoting the release on the Fedora 
Magazine. I have been trying to post some of these on the magazine in 
recent months, but it would be awesome to get these written and queued 
up before the package is released.

If you want to draft up a post, simply log into the Magazine using your 
FAS account [1] and open a ticket in the marketing trac [2] and we can 
add you as a contributor to the Fedora Magazine, so you can draft up a post.

Alternatively, just open a ticket in the queue[2] with a few details of 
the update or project that you want to promote, and someone will try to 
get it written up and posted for you.


[1] -
[2] -

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