[systemd-devel] I wonder… why systemd provokes this amount of polarity and resistance

Matthew Miller mattdm at fedoraproject.org
Tue Sep 23 02:09:13 UTC 2014

Seriously, both of you: this back and forth (and particularly the personal
squabbling!) do not help us with Fedora development, which is what this list
is for. If there's a problem somewhere here which we can address, let's talk
about technical problems and solutions. Or if there are upstream issues,
please take them upstream.

If you feel like someone else on the list is responding in a
non-constructive way,  you don't "win" by doubling down on that. You're not
going to convince the other party, and the fighting doesn't convince anyone
else either.

You win by taking the high road: 

Matthew Miller
<mattdm at fedoraproject.org>
Fedora Project Leader

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