[systemd-devel] I wonder… why systemd provokes this amount of polarity and resistance

Przemek Klosowski przemek.klosowski at nist.gov
Tue Sep 23 16:15:04 UTC 2014

On 09/22/2014 12:53 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:
>> For the journal you always keep all log history in it's original
>> state
> On low-bandwidth systems, like laptops or diskless nodes, it's a
> performance hit to generate the log entry in the first place.  It's
> really important to be able to configure the system to *generate* a
> minimal amount of communications.  Being able to filter the results
> later is a separate issue.
That's a very good point: many systems do not fall into the 'infinite 
disk' desktop-like category. Case in point: embedded systems like 
Beaglebone, Rasberry Pi, etc.: their entire disk is 2GB of flash 
storage. Logging is still useful for them but needs to be very flexible 
and minimal.

We could say that Fedora just isn't interested in them, but that would 
be a mistake. There's nothing technological that precludes Fedora from 
running them (they often run Debian), and the spirit of discipline and 
efficiency that such small systems require would be a good  thing even 
for the desktop.
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