F21/F22: xorg-x11-drv: which for SiS?

Hans de Goede hdegoede at redhat.com
Wed Sep 24 09:04:21 UTC 2014

Hi Felix,

> xorg-x11-drv-sis seems to have disappeared. Did that happen on purpose? It
> still exists as a selelection in Bugzilla. Xorg is looking for sis module but
> cannot find it. Gfxchip here is Z7/Z9 (XG20 core). Is it now supposed to be
> using some other (not installed) driver? Before today's upgrade, X still worked.

As already explained by others, this has been announced in various places including
the devel list:


We (the graphics team), have decided to stop supporting the old non kms drivers
(except for the vesa driver), but this does not mean that we will block
community members from picking them up and maintaining them (for now, in the
future not being kms capable may really become a blocker). Actually when
announcing this we've explicitly asked for community members to step up.

Are you already a Fedora packager ? If you are you can walk through:


If you are not and you are willing to become a packager, please read:


I'm willing to act as a sponsor for new-packagers interested in re-introducing
(some of) the old drivers. You can use the re-review required to re-introduce
a retired package as a package for your first review. Please also create at
least 1 truly new package from scratch (*), so that I get a change to see your
packaging skills before sponsoring you.



*) if you've nothing you want to see packaged yourself, then see:

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