hibernation support - lack of distro-wide coordination between systemd, dracut, anaconda, pm-utils and maybe more?

Jaroslav Skarvada jskarvad at redhat.com
Wed Apr 1 08:29:05 UTC 2015

> > pm-hibernate is obsolete as others already mentioned.
> Do the pm-utils maintainers/upstream know this?


I am pm-utils maintainer. I own some other "legacy" packages and
I am retiring them only if there are good reasons for it
(e.g. unfixed security bugs, breakage, etc.), because there may
be still users using such packages / depending on their functionality.

Regarding pm-utils, most of the functionality is currently handled
by systemd. If there is anybody still using it, I think it shouldn't be
hard to migrate. Also I think this package may be quite confusing
for newcomers. Upstream said it's dead, so there are probably
good reasons to retire. But currently there are the following
packages in rawhide depending on pm-utils:


I will drop pm-utils when resolved



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