Heads up - openssh 6.8 coming to F22

Nico Kadel-Garcia nkadel at gmail.com
Sat Apr 4 16:26:58 UTC 2015

On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 10:54 PM, Chris Adams <linux at cmadams.net> wrote:
> Once upon a time, Nico Kadel-Garcia <nkadel at gmail.com> said:
>> Also, heads up on OpenSSH releases: they're planning to disable ssh-1
>> compilation by default in a near future release, so the maintainer at
>> Fedora will need to decide whether to manually enable it.
> Please don't disable it in the client; I use SSH to connect to some old
> network equipment now and then, and it (regrettably) only supports the
> SSH1 protocol.  I have no problem with it being turned off in the
> server, but my only alternative for this gear is to re-enable telnet
> (SSH1 is more secure than that).
> --
> Chris Adams <linux at cmadams.net>

Sorry, I've been busy. I'm not in that position myself anymore, but
it's not uncommon. I'd certainly encourage the packager for OpenSSH in
Fedora to keep it enabled in the client, myself.

The problem is really quite old, and dates back to when the SSH 2
protocol was written. I think it was a profound tactical error to
continue to use the overlapping source tree for both, and to run both
services on the same port, despite potential confusion in a switch.
But it's way, way too late to fix *that* architectural issue.

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