Orphaning python-ufc

Pierre-Yves Chibon pingou at pingoured.fr
Wed Aug 5 17:03:57 UTC 2015

On Wed, Aug 05, 2015 at 05:45:59PM +0100, Jonathan Underwood wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have orphaned the python-ufc package. This package has been
> superceded by python-ffc, and upstream have abandoned python-ufc.
> FWIW, python-ffc is under review[0], but it seems the submission has
> been abandoned by the submitter (Fabian Abfolter).
> I actually tried to retire this package, but running a fedpkg retire
> resulted in:
> Could not retire package: You are not allowed to retire the package:
> python-ufc on branch f21, so I decided to simply orphan it, and let it
> be garbage collected.

That's to be expected, you can only retire package on branch `under development`
so currently rawhide and F23, most of the time: only rawhide.


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