DNF 1.1.0 and DNF-PLUGINS-CORE 0.1.10 Released

Honza Šilhan jsilhan at redhat.com
Tue Aug 11 19:43:15 UTC 2015


Another crucial release of DNF is out with a lot of new features and over 20 bug fixes.

Basic control mechanism for weak dependencies [1] was added. Now you are able to query for
all weak dependencies forward and backward way in repoquery and allow/disallow installing
weak dependencies through `install_weak_deps` DNF configuration option.

Moreover with all DNF stack you will be able to take advantage of rich dependencies in F23
along with newly added MIPS architecture support.

Although DNF team encourages users to “do the things in the right (DNF) way”, we still listen
to community and implement the most requested features, the DNF is missing from yum. I am
talking about `–skip-broken` in install command. To install the biggest given set of packages
without raising an error, when all dependencies cannot be satisfied, could be achieved by
setting `strict` DNF configuration option.

More information can be found in DNF [2] and DNF plugins release notes [3].

Enjoy this release and look forward to the next version.

Honza by DNF team

[0] http://dnf.baseurl.org/2015/08/11/dnf-1-1-0-and-dnf-plugins-core-0-1-10-released/
[1] http://www.rpm.org/wiki/PackagerDocs/DependenciesOverview#Weakdependencies
[2] http://dnf.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release_notes.html#release-notes
[3] http://dnf-plugins-core.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release_notes.html#release-notes

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