Package repositories missing both a spec file and a dead.package file

Michael Schwendt mschwendt at
Fri Aug 21 18:03:24 UTC 2015

On Fri, 21 Aug 2015 13:48:44 -0400 (EDT), Viktor Jancik wrote:

> Using an automated script I found 65 repositories that neither have a spec file or a dead.package among Fedora package repositories on the master branch.
> Is this desired? Here is the list:


> I came to the conclusion, that these repositories are simply missing a dead.package file. I apologize for any false positives.

Initial setup of the repoHEADmasterf23	Fedora Release Engineering	2015-03-11	2	-0/+0

Looks like a new package request. Five months old without any activity
from the maintainer in the master and f23 branches. But a package has been
imported into the el6 branch.

It smells like grey area. Could it be a package for EL6 only?
What to do with the Rawhide master branch then? Perhaps it's not obvious
whether to mark it dead in that case.

Here's the review's SCM Request:

Branches: el6

Voila! The process instructions don't give a hint what to do with the implicitly
created master/devel branch:

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