Proposal to (formally/easily) allowing multiple versions of the same library installable

Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Sat Feb 14 03:59:16 UTC 2015

Am 13.02.2015 um 21:42 schrieb Hedayat Vatankhah:
> I'm not sure if things will be (much) worse than the current situation.
> Maintainers already do maintain multiple versions of the same library,
> and also the upgrade path from a Fedora release to the next should work.
> My assumption was that the effort needed to properly package libfoo3 for
> F21, is not more than what is already needed when you package it for
> Rawhide/F22

but you miss that in Rawhide *only that* version is packaged and any 
other package is linked aganst *that one* so there are no collisions and 
dependecie issues possible

haveing the same library in different versions in the same release is a 
complete other world and at the end not maintainable

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