
Matthias Runge mrunge at
Thu Feb 26 19:25:32 UTC 2015

On 26/02/15 19:06, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> Hi
> I would like to give away as many packages as I can to others who are
> interested.  My current job keeps me pretty busy and I have been hanging
> on to them in hopes of finding the elusive free time that I don't get
> much of anymore.  So if you to be a comaintainer or want to take over
> anything that I am the point of contact, feel free to drop a request in
> pkgdb and send me a note off list as well.   Thanks for those who have
> stepped in from time to time.
> The list of packages is at
> Rahul

Congrats to the new job!

I'd take
* python-kombu
-> which I maintained for the past years
* python-gdata
-> which is a dependency on one or the other of my packages
* python-billiard
-> I looked after that for a longer time

* django-* packages should be all become retired.


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