F22 System Wide Change: GCC5

Jakub Jelinek jakub at redhat.com
Wed Jan 14 17:58:03 UTC 2015

On Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 12:51:24PM -0500, Miloslav Trmač wrote:
> > * Contingency mechanism: Revert to older gcc, mass rebuild everything again
> > * Contingency deadline: Before release
> This is an invasive contingency mechanism, requiring retesting a lot of
>     functionality; the contingency deadline for this (i.e.  when we need

It is a contingency mechanism which we never invoked in the past.

If there are bugs on the GCC side, they are just fixed.

And the GCC GA release time isn't that much special time, it is time when
the compiler is declared officially GA, but bugs are fixed before and after
that time under completely the same policy, only regression bugfixes and
documentation bugfixes are allowed starting with this Saturday onwards
(last two months allowed general bugfixes too, so not only for things that
regressed from earlier GCC releases).  So from the Fedora POV, starting this
Saturday only regression bugfixes will be allowed from now on until all
Fedoras that will ship GCC 5 go EOL.


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