another dnf problem

Tom Hughes tom at
Thu Jan 22 10:10:11 UTC 2015

On 22/01/15 10:03, Radek Holy wrote:

> What actually do you want?
> I'm really interested in what users expect when they use "installonly" packages in any command except "install" and "remove". I strongly believe that there is a group of users that expect that "downgrade kernel" simply installs an older version of kernel while at the same time there is a group of users that expect also the removal of the current or the latest kernel.

Well for distro-sync (main use of which is upgrading to a new release, 
or tracking rawhide, where packages may go backwards) what people most 
likely want is that it synchronises to the current repo(s).

In the case of the kernel that means making sure the most recent version 
in the current repo(s) is installed.

I understand what you about it not really being clear when there are 
multiple options which one to sync to but if you do a distro-sync with 
no arguments to sync everything it's annoying for it to fail because of 
the kernel...


Tom Hughes (tom at

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