ABRT Crash statistics January 2015

Marek Brysa mbrysa at redhat.com
Tue Jan 27 12:24:13 UTC 2015

Hi everyone,

first, on behalf of our team, let me invite you all to a talk I'm going to give
at the Developer Conference 2015 in Brno about the ABRT server. Details are
available here:

It's one again time to share with you some of the crash statistics ABRT server
has collected in the last 30 days. There have been 3,067,031 crashes in Fedora
20 and 21 in total, which is 1.8 million lower than last time, but still a huge
number. There has been transition from Fedora 20 to 21, as evidenced by:

Kernel oopses keep dominating with about 90% of the crashes. Some of the
biggest problems from last month have been resolved and their fixes confirmed
using "probable fixes".

Non-kernel problems can be also filtered using the "Type" field:

Note that you can now filter problems belonging to your whole group (e.g.
group::gnome-sig) by looking for it in the "Associate or Group" field. Also
kernel maintainers may now filter kernel oopses by excluding selected taint

As always, we welcome any suggestions to improve ABRT's server and these
statistics. The server's project lives here:

Best regards,
Marek Brysa
ABRT team

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