DNF 1.0.2 Released

Honza Šilhan jsilhan at redhat.com
Wed Jul 22 08:49:34 UTC 2015

Finally there’s the new release of DNF which fixes the bugs which were highly demanded from Fedora
community (former yum users). When a transaction is not successfully finished DNF preserves downloaded
packages until the next successful transaction. The resolution configuration hints are printed to
the output and user is notified which packages were skipped during update in case there are conflicts.
The new –repofrompath switch was added and many more features implemented and bugs fixed[1].

[0] http://dnf.baseurl.org/2015/07/22/dnf-1-0-2-released/
[1] http://dnf.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release_notes.html#release-notes

Honza by DNF team

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