F23 System Wide Change: SELinux policy store migration

Miroslav Grepl mgrepl at redhat.com
Fri Jun 12 17:00:32 UTC 2015

On 06/12/2015 12:17 PM, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> On Thu, 11.06.15 06:51, Jan Kurik (jkurik at redhat.com) wrote:
>> = Proposed System Wide Change: SELinux policy store migration =
>> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/SELinuxPolicyStoreMigration
> I cannot make sense of this with my limited selinux knowledge, could
> you please elaborate on this on the changes page for people like me
> who only have a superficial understanding of selinux?

Yeap, we are working on it.

Basically the binary policy file
(/etc/selinux/targeted/policy/policy.29) loaded to kernel is built from
SELinux policy modules. These modules are currently located in
/etc/selinux/targeted/modules and we call it as a "module store". This
store is now moved to /var/lib/selinux/targeted/modules. This only
affects tools like semanage, semodule which are used for a policy
manipulation. So we are able to boot without /var also from SELinux
point of view.

> For example: 
> What is the "policy store"? Is that the compiled policy blob uploaded
> into the kernel? And if not, what is it?
> We support /var being split off and be mounted only very late at
> boot. Is that a problem for this proposal, and if not, why not?
> Does this require changes in systemd? Does this require changes
> anywhere in the core OS, outside of selinux' own userspace?
> And so on...
> Lennart

Miroslav Grepl
Senior Software Engineer, SELinux Solutions
Red Hat, Inc.

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