DNF vs YUM, $pkg, $pkg-mpi, $pkg-openmpi having same provides

Sandro Mani manisandro at gmail.com
Thu Jun 18 23:26:38 UTC 2015

On 19.06.2015 01:10, T.C. Hollingsworth wrote:
> You don't have to override the internal dependency generator.  In
> fact, you really shouldn't because overriding it also overrides
> portions of rpm's multilib handling.  :-(
> Patching find-(requires|provides) in /usr/lib/rpm is also useless, as
> modern versions of rpm use an internal dependency generator instead.
> (I think these scripts only still exist in modern Fedora because some
> old external srpms hardcode it, overriding the internal dependency
> generator.)
> You should instead use the new depdendency generator hooks, which are
> also quite a bit nicer to work with. All you have to do is create a
> file %{_rpmconfigdir}/fileattrs/openmpi.attrs with something like:
> # the path to your provides generating script
> %__openmpi_provides %{_rpmconfigdir}/openmpi.prov
> # the path to your requires generating script
> %__openmpi_requires %{_rpmconfigdir}/openmpi.req
> # a regular expression that paths in an RPM
> # must match to trigger the generator
> %__openmpi_path ^%{_prefix}/lib(64)/(openmpi|mpich)/.*$
> When this file is present and any file is packaged during rpmbuild
> that matches the regular expression in the last entry, the scripts
> listed in the first two entries are executed.  Just as with
> find-(provides|requires) a newline-seperated list of files in the
> package is provided on the standard input (but in this case only those
> which match the regular expression!) and you provide the Requires or
> Provides to add on the standard output.
> You can look in your /usr/lib/rpm/fileattrs directory for some hints.  :-)
> Once you've got it working, you could propose a patch to
> redhat-rpm-config to add it universally for all packages.  Or, if you
> don't want to block on rpm changes and have more freedom to update it
> in the future, you could create a new package for it and add it as a
> dependency of both openmpi and mpich.

Thanks a lot for this explanation, very informative! I'll proceed as you 


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