Naming packages when upstream uses dashes in the release version

Petr Pisar ppisar at
Wed May 6 09:06:38 UTC 2015

On 2015-05-06, Alexander Ploumistos <alex.ploumistos at> wrote:
> In this case, I do not think there is ever going to be another
> release, so I just have to worry about my own re-release names for
> each patch and spec file update. The vendor was quite specific in
> their wording, the version is 3.80 and the release is 1. These are the
> names of the packages on their website:
> foo-source-3.80-1.tar.gz
> foo-3.80-1.rpm
> foo-3.80-1.deb

The upstream obviously doesn not differentiate between `upstream
release' and `Debian package'. Probably both of them are maintained by
the same person.

What will happen if Debian finds a bug in the packaging and rebuilds the
package as foo-3.80-2.deb? Will upstream release a new foo-3.80-2.tar.gz?
How will the tar archives differ? Does the upstream bundle `debian'
directory with patches in the tar archive? Are these patches applied
automatically by the build script?

Maybe you could completely ignore the `-1' upstream mantra.

-- Petr

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