Fedora on Android

Przemek Klosowski przemek.klosowski at nist.gov
Thu May 14 18:39:45 UTC 2015

On 05/13/2015 08:03 PM, Les Howell wrote:
> I created a new UI for GRBL using Python with tkinter.  Not bad, but it
> won't work on an Android Notepad (GX10 from a company called EKEN),
> which was my target.
Are you running the entire show from the notepad? I am asking because a 
popular architecture is to run e.g. LinuxCNC on an embedded Intel 
(Atom)  or ARM (Beaglebone) motherboard with rich I/O, and use Android 
tablets for GUI. In that case, you can install X on Android 
(e.g.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=x.org.server ) 
and run GUI client on the main computer, displaying  on the Android 
server over the USB networking.

DISPLAY= <> wish testbuttons.tcl

It runs fine, although the mouse interaction is awkward (have to slide 
the cursor to the target first before tapping to click).
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