What's the current status of mp3-licensing issues?

Gerald B. Cox gbcox at bzb.us
Sun Nov 15 18:34:40 UTC 2015

On Sun, Nov 15, 2015 at 9:06 AM, Naheem Zaffar <naheemzaffar at gmail.com>

> People have moved past vorbis and into the world of Opus. Even MP3 is more
> for the vast amounts of legacy content - most current content will be AACL.

My understand is that Opus excels at lower bitrates; above 100 Vorbis is
better.  In any event, are the same FUD tactics that were used against
Vorbis applying to Opus - and with the expiration of the MP3 patents I
would think those arguments would now be moot... but I'm sure there will
always be some excuse.
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