Packaging:NamingGuidelines Re: DNF is completly unable to act with local packages

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at
Wed Nov 18 23:11:48 UTC 2015

>>>>> "SB" == Sérgio Basto <sergio at> writes:

SB> When we fix the .spec and don't change the source, we bump rightmost
SB> version, when we change the source, we bump the left version, so we
SB> can distinguish when we update the source and when we updated the
SB> .spec, this contrast for me is important.

For me, the simple rule that a Release: tag less than 1 implies
prerelease software, while a Release: tag of 1 or greater implies a
post-release package, is important.  So far the proponents of this
change haven't shown what things would actually look like after this
change, so it's hard for me to come up with a reason to change my

 - J<

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