python: dropping the .py files [was Re: Fedora 23 cloud image (and, for that matter, minimal anything)] bloat

Vít Ondruch vondruch at
Fri Sep 25 19:45:24 UTC 2015

Dne 25.9.2015 v 16:04 Matthew Miller napsal(a):
> On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 10:10:40AM +0200, Vít Ondruch wrote:
>> Also, you might consider to ship the precompiled bytecode just
>> optionally, using recommends.

Just to be clear, not/optional shipping the bytecode is the preferred
method IMO ....

>> On contrary, if you insist on shipping the bytecode, why you don't drop
>> the .py files? I see a lot of duplication all around python packages ....

I proposed this because some might complain that not shipping the
bytecode might result in some performance penalty, but I'd say that this
applies just for first run, so it is negligible


> Wait, we can do that? Why don't we?
> Everything I see in online discussion is centered on, basically,
> transparency. But we wouldn't be doing it for obfuscation. The srpms
> would still be there, and for that matter we could ship the .py files
> in a subpackage.

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