jargon-buster jargon-buster-en.xml, NONE, 1.1 Makefile, 1.3, 1.4 fedora-jargon-buster-en.xml, 1.9, NONE

Paul W. Frields (pfrields) fedora-docs-commits at redhat.com
Wed Aug 17 17:09:05 UTC 2005

Author: pfrields

Update of /cvs/docs/jargon-buster
In directory cvs-int.fedora.redhat.com:/tmp/cvs-serv8390

Modified Files:
Added Files:
Removed Files:
Log Message:
- Tidy-bowled doc.
- Instead of 2200+ line diff, halved by renaming file to remove redundant "fedora-"
- Fixed Makefile

--- NEW FILE jargon-buster-en.xml ---
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 "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd" [

<!ENTITY % FEDORA-ENTITIES-EN SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/fedora-entities-en.ent">

<!ENTITY BOOKID "jargon-buster-1.9.1 (2005-08-17)"> <!-- change version of manual and date here -->


  <title>Fedora Jargon Buster</title>

        <date>7 Nov 2003</date>
            Initial Release
        <date>8 Nov 2003</date>
            More added from Fedora list.
        <date>10 Nov 2003</date>
            More added from Fedora list.
        <date>10 Nov 2003</date>
            More added from various places (e.g. DV).
        <date>10 Nov 2003</date>
            Added LegalNotice and std ents.
        <date>11 Nov 2003</date>
            More additions from list.
        <date>11 Nov 2003</date>
            More additions from list and A-Z toc. Needs art.xsl
        <date>19 Dec 2003</date>
        <date>30 Jan 2004</date>
            Modified to build in fedora-docs module, Red Hat is 2 words,
            other edits and corrections
        <date>7 Mar 2004</date>
            Added request for input statement, added KDE and VMware
            terms (DaveP); added trademark tags around relevant words in
            new entries and modified para on contributing (TammyFox)
        <date>30 Sept 2004</date>
            Added Tettnang.



    This document attempts to clarify some of the terms used on various
    lists, &RH; pages, and IRC, when talking about Linux, &RHL;
    versions, releases, etc. Many thanks to the people on the
    fedora-list at &RH; for their input.

    If you would like a word added to this document, please email the
    mailing list
    <email>fedora-docs-list at redhat.com</email>
    . A list to the subscription page is available on the
    <ulink url="http://fedora.redhat.com/projects/docs/">project home
    page</ulink>. If you find a problem with these terms, file a
    <ulink url="http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/">Bugzilla</ulink>
    report against the fedora-docs component. There is also a bug
    reporting link on the
    <ulink url="http://fedora.redhat.com/projects/docs/">project
    page</ulink> as well.

  <glossary id="fedora-glossary">
      <title>Jargon Buster</title>
            The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) provides audio
            and MIDI functionality to the Linux operating system. Refer
            Anaconda is the installation program for Red Hat
            distributions. During installation, the system's hardware is
            identified and configured, and the appropriate file systems
            for the system's architecture are created. Finally, it
            allows the user to install the operating system software on
            the system. Optionally, it can upgrade existing Red Hat
            installations. Anaconda can run in a fully interactive mode
            (text or graphical), or in a kickstart mode, which is allows
            the installation to be scripted for unattended operation.
            Refer to
            <ulink url="http://fedora.redhat.com/projects/anaconda-installer/">&RH;</ulink>
            Refer to
            APT (Advanced Package Tool) is a dependency tool, well known
            to Debian users since it is used by default with their dpkg
            packages. But apt has been ported to work with RPM packages
            too, by Conectiva, who has now used it for some time in
            their GNU/Linux distribution. The good news is that apt for
            RPM may be used with any other RPM-based distribution. All
            you need is the tool compiled for your version of RPM and at
            least a repository where RPM packages and their apt metadata
            can be downloaded from.
        <glossterm>ATrpms </glossterm>
            This is a 3rd party RPM repository for &RHL; distributions.
            The original focus laid upon software used in natural
            sciences, especially in the field of high energy physics,
            e.g. tools for numerical programming or such for scientific
            publications. But since then this repository has included
            many non-scientific software titles, like system tools or
            multimedia packages, resulting in a far more generic
            repository. Refer to
            <ulink url="http://atrpms.physik.fu-berlin.de/">atrpms.physik.fu-berlin.de</ulink>
            An alternative to a simple FTP or HTTP download. Utilizes
            multiple channels to download. Refer to
            <ulink url="http://torrent.dulug.duke.edu/">Duke.edu</ulink>
            This is the tracker for Fedora Core 1 'Yarrow' release.
            An easy-to-navigate interface with intuitively organized
            menus. Bluecurve has been upgraded in &RHL; 9 and now
            extends to more areas of the operating system, including the
            menu and layout of the desktop.
            This is the &RH; bug-tracking system, our database for
            recording bugs in &RH; products. For more information about
            the Bugzilla bug tracking system, please refer to the main
            <ulink url="http://www.bugzilla.org/">Bugzilla</ulink> home
      <glossentry id="core1">
        <glossterm>Core 1</glossterm>
            The Yarrow version of Fedora. Sometimes abbreviated to FC 1
            or fc1, Fedora Core 1.
          <glossseealso otherterm="names">&RHL; Names</glossseealso>
      <glossentry id="core2">
        <glossterm>Core 2</glossterm>
            The Tettnang version of Fedora. Sometimes abbreviated to FC
            2 or fc2, Fedora Core 2.
          <glossseealso otherterm="names">&RHL; Names</glossseealso>
            A daemon to execute scheduled commands, for example to check
            email each day at noon. Cron searches /var/spool/cron for
            crontab files which are named after accounts in /etc/passwd;
            The Common UNIX Printing System ("CUPS") is a cross-platform
            printing solution for all UNIX environments. It is based on
            the "Internet Printing Protocol" and provides complete
            printing services to most PostScript and raster
        <glossterm>desktop switcher</glossterm>
            The switchdesk-gnome package provides a GNOME look and feel
            for the Desktop Switcher program provided in the switchdesk
            (Normally) the first ethernet port on your system
            Ethtool is a Linux net driver diagnostic and tuning tool for
            the Linux 2.4.x (or later) series of kernels. It obtains
            information and diagnostics related to media, link status,
            driver version, PCI (or other) bus location, and more.
            Frequently Asked Questions, for Fedora see
            <ulink url=" http://fedora.redhat.com/about/faq/">fedora.redhat.com</ulink>
            GNU Free Documentation License (FDL), see
            <ulink url="http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.html">gnu.org</ulink>
        <glossterm>FHS - File System Hierarchy Standard</glossterm>
            A collaborative document that defines the names and
            locations of many files and directories on a Linux system.
            Worth getting to know if you want to know what
            <emphasis>should</emphasis> go where. Refer to
            <ulink url="http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-9-Manual/ref-guide/s1-filesystem-fhs.html">&RH;</ulink>
            A source of RPMs. Matthias Saou, the host, says: In late
            2000, I started building quite a few RPM packages for my own
            needs, that couldn't easily be found elsewhere, or at least
            not so well suited for &RHL;. A few months later, the
            website on which these packages were hosted changed its name
            to become what people know today. A long time has passed and
            I still maintain all the packages I used to, and more of
            course! A whole community of users, testers and contributors
            has grown around the website and its packages, which is
            something I really didn't expect but really enjoy. Refer to
            <ulink url="http://freshrpms.net/">freshrpms.net</ulink>
          <glossseealso otherterm="RPM">RPM</glossseealso>
            fsck is a command line tool used to check and optionally
            repair Linux file systems.
            Remote command execution via a cryptographically strong
            method such as lsh or ssh is often painfully slow,
            especially if either of the involved computers is slow. The
            biggest problem is that the client and the server perform a
            lot of complex calculations during connection establishment.
            fsh uses lsh or ssh to establish a secure tunnel to the
            remote system. This takes as long as a normal connection
            establishment, but once the tunnel is established, fsh can
            reuse it to start new sessions on the remote system almost
            instantaneously. You get the security of ssh and the speed
            of rsh.
            The GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a
            freely distributed piece of software suitable for such tasks
            as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.
            Refer to <ulink url="http://www.gimp.org/">gimp.org</ulink>
            The GNU C library is used as the C library in the GNU system
            and most newer systems with the Linux kernel. Refer to
            <ulink url="http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/libc.html">gnu.org</ulink>
            The GNOME Project is an effort to create a complete, free
            and easy-to-use desktop environment for users, as well as a
            powerful application development framework for software
            developers. Refer to <ulink url="http://www.gnome.org">Home
            page </ulink>
            GnuPG is a complete and free replacement for PGP. Because it
            does not use the patented IDEA algorithm, it can be used
            without any restrictions. GnuPG is a RFC2440 (OpenPGP)
            compliant application. Refer to
  url="http://gnupg.org/">gnupg.org</ulink>. You may
            also see RPM-GPG-KEY referenced, which relates to the keys
            used for checking packages. E.g. see
        <glossterm>GPL &amp; non-GPL  http://www.fsf.org/licenses/gpl-faq.htm</glossterm>
            Gnu General Public Licence. Refer to
            <ulink url="http://www.fsf.org/licenses/licenses.html">fsf.org</ulink>
            GNU GRand Unified Boot loader or GRUB is a program which
            enables the user to select which installed operating system
            or kernel to load at system boot time. It also allows the
            user to pass arguments to the kernel. Refer to
            <ulink url="http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-9-Manual/ref-guide/s1-grub-whatis.html">&RH;</ulink>
            i386. The entire x86 line of computers and processors, from
            the Intel 386 forward all the way to Intel Pentium 4 and
            Athlon chips. All those are compatible with i386 instruction
            sets, the "lowest common denominator". Often used as
            shorthand for the distribution set of files meant for this
            line of computers or processors.
            IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel. IRC is a real-time,
            text-based form of communication. With it, you can have
            conversations with multiple people in an open channel or
            chat with someone privately one-on-one.
            As an acronym, ISO = International Standards Organization.
            More usefully, an abbreviation for the format of the
            downloadable version of the CD images, since the ISO defined
            the CD format.
            ISO standard ISO 9660:1988 entitled "Information processing
            -- Volume and file structure of CD-ROM for information
            interchange" does define the order of bits on a CD-ROM and
            so an image of an ISO 9660:1988 compliant media is called an
            ISO. For details see
            <ulink url="http://www.iso.org">iso.org</ulink>
            KDE is a desktop environment for UNIX workstations. KDE
            seeks to fill the need for an easy to use desktop for Unix
            workstations, similar to the desktop environments found
            under Mac OS or
  class="registered">Windows</trademark>. Refer
            to the <ulink
            page</ulink> for more information.
            The heart of Linux. The main code derived from Linus's
            original software.
            Many system administrators would prefer to use an automated
            installation method to install &RHL; on their machines. To
            answer this need, &RH; created the kickstart installation
            method. Using kickstart, a system administrator can create a
            single file containing the answers to all the questions that
            would normally be asked during a typical &RHL; installation.
            Refer to
            kudzu is the hardware autodetection &amp; configuration
            tool, originally introduced in &RHL; 6.1. It detects changes
            in the system's hardware configuration, and gives the option
            of configuring added or removed devices. It's set up by
            default to run at each boot.
            for more.
            Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
            LILO (LInux LOader) is a basic system program which boots
            your Linux system. LILO loads the Linux kernel from a floppy
            or a hard drive, boots the kernel and passes control of the
            system to the kernel. LILO can also boot other operating
            Linux standard base. The goal of the LSB is to develop and
            promote a set of standards that will increase compatability
            among Linux distributions
            lspci is a utility for displaying information about all PCI
            buses in the system and all devices connected to them.
            Another Linux distribution
            md5sum computes a 128-bit checksum (or fingerprint or
            message-digest) for each specified file. Refer to
            for Linux man pages. Why is it useful? Having downloaded
            Fedora, you'll mostly see a related file MD5SUM which holds
            some rather strange numbers. Run md5sum against the
            downloaded file or image, and you'll see a match if you are
            lucky, or if you don't get the match, you can be assured
            that the download is somehow faulty, and you need to
            download again, before you burn the CD.
            For windows,
            Memory testing may be performed prior to installing Fedora
            Core by entering <command> memtest86</command> at the boot:
            prompt. This causes the <command>Memtest86</command>
            standalone memory testing software to run.
            <command>Memtest86</command> memory testing continues until
            the Esc key is pressed.
        <glossterm>Mount point</glossterm>
            Mounting a CD is the equivalent of telling the Operating
            System that you want to use it. In Linux the only file
            system that is automatically mounted is the root file system
            which is automatically mounted on the root directory. Other
            file systems (eg. your floppy drive, cd rom drive, windows
            partitions, and any linux partitions other than root) can be
            mounted and unmounted as required. In the case of drives
            used with portable media (such as floppy drives, cd rom
            drives, and zip drives) it is necessary to unmount the drive
            before being able to remove the media from the drive.
            Mozilla is an open-source web browser, designed for
            standards compliance, performance and portability. Refer to
            <ulink url="http://www.mozilla.org">Mozilla.org</ulink>
            The graphical desktop includes a file manager called
            Nautilus that gives you a graphical display of your system
            and personal files. Nautilus is designed to be much more
            than a visual listing of files, however. It allows you to
            configure your desktop, configure your &RHL; system, browse
            your photo collection, access your network resources, and
            more all from one integrated interface. In essence, Nautilus
            becomes a shell for your entire desktop experience.
            <ulink url="http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-9-Manual/getting-started-guide/s1-desktop-nautilus.html">redhat</ulink>
            An alternate name for an RPM. Usually a number of files
            which together form an application or other usable software
            entity. Normally meant for installation by a package manager
          <glossseealso otherterm="RPM">RPM</glossseealso>
          <glossseealso otherterm="rhconfpkg">redhat-config-packages</glossseealso>
            Pine &mdash; a Program for Internet News &amp; Email &mdash;
            is a tool for reading, sending, and managing electronic
            messages (email). Refer to
            <ulink url="http://www.washington.edu/pine/">washington.edu</ulink>
            The name given to &RHL; 8
          <glossseealso otherterm="names">&RHL; Names</glossseealso>
            The bleeding edge, Rawhide is where the next version of
            packages are developed and tested. It is usually sort of
            stable, but on any given day any given package MIGHT be
            badly broken where the programmers are trying to add
            something or change something. Do not use on production
            machines, use at your own risk, etc.
      <glossentry id="names">
        <glossterm>&RHL; Names</glossterm>
            Tettnang, Yarrow, Shrike, Psyche, et al. Names are given to
            individual versions of &RHL; and &DISTRO; for reference and
            easy memory. People often forget whether they are using RHL
            8.0 (Psyche), RHL 9 (Shrike), or Fedora Core 1 (Yarrow), but
            the names are harder to forget. Note that other operating
            systems do the same thing, including other Linux distros and
            Microsoft (various versions of Windows have been named
            Chicago, Cairo, etc.).
            &RHEL; is the premiere operating system for open source
            computing. It's sold by annual subscription, runs on seven
            system architectures, is certified by top enterprise
            software and hardware vendors, and backed by a &RHN;
            subscription and up to 24x7 support with one-hour response.
            Refer to
            </ulink> for more.
      <glossentry id="rhconfpkg">
            redhat-config-packages is the package manager for &RHL; and
            &DISTRO;. It supports installation of packages from CD or
            other sources
        <glossterm>&RH; End User Licence Agreement (RHEULA)</glossterm>
            Each of &RH; software products is covered by an End User
            License Agreement. Refer to
            <ulink url="http://www.redhat.com/licenses/">&RH;</ulink>
        <glossterm>rhgb </glossterm>
            &RH; Graphical Boot.
            Fedora Core 1 now uses a graphical interface while booting.
            The graphical boot screen will appear once the kernel has
            loaded. Graphical booting is controlled by the GRAPHICAL
            line in the <filename>/etc/sysconfig/init</filename> file;
            set it to "no" to permanently disable graphical booting. In
            addition, the parameter rhgb must be appended to your
            bootloader command line.
            Systems that have been upgraded to Fedora Core 1 will not be
            configured to include the graphical boot feature. You must
            install the rhgb package, and add the rhgb boot-time
            parameter to your bootloader configuration.
        <glossterm>RHN Applet</glossterm>
            This applet, although called the rhn-applet really has
            nothing to do with RHN in Fedora. It is really just the
            convenient mechanism for GUI access to up2date.
      <glossentry id="RPM">
            &RH; Package Manager, or nowadays, RPM Package Manager.
            The standard way to build and distribute any application for
            &RHL;, &DISTRO;, and other Linux distributions that now use
            the same format. This includes Mandrake and possibly others
            of which I might be unaware. RPM is also the name for the
            application and command with which you install, upgrade,
            query, or remove an RPM package, and you often refer to a
            package as "the Apache RPM" meaning the RPM file for that
            application. Can also check dependencies between installed
            and new packages.
            rsync is an open source utility that provides fast
            incremental file transfer. Refer to
            <ulink url="http://samba.anu.edu.au/rsync/">samba.anu.edu</ulink>
            <ulink url="http://www.nsa.gov/selinux/">nsa.gov</ulink>,
            from which, Security-Enhanced Linux. This version of Linux
            has a strong, flexible mandatory access control architecture
            incorporated into the major subsystems of the kernel.
            The beta version of Fedora, closed off early November 2003,
            severn was the beta version 0.95
            The name given to &RHL; 9
          <glossseealso otherterm="names">&RHL; Names</glossseealso>
            Sodipodi is general vector illustrating application for
            Linux/Unix and Windows. It uses W3C SVG as native file and
            in-memory image format and can do many neat things. Refer to
            <ulink url="http://sourceforge.net/projects/sodipodi">Sourceforge</ulink>
            Source RPM, contains the source code for the package in case
            you want to read it or modify it. You do not need any SRPMS
            to install or use the software.
          <glossseealso otherterm="RPM">RPM</glossseealso>
            "Tettnang" is the second release (version 2) of Fedora Core.
          <glossseealso otherterm="names">&RHL; Names</glossseealso>
          <glossseealso otherterm="core2">Core 2</glossseealso>
            up2date is a complete system for managing and updating RPM
            packages on &RHL; and &DISTRO; system. It has both command
            line and gui modes. Refer to
            site</ulink> for more detail.
            A commercial product,
            <trademark class="registered">VMware</trademark> Workstation
            is virtual machine software for the desktop. Optimized for
            the power user, VMware Workstation runs multiple operating
            systems, including Microsoft Windows, Linux, and
            <trademark class="registered">Novell</trademark>
            <trademark class="registered">NetWare</trademark>,
            simultaneously on a single PC in fully networked, portable
            virtual machines. VMware Workstation works by enabling
            multiple operating systems and their applications to run
            concurrently on a single physical machine. These operating
            systems and applications are isolated in secure virtual
            machines that co-exist on a single piece of hardware. The
            VMware virtualization layer maps the physical hardware
            resources to the virtual machine's resources, so each
            virtual machine has its own CPU, memory, disks, I/O devices,
            etc. Virtual machines are the full equivalent of a standard
            x86 machine. Refer to its
            <ulink url="http://www.vmware.com/">home page </ulink> for
            more information.
            VNC stands for Virtual Network Computing. It is remote
            control software which allows you to view and interact with
            one computer (the "server") using a simple program (the
            "viewer") on another computer anywhere on the Internet.
            Refer to
            <ulink url="http://www.realvnc.com/">realvnc.com</ulink>
            XFS is a journalling filesystem developed by SGI and used in
            SGI's IRIX operating system. It is now also available under
            GPL for linux. It is extremely scalable, using btrees
            extensively to support large and/or sparse files, and
            extremely large directories. The journalling capability
            means no more waiting for fsck's or worrying about meta-data
            corruption. Refer to
            Provides a modified version of GNOME, which can be installed
            on a Linux distributions. Warning: After installing Ximian
            GNOME, it must be uninstalled before upgrading &RHL; or
            &DISTRO;. Refer to the <citetitle>Release Notes</citetitle>
            for details.
            Ximian had its genesis in the GNOME project and offers a
            complete Linux desktop environment and productivity
            application suite. Refer to
            <ulink url="http://www.ximian.com/about_us/">the home
            page</ulink>. The company was founded by some of the GNOME
            developers as a commercial entity related to GNOME. This led
            to the development of Evolution and improvement in GNOME.
            Bought by Novell Aug 2003
        <glossterm>X Window System</glossterm>
            Possibly a misnomer, though often used to describe the GUI
            (Window like ) user interface for Linux. Refer to
            for the rationale.
            "Severn" was a beta version of Fedora and "yarrow" is the
            first release version 1, November 6, 2003
            Also, yarrow - ubiquitous strong-scented mat-forming
            Eurasian herb of wasteland, hedgerow or pasture having
            narrow serrate leaves and small usually white florets;
            widely naturalized in North America. Yarrow is also, like
            Severn, a river in the UK.
          <glossseealso otherterm="names">&RHL; Names</glossseealso>
          <glossseealso otherterm="core1">Core 1</glossseealso>
            Yum is an automatic updater and package installer/remover
            for RPM systems. It automatically computes dependencies and
            figures out what actions should occur to install packages.
            Refer to

 <para> </para>

 <para> </para>


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+++ Makefile	17 Aug 2005 17:09:02 -0000	1.4
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 # Created by: Tammy Fox <tfox at redhat.com>
-# Last edited by: Tammy Fox <tfox at redhat.com>
+# Last edited by: Tommy Reynolds <Tommy.Reynolds at MegaCoder.com>
 # WARNING: need passivetex 1.24 for pdf generation to work
 # License: GPL
-# Copyright 2003-2004 Tammy Fox, Red Hat, Inc.
+# Copyright 2003 Tammy Fox, Red Hat, Inc.
+# Copyright 2005 Tommy Reynolds, MegaCoder.com
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+# a double-colon in your rule here.  For example, to 
+# print the message "FINISHED AT LAST" after building 
+# the HTML document version, uncomment the following 
+# line:

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