dgv2/en_US creating-document.xml,NONE,1.1

Paul W. Frields (pfrields) fedora-docs-commits at redhat.com
Fri Jun 2 06:09:27 UTC 2006

Author: pfrields

Update of /cvs/docs/dgv2/en_US
In directory cvs-int.fedora.redhat.com:/tmp/cvs-serv1321

Added Files:
Log Message:
Add beginning of creating-document file

--- NEW FILE creating-document.xml ---
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN"
"http://www.docbook.org/xml/4.4/docbookx.dtd" [

<!ENTITY % FDP-ENTITIES SYSTEM "fdp-entities.ent">

<!ENTITY % DOC-ENTITIES SYSTEM "doc-entities.ent">


<chapter id="creating-document">
  <title>Creating a Document in &SCM;</title>
    The &FDP; uses a standard organization for its work in &SCM;.  This
    organization promotes ease of use for writers, editors, and
    publishers. Each document in the &FDP; &SCM; system resides in its
    own separate directory, or <firstterm>module</firstterm>, named
    after the content.  Each module contains a number of required files
    which allow contributors to ensure the document can be easily built
    and published.  To create a new document, simply follow these steps.
      <title>Checking Out Common Tools</title>
	The <filename class="directory">docs-common</filename> module in
	&SCM; contains essential tools and support files.  To create a
	new document, make a work area and check out this module on your
	local system:
	<command>mkdir ~/fdp</command>
	<command>cd ~/fdp</command>
	<command>&SCM-CMD; -d &SCM-ROOT; co docs-common</command>
      <title>Creating a Module Directory</title>
	Use a descriptive name, but do not use the word "&FED;" in your
	module's name.  The following module names are good usage
	    <filename class="directory">example-tutorial</filename>
	    <filename class="directory">system-planning-guide</filename>


Local variables:
mode: xml
fill-column: 72


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