release-notes/devel/xmlbeats xmlfix, NONE, 1.1 steps-to-convert-FC6.txt, NONE, 1.1

Paul W. Frields (pfrields) fedora-docs-commits at
Sun Sep 24 20:00:57 UTC 2006

Author: pfrields

Update of /cvs/docs/release-notes/devel/xmlbeats
In directory

Added Files:
	xmlfix steps-to-convert-FC6.txt 
Log Message:
Fixes to make nice beats

--- NEW FILE xmlfix ---
# Take the output files from the "beatconvert" script and make them
# palatable for updating CVS.

print_usage() {
    echo "Usage: $0 [<beatdir>] [<docs-common-dir>]"
    echo "  <beatdir>: folder containing conversions of Beats (default $PWD)"
    echo "  <docs-common-dir>: location of docs-common module"

case $1 in
    -h|--help )
	print_usage && exit 0
    * )


[ $# -lt 2 ] && COMMON="../../../docs-common" || COMMON="$2"
if [ ! -d "$COMMON" ]; then
    echo "$COMMON is not the docs-common you're looking for."
    exit 1


[ -f "$XMLFORMAT" ] || ( echo "No xmlformat found" && exit 1 )
[ -f "$XMLFORMATCONF" ] || (echo "No xmlformat-fdp.conf found" && exit 1 )

mkdir -p Fixed/ || ( echo "Couldn't make a directory here" && exit 1 )

for i in $BEATDIR/*; do
    OUTXML="$(basename "$i").xml"
    sed -i 's@<\(/\)\?article>@<\1section>@' $OUTXML
    sed -i 's@<!DOCTYPE article@<!DOCTYPE section@' $OUTXML

    # Yes this is hacky. So sue me.
    sed -i "s@^<section@<section id=\"sn-${i}\"@" $OUTXML
    NEWTITLE=$(grep 'RAW HTML:' $OUTXML | sed 's at .\+<h2>\([^<]\+\).\+@\1@')
    sed -i "s@^  <title>.\+@  <title>${NEWTITLE}</title>@" $OUTXML

--- NEW FILE steps-to-convert-FC6.txt ---

0. Remove any existing "Beats" folder in the local directory, and make
   sure the "beatlist" file contains all the beats you need to pull.
   Include the parents of any sub-beats!

1. Use beatconvert to pull the beats from the main wiki to the test
   wiki and convert to XML.  **This will take several minutes because
   the test wiki disallows access if you hit it too often within a
   certain (unknown) span of time.  Pay attention and Ctrl+\ to quit
   if needed!**

   ./beatconvert beatlist

   The results are in the "Beats" folder.

2. Run xmlfix to get the section ID's and titles fixed.

   ./xmlfix Beats/

   The results are in the "Fixed" folder.

3. Edit, copy to the relnotes devel/en_US folder, and commit.  Don't
   forget to "make pot" also!

PWF, 2006-09-24

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