about-fedora/devel/en_US about-fedora.omf.in, NONE, 1.1 about-fedora.xml, NONE, 1.1

Paul W. Frields (pfrields) fedora-docs-commits at redhat.com
Sat Jan 27 21:56:25 UTC 2007

Author: pfrields

Update of /cvs/docs/about-fedora/devel/en_US
In directory cvs-int.fedora.redhat.com:/tmp/cvs-serv20075/en_US

Added Files:
	about-fedora.omf.in about-fedora.xml 
Log Message:
Content would be good too.

--- NEW FILE about-fedora.omf.in ---
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE omf PUBLIC "-//OMF//DTD Scrollkeeper OMF Variant V1.0//EN"

      fedora-docs-list at redhat.com (Fedora Documentation Project)
      fedora-docs-list at redhat.com (Fedora Documentation Project)
      About Fedora
    <version identifier="@RELEASE@" date="@DATE@" description="about-fedora- at RELEASE@"/>
    <subject category="General|Linux|Distributions|Other"/>
      Describes Fedora Core, the Fedora Project, and how you can help.
    <format mime="text/xml" dtd="-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN"/>
    <identifier url="file:///usr/share/doc/fedora-release-notes-@RELEASE@/about/@LANGC@/about-fedora.xml"/>
    <language code="@LANGC@"/>
    <relation seriesid="7a5d3ea2-2a1e-11da-86a3-8ea47a4bb227"/>
    <rights type="OPL" license="http://opencontent.org/openpub/" license.version="1.0"/>

--- NEW FILE about-fedora.xml ---
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> 
<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN"
"http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.4/docbookx.dtd" >

  <title>About Fedora</title>
      <corpauthor>The Fedora Project community</corpauthor>
      <holder>Red Hat, Inc. and others</holder>
  <para id="pa-about-fedora">
    Fedora is an open, innovative, forward looking operating system and
    platform, based on Linux, that is always free for anyone to use,
    modify and distribute, now and forever. It is developed by a large
    community of people who strive to provide and maintain the very best
    in free, open source software and standards. Fedora Core is
    part of the Fedora Project, sponsored by Red Hat, Inc.
    Visit the Fedora community Wiki at <ulink
  <section id="sn-about-extras">
    <title>Fedora Extras</title>
      The Fedora Extras project, sponsored by Red Hat and maintained by
      the Fedora community, provides hundreds of high-quality software
      packages to augment the software available in Fedora Core.  Visit
      our Web page at <ulink
  <section id="sn-about-docs">
    <title>Fedora Documentation</title>
      The Fedora Documentation Project provides 100% Free/Libre Open
      Source Software (FLOSS) content, services, and tools for
      documentation.  We welcome volunteers and contributors of all
      skill levels.  Visit our Web page at <ulink
  <section id="sn-about-translation">
    <title>Fedora Translation</title>
      The goal of the Translation Project is to translate the software
      and the documentation associated with the Fedora Project. Visit
      our Web page at <ulink
  <section id="sn-about-legacy">
    <title>Fedora Legacy</title>
      The Fedora Legacy Project is a community-supported open source
      project to extend the lifecycle of select 'maintenace mode' Red
      Hat Linux and Fedora Core distributions. Fedora Legacy project is
      a formal Fedora Project supported by the Fedora Foundation and
      sponsored by Red Hat.  Visit our Web page at <ulink
  <section id="sn-about-triage">
    <title>Fedora Bug Squad</title>
      The primary mission of the Fedora Bug Squad is to track down and
      clear bugs in <ulink
	url="https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla">Bugzilla</ulink> that
      are related to Fedora, and act as a bridge between users and
      developers. Visit our Web page at <ulink
  <section id="sn-about-marketing">
    <title>Fedora Marketing</title>
      The Fedora Marketing Project is the Fedora Project's public voice.
      Our goal is to promote Fedora and to help promote other Linux and
      open source projects.  Visit our Web page at <ulink
  <section id="sn-about-ambassadors">
    <title>Fedora Ambassadors</title>
      Fedora Ambassadors are people who go to places where other Linux
      users and potential converts gather and tell them about Fedora
      &mdash; the project and the distribution.  Visit our Web page at
      <ulink url="http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors"/>.
  <section id="sn-about-infrastructure">
    <title>Fedora Infrastructure</title>
      The Fedora Infrastructure Project is about helping all Fedora
      contributors get their stuff done with minimum hassle and maximum
      efficiency. Things under this umbrella include the Extras build
      system, the <ulink
	Account System</ulink>, the <ulink
	url="http://cvs.fedora.redhat.com/">CVS repositories</ulink>,
      the <ulink url="http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate">mailing
	lists</ulink>, and the <ulink
      infrastructure.  Visit our Web site at <ulink
  <section id="sn-about-websites">
    <title>Fedora Websites</title>
      The Fedora Websites initiative aims to improve Fedora's image on
      the Internet. The key goals of this effort include:
	  Trying to consolidate all the key Fedora websites onto one
	  uniform scheme
	  Maintaining the content that doesn't fall under any particular
	  Generally, making the sites as fun and exciting as the project
	  they represent!
      Visit our Web page at <ulink
  <section id="sn-about-artwork">
    <title>Fedora Artwork</title>
      Making things look pretty is the name of the game... Icons,
      desktop backgrounds, and themes are all parts of the Fedora
      Artwork Project.  Visit our Web page at <ulink
  <section id="sn-about-planet">
    <title>Fedora People</title>
      You can read weblogs of many Fedora contributors at our official
      aggregator, <ulink url="http://planet.fedoraproject.org/"/>.

Local variables:
mode: xml
fill-column: 72

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