translation-guide-windows/en_US translate-windows.xml,1.2,1.3

Paul W. Frields (pfrields) fedora-docs-commits at
Sun Jul 15 14:00:59 UTC 2007

Author: pfrields

Update of /cvs/docs/translation-guide-windows/en_US
In directory

Modified Files:
Log Message:
This document needs to be revised so thoroughly that it really doesn't
matter if I re-indent the whole thing at this point.  I'll put this on
my ToDo list; I was looking for an editing task to whittle away some

View full diff with command:
/usr/bin/cvs -f diff  -kk -u -N -r 1.2 -r 1.3 translate-windows.xml
Index: translate-windows.xml
RCS file: /cvs/docs/translation-guide-windows/en_US/translate-windows.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
--- translate-windows.xml	15 Jul 2007 13:55:34 -0000	1.2
+++ translate-windows.xml	15 Jul 2007 14:00:57 -0000	1.3
@@ -21,198 +21,214 @@
-      To join the Fedora translation team and work with people around the world
-      is easy in <trademark class="registered">Microsoft</trademark> <trademark
-      class="registered">Windows</trademark> as well. To achieve this, several
-      tools are needed:
-	</para>
+      To join the Fedora translation team and work with people around
+      the world is easy in <trademark
+	class="registered">Microsoft</trademark> <trademark
+	class="registered">Windows</trademark> as well. To achieve this,
+      several tools are needed:
+    </para>
-	<itemizedlist>
-	<listitem>
+    <itemizedlist>
+      <listitem>
-    A Web Browser that supports cookies
+	  A Web Browser that supports cookies
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
-    A <application>Concurrent Versions System</application> (<acronym>CVS</acronym>) client &mdash;
-	This artical uses <application>TortoiseCVS</application>
+	  A <application>Concurrent Versions System</application>
+	  (<acronym>CVS</acronym>) client &mdash; This artical uses
+	  <application>TortoiseCVS</application>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
-    An editor for <filename>.po</filename> files &mdash; This article uses <application>poEdit</application>
+	  An editor for <filename>.po</filename> files &mdash; This
+	  article uses <application>poEdit</application>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
-    A Secury Shell (<acronym>ssh</acronym>) client &mdash; This article uses <application>puttygen</application>
-	which is a free utility that generates personalized digital ID, using public key infrastructure.
-	This utility is bundled within <application>TortoiseCVS</application>
+	  A Secury Shell (<acronym>ssh</acronym>) client &mdash; This
+	  article uses <application>puttygen</application> which is a
+	  free utility that generates personalized digital ID, using
+	  public key infrastructure. This utility is bundled within
+	  <application>TortoiseCVS</application>
-	</listitem>
-	</itemizedlist>
+      </listitem>
+    </itemizedlist>
-	<para>
-	This article will introduce you where to find and download these tools, how to install and setup,
-	and even a brief description of how to use them.
-	</para>
+    <para>
+      This article will introduce you where to find and download these
+      tools, how to install and setup, and even a brief description of
+      how to use them.
+    </para>
   <sect1 id="s1-cvs">
-    <title>Download and Install <application>TortoiseCVS</application></title>
+    <title>Download and Install
+      <application>TortoiseCVS</application></title>
-	  <secondary>download</secondary>
+      <secondary>download</secondary>
-	  <secondary>install</secondary>
+      <secondary>install</secondary>
-      To download <application>TortoiseCVS</application>, go to:
-<ulink url=""></ulink>
-	  For demonstration purpose, this artical uses <filename>TortoiseCVS-1.6.14</filename>.
+      To download <application>TortoiseCVS</application>, go to <ulink
+	url=""></ulink>. 
+      For demonstration purpose, this artical uses
+      <filename>TortoiseCVS-1.6.14</filename>.
-	<para>
-	To install <application>TortoiseCVS</application>, double-click the file you just downloaded.
-	The following screenshots illustrate the installation process step by step:
-	</para>
+    <para>
+      To install <application>TortoiseCVS</application>, double-click
+      the file you just downloaded. The following screenshots illustrate
+      the installation process step by step:
+    </para>
+    <itemizedlist>
+      <listitem>
     Step 1: Welcome to TortoiseCVS setup (as shown in
-	<xref linkend="fig-tortoise-setup1"/>). Press <guibutton>Next></guibutton> to continue.
-	</para>
-	<para>
-    Step 2: Select destination directory (as shown in <xref linkend="fig-tortoise-setup2"/>).
-	Customize your directory or press <guibutton>Next></guibutton>
-	to accept the default setting.
-	</para>
-	<para>
-    Step 3: Select components (as shown in <xref linkend="fig-tortoise-setup3"/>).
-	To accept <emphasis>full</emphasis> installation, press <guibutton>Next></guibutton>.
-	</para>
-	<para>
-    Step 4: Installing (as shown in <xref linkend="fig-tortoise-setup4"/>).
+	<xref linkend="fig-tortoise-setup1"/>). Press
+	  <guibutton>Next></guibutton> to continue.
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
-    Step 5: To make changes take effect, you need to restart the computer. Press
-	<guibutton>Finish</guibutton> to restart (as shown in <xref linkend="fig-tortoise-setup5"/>).
-	</para>
-<figure id="fig-tortoise-setup1">
-    <title>Welcome to TortoiseCVS setup</title>
-    <mediaobject>
-      <imageobject>
-        <imagedata fileref="./figs/tortoise/image001.eps"
-          format="EPS"/>
-      </imageobject>
-      <imageobject>
-        <imagedata fileref="./figs/tortoise/image001.jpg"
-          format="JPG"/>
-      </imageobject>
-      <textobject>
-        <phrase>
-			Welcome to TortoiseCVS setup.
-        </phrase>
-      </textobject>
-    </mediaobject>
-  </figure>
-<figure id="fig-tortoise-setup2">
-    <title>Select Destination Directory</title>
-    <mediaobject>
-      <imageobject>
-        <imagedata fileref="./figs/tortoise/image002.eps"
-          format="EPS"/>
-      </imageobject>
-      <imageobject>
-        <imagedata fileref="./figs/tortoise/image002.jpg"
-          format="JPG"/>
-      </imageobject>
-      <textobject>
-        <phrase>
-			Select destination directory.
-        </phrase>
-      </textobject>
-    </mediaobject>
-  </figure>
-<figure id="fig-tortoise-setup3">
-    <title>Select Components</title>
-    <mediaobject>
-      <imageobject>
[...2641 lines suppressed...]
+	    </phrase>
+	  </textobject>
+	</mediaobject>
+      </figure>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 id="s2-cycle-5">
+      <title> Phase 5 </title>
+      <indexterm>
+	<primary>Status page</primary>
+	<secondary>release</secondary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <para>
+	The phase is an optional one, only occurs when you decide to
+	stop working on a file before it's fully translated. For
+	example, you may go on a holiday and don't want to keep working
+	on a file but would like others to be able to resume the work.
+	To do so, you need to go to the Fedora status page, find the
+	package you had taken, and click the package name to view the
+	detail. On the bottom of that page, you would see the
+	<guibutton>Release</guibutton> link, as shown in <xref
+	  linkend="fig-cycle-12"/>.
+      </para>
+      <figure id="fig-cycle-12">
+	<title>Release File Screen</title>
+	<mediaobject>
+	  <imageobject>
+	    <imagedata fileref="./figs/cycle/fedora_released.eps"
+          format="EPS"/>
+	  </imageobject>
+	  <imageobject>
+	    <imagedata fileref="./figs/cycle/fedora_released.jpg"
+          format="JPG"/>
+	  </imageobject>
+	  <textobject>
+	    <phrase>
+	      Release file screen.
+	    </phrase>
+	  </textobject>
+	</mediaobject>
+      </figure>
+      <para>
+	This is the end of the life cycle of Fedora software
+	translation. We do hope you enjoy being with part of the open
+	source community and continue lending your support.
+      </para>
+    </sect2>
   <sect1 id="s1-resource">
     <title>Other Resources</title>
-<sect2 id="s2-resource-website">
-<title> Related Websites </title>
-    <indexterm>
-      <primary>resource</primary>
-	  <secondary>websites</secondary>
-    </indexterm>
+    <sect2 id="s2-resource-website">
+      <title> Related Websites </title>
+      <indexterm>
+	<primary>resource</primary>
+	<secondary>websites</secondary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	  <term> Official website of
+	    <application>TortoiseCVS</application></term>
+	  <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	      <ulink
+		url=""></ulink>
+	    </para>
+	  </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	  <term> Official website of
+	    <application>poEdit</application></term>
+	  <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	      <ulink
+		url=""></ulink>
+	    </para>
+	  </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	  <term> Official website of
+	    <application>PuTTY</application></term>
+	  <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	      <ulink
+		url=""></ulink>
+	    </para>
+	  </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	  <term>  <application>WinCvs</application> CVS Client </term>
+	  <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	      <application>WinCvs</application> is an alternative CVS
+	      client you can use. The following article describes its
+	      installation steps in detail. <ulink
+		url=";group_id=1">;group_id=1</ulink>
+	    </para>
+	  </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	  <term> A good CVS guide</term>
+	  <listitem>
+	    <para>
+	      <ulink
+		url=""></ulink>
+	    </para>
+	  </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+      </variablelist>
+    </sect2>
-<term> Official website of <application>TortoiseCVS</application></term>
-    <para>
-	<ulink url=""></ulink>
-    </para>
-<term> Official website of <application>poEdit</application></term>
-    <para>
-	<ulink url=""></ulink>
-    </para>
-<term> Official website of <application>PuTTY</application></term>
-    <para>
-	<ulink url=""></ulink>
-    </para>
-<term>  <application>WinCvs</application> CVS Client </term>
-    <para>
-	<application>WinCvs</application> is an alternative CVS client you can use. The following article
-	describes its installation steps in detail.
-	<ulink url=";group_id=1">;group_id=1</ulink>
-    </para>
-<term> A good CVS guide</term>
-    <para>
-	<ulink url=""></ulink>
-    </para>
-<sect2 id="s2-resource-feedback">
-<title> Your Feedback </title>
-Your feedback is always welcome! If you have spotted any typo or errors, please contact
-<ulink url="mailto:ccheng at[Fedora translation in Windows] ">Chester Cheng</ulink>,
-or simply discuss it through <ulink url="">
-Fedora Translation List</ulink>.
-Hope this article has helped you to set things up.  Looking forward to hearing from you!
+    <sect2 id="s2-resource-feedback">
+      <title> Your Feedback </title>
+      <para>
+	Your feedback is always welcome! If you have spotted any typo or
+	errors, please contact <ulink
+	  url="mailto:ccheng at[Fedora translation in
+	  Windows] ">Chester Cheng</ulink>, or simply discuss it through
+	<ulink
+	  url=""> 
+	  Fedora Translation List</ulink>.
+      </para>
+      <para>
+	Hope this article has helped you to set things up.  Looking
+	forward to hearing from you!
+      </para>
+    </sect2>
-<index id="generated-index"></index>
+  <index id="generated-index"></index>

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