en-US/Feedback.xml en-US/FileServers.xml en-US/FileSystems.xml

John J. McDonough jjmcd at fedoraproject.org
Fri Apr 3 00:25:55 UTC 2009

 en-US/Feedback.xml    |   74 +++++++++++------
 en-US/FileServers.xml |    3 
 en-US/FileSystems.xml |  207 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 3 files changed, 159 insertions(+), 125 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit a209f10c948d1fd24b0223c61bc0fde13ccdabda
Author: John J. McDonough <jjmcd at fedoraproject.org>
Date:   Thu Apr 2 20:24:13 2009 -0400

    XML cleanup - letter F

diff --git a/en-US/Feedback.xml b/en-US/Feedback.xml
index 2eba077..780615e 100644
--- a/en-US/Feedback.xml
+++ b/en-US/Feedback.xml
@@ -3,31 +3,51 @@
-        <title>Feedback</title>
-        <para>Thank you for taking the time to provide your comments, suggestions, and bug reports to the Fedora community; this helps improve the state of Fedora, Linux, and free software worldwide.
-        <section>
-            <title>Providing Feedback on Fedora Software</title>
-            <para>To provide feedback on Fedora software or other system elements, please refer to <ulink type="http" url="http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Bugs_and_feature_requests">http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Bugs_and_feature_requests</ulink>. A list of commonly reported bugs and known issues for this release is available from <ulink type="http" url="http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Common_F11_bugs">http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Common_F11_bugs</ulink>.
-        </section>
-        <section>
-            <title>Providing Feedback on Release Notes</title>
-            <para>If you feel these release notes could be improved in any way, you can provide your feedback directly to the beat writers. There are several ways to provide feedback, in order of preference:</para>
-            <itemizedlist>
-                <listitem>
-                    <para> If you have a Fedora account, edit content directly at <ulink type="http" url="http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_Beats">http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_Beats</ulink>.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                    <para> Fill out a bug request using this template: <ulink type="http" url="http://tinyurl.com/nej3u">http://tinyurl.com/nej3u</ulink> - <emphasis role="bold">This link is ONLY for feedback on the release notes themselves.</emphasis>  Refer to the admonition above for details.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                    <para> Email <ulink type="http" url="relnotes at fedoraproject.org">relnotes at fedoraproject.org</ulink>.</para>
-                </listitem>
-            </itemizedlist>
-        </section>
-    </section>
+  <title>Feedback</title>
+  <para>
+    Thank you for taking the time to provide your comments,
+    suggestions, and bug reports to the Fedora community; this helps
+    improve the state of Fedora, Linux, and free software worldwide.
+  </para>
+  <section>
+    <title>Providing Feedback on Fedora Software</title>
+    <para>
+      To provide feedback on Fedora software or other system elements,
+      please refer to <ulink type="http"
+      url="http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Bugs_and_feature_requests">http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Bugs_and_feature_requests</ulink>. A
+      list of commonly reported bugs and known issues for this release
+      is available from <ulink type="http"
+      url="http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Common_F11_bugs">http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Common_F11_bugs</ulink>.
+    </para>
+  </section>
+  <section>
+    <title>Providing Feedback on Release Notes</title>
+    <para>
+    If you feel these release notes could be improved in any way, you
+    can provide your feedback directly to the beat writers. There are
+    several ways to provide feedback, in order of preference:</para>
+    <itemizedlist>
+      <listitem>
+	<para> 
+	If you have a Fedora account, edit content directly at <ulink
+	type="http"
+	url="http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_Beats">http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_Beats</ulink>.</para>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+	<para> 
+	Fill out a bug request using this template: <ulink type="http"
+	url="http://tinyurl.com/nej3u">http://tinyurl.com/nej3u</ulink>
+	- <emphasis role="bold">This link is ONLY for feedback on the
+	release notes themselves.</emphasis> Refer to the admonition
+	above for details.</para>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+	<para> 
+	  Email <ulink type="http"
+	  url="relnotes at fedoraproject.org">relnotes at fedoraproject.org</ulink>.
+	</para>
+      </listitem>
+    </itemizedlist>
+  </section>
diff --git a/en-US/FileServers.xml b/en-US/FileServers.xml
index 901d138..5eaa3ec 100644
--- a/en-US/FileServers.xml
+++ b/en-US/FileServers.xml
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
   <title>File Servers</title>
-  <remark>This beat is located here: <ulink type="http" url="https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_File_Servers_Beat">https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_File_Servers_Beat</ulink></remark>
+  <remark>This beat is located here: <ulink type="http"
+  url="https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_File_Servers_Beat">https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Documentation_File_Servers_Beat</ulink></remark>
diff --git a/en-US/FileSystems.xml b/en-US/FileSystems.xml
index 6f8f8d2..6cd9243 100644
--- a/en-US/FileSystems.xml
+++ b/en-US/FileSystems.xml
@@ -3,103 +3,116 @@
-        <title>File Systems</title>
-        <remark>This beat is located here: <ulink type="http" url="https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs/Beats/FileSystems">https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs/Beats/FileSystems</ulink></remark>
-        <section>
-        	<title>Ext4 - The default file system</title>
-        	<para>
-			Fedora 11 utilizes ext4 as the default file system. ext4 brings significant new features and performance enhancements including:
-        		<itemizedlist>
-        			<listitem>
-        				<para>
-        					Improvements in file systems and sizes
-							<itemizedlist>
-								<listitem>
-									<para>
-										File system size increased to one exabyte (1 EiB) 
-									</para>
-								</listitem>
-								<listitem>
-									<para>
-										File size limit is sixteen terabytes (16 TiB) 
-									</para>
-								</listitem>
-								<listitem>
-									<para>
-										No limit on number of sub-directories 
-									</para>
-								</listitem>
-							</itemizedlist>
-        				</para>
-        			</listitem>
-        			<listitem>
-        				<para>
-        					Performance
-							<itemizedlist>
-								<listitem>
-									<para>
-										Extents increase performance in certain situations, especially large files
-									</para>
-								</listitem>
-								<listitem>
-									<para>
-										Multiblock allocation is a new file block allocation method with faster write speed 
-									</para>
-								</listitem>
-								<listitem>
-									<para>
-										These combine with delayed allocation of blocks for better performance and fragmentation
-									</para>
-								</listitem>
-							</itemizedlist>
-        				</para>
-        			</listitem>
-        		</itemizedlist>
+  <title>File Systems</title>
+  <remark>This beat is located here: <ulink type="http" url="https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs/Beats/FileSystems">https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs/Beats/FileSystems</ulink></remark>
+  <section>
+    <title>Ext4 - The default file system</title>
+    <para>
+      Fedora 11 utilizes ext4 as the default file system. ext4 brings
+      significant new features and performance enhancements including:
+      <itemizedlist>
+	<listitem>
+	  <para>
+	    Improvements in file systems and sizes
+	    <itemizedlist>
+	      <listitem>
+		<para>
+		  File system size increased to one exabyte (1 EiB) 
-        		<section>	
-				<title>Buffered Data Loss Mitigation</title>
-				<para>
-					The recent news about buffered data loss experienced during a 
-					system crash with ext4 has resulted in upstream, and thus F11, 
-					flushing file data on a truncate or rename to mitigate this issue.
-				</para>
-			</section>
-			<section>
-				<title>Migration from ext3 to ext4</title>
-				<para>
-					It is generally recommended that users wishing to make use of ext4
-					start with a freshly formatted partition. However you may install with the
-					<command>ext4migrate</command> boot option if you wish to convert your legacy ext3 partitions
-					to ext4. Users are cautioned that they will not realize many of the benefits
-					ext4 since the data currently residing on the partition will not make use of
-					extents. New data will make use of extents. Please note that as suggested by
-					the requirement to pass a boot option that migration to ext4 has not been 
-					heavily tested and users are urged to backup filesystems before attempting
-					migration
-				</para>
-			</section>
-			<section>
-				<title>No grub support</title>
-				<para> 
-					Currently <application>grub</application> doesn't support booting from an 
-					ext4 partition so make sure to utilize ext2/3 for /boot
-				</para>
-			</section>
-        </section>	
-	<section>
-	<title>btrfs - next-generation Linux filesystem</title>
-	<para> Fedora 11 makes btrfs, the next-generation Linux filesystem available as a technology preview. To enable 
-		btrfs pass <command>icantbelieveitsnotbtr</command> as a boot potion. Users are warned that btrfs is still experimental and 
-		under heavy development. The on-disk format may yet change and much functionality is still missing such
-		as a fully operative fsck or even proper out-of-space handling. 
-	</para>
-		<section>
+	      </listitem>
+	      <listitem>
+		<para>
+		  File size limit is sixteen terabytes (16 TiB) 
+		</para>
+	      </listitem>
+	      <listitem>
+		<para>
+		  No limit on number of sub-directories 
+		</para>
+	      </listitem>
+	    </itemizedlist>
+	  </para>
+	</listitem>
+	<listitem>
+	  <para>
+	    Performance
+	    <itemizedlist>
+	      <listitem>
+		<para>
+		  Extents increase performance in certain situations,
+		  especially large files
+		</para>
+	      </listitem>
+	      <listitem>
+		<para>
+		  Multiblock allocation is a new file block allocation
+		  method with faster write speed
+		</para>
+	      </listitem>
+	      <listitem>
+		<para>
+		  These combine with delayed allocation of blocks for
+		  better performance and fragmentation
+		</para>
+	      </listitem>
+	    </itemizedlist>
+	  </para>
+	</listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+    </para>
+    <section>	
+      <title>Buffered Data Loss Mitigation</title>
+      <para>
+	The recent news about buffered data loss experienced during a
+	system crash with ext4 has resulted in upstream, and thus F11,
+	flushing file data on a truncate or rename to mitigate this
+	issue.
+      </para>
+    </section>
+    <section>
+      <title>Migration from ext3 to ext4</title>
+      <para>
+	It is generally recommended that users wishing to make use of
+	ext4 start with a freshly formatted partition. However you may
+	install with the <command>ext4migrate</command> boot option if
+	you wish to convert your legacy ext3 partitions to ext4. Users
+	are cautioned that they will not realize many of the benefits
+	ext4 since the data currently residing on the partition will
+	not make use of extents. New data will make use of
+	extents. Please note that as suggested by the requirement to
+	pass a boot option that migration to ext4 has not been heavily
+	tested and users are urged to backup filesystems before
+	attempting migration
+      </para>
+    </section>
+    <section>
+      <title>No grub support</title>
+      <para> 
+	Currently <application>grub</application> doesn't support
+	booting from an ext4 partition so make sure to utilize ext2/3
+	for /boot
+      </para>
+    </section>
+  </section>	
+  <section>
+    <title>btrfs - next-generation Linux filesystem</title>
+    <para> 
+      Fedora 11 makes btrfs, the next-generation Linux filesystem
+      available as a technology preview. To enable btrfs pass
+      <command>icantbelieveitsnotbtr</command> as a boot potion. Users
+      are warned that btrfs is still experimental and under heavy
+      development. The on-disk format may yet change and much
+      functionality is still missing such as a fully operative fsck or
+      even proper out-of-space handling.
+    </para>
+    <section>
-			<title>No grub support</title>
-			<para> 
-				Currently <application>grub</application> doesn't support booting from a btrfs partition 
-				so make sure to utilize ext2/3 for /boot 
-			</para>
-		</section>
-	</section>
+      <title>No grub support</title>
+      <para> 
+	Currently <application>grub</application> doesn't support
+	booting from a btrfs partition so make sure to utilize ext2/3
+	for /boot
+      </para>
+  </section>

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