[software-management-guide/fc4] add old translations

Rüdiger Landmann rlandmann at fedoraproject.org
Sun Jun 6 15:04:21 UTC 2010

commit 38caffa18ddecdb46f6c70a047cbe873adf2309b
Author: Ruediger Landmann <r.landmann at redhat.com>
Date:   Mon Jun 7 01:03:40 2010 +1000

    add old translations

 yum-software-management-es-1.0.5.xml | 2034 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 yum-software-management-zh_CN.xml    |  409 ++++++
 zh_CN.po                             | 2456 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 4899 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/yum-software-management-es-1.0.5.xml b/yum-software-management-es-1.0.5.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..808c934
--- /dev/null
+++ b/yum-software-management-es-1.0.5.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2034 @@
+<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//ES"
+ "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd" [
+<!ENTITY % FEDORA-ENTITIES-EN SYSTEM "../docs-common/common/fedora-entities-en.ent">
+<!ENTITY DOCNAME "yum-software-management">
+<!ENTITY DOCDATE "2005-11-28">
+<!-- this will soon vanish -->
+<article id="yum-software-management" lang="es">
+  <articleinfo>
+    <title
+>Administrando Software con <command
+    <copyright>
+      <year
+      <holder
+>Stuart Ellis</holder>
+    </copyright>
+    <authorgroup>
+      <author
+> <firstname
+> </author>
+    </authorgroup>
+    <revhistory>
+      <revision>
+        <revnumber
+        <date
+        <authorinitials
+        <revdescription>
+          <para
+>Importación inicial a CVS </para>
+        </revdescription>
+      </revision>
+      <revision>
+        <revnumber
+        <date
+        <authorinitials
+        <revdescription>
+          <para
+>Actualizado por &FC; &FCLOCALVER;. </para>
+        </revdescription>
+      </revision>
+      <revision>
+        <revnumber
+        <date
+        <authorinitials
+        <revdescription>
+          <para
+>Editado por razones de estilo y utilidad; publicación BETA </para>
+        </revdescription>
+      </revision>
+      <revision>
+        <revnumber
+        <date
+        <authorinitials
+        <revdescription>
+          <para
+>Publish to official project page. </para>
+        </revdescription>
+      </revision>
+      <revision>
+        <revnumber
+        <date
+        <authorinitials
+        <revdescription>
+          <para
+>Added information on installing without repository and manually adding keys. </para>
+        </revdescription>
+      </revision>
+      <revision>
+        <revnumber
+        <date
+        <authorinitials
+        <revdescription>
+          <para
+>Fix localinstall information. </para>
+        </revdescription>
+      </revision>
+      <revision>
+        <revnumber
+        <date
+        <authorinitials
+        <revdescription>
+          <para
+>Fix wording (#170584). </para>
+        </revdescription>
+      </revision>
+      <revision>
+        <revnumber
+        <date
+        <authorinitials
+        <revdescription>
+          <para
+>Updated section on proxy servers. Fixed #166122. </para>
+        </revdescription>
+      </revision>
+      <revision>
+	<revnumber
+	<date
+	<authorinitials
+	<revdescription>
+	  <para
+>Fixed some uses of "&FED;" to read "&FC;" where appropriate. </para>
+	</revdescription>
+      </revision>
+    </revhistory>
+  </articleinfo>
+  <section id="sn-introduction">
+    <title
+    <section id="sn-purpose">
+      <title
+      <para
+>Este documento presenta conceptos básicos sobre la administración de software en sistemas &FED;. Describe las principales funciones de <command
+>,la herramienta de administración de software recomendada por &FED;. </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id="sn-software-management-audience">
+      <title
+      <para
+>Este documento está destinado a todos los usuarios de &FED; sin importar el nivel de experiencia. </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id="sn-software-management-usingdoc">
+      <title
+>Uso de este documento</title>
+      <para
+>Este documento es una referencia sobre el uso de <command
+>. Puede leer una o todas las secciones de este documento dependiendo de sus necesidades y su nivel de experiencia. Si usted es un usuario nuevo, lea la <xref linkend="sn-software-management-concepts"/> antes de utilizar <command
+> por primera vez. Los usuarios de Linux más experimentados pueden iniciar con la <xref linkend="sn-managing-packages"/>. </para>
+      <note>
+        <title
+>Versiones anteriores de &FC;</title>
+        <para
+>Este documento describe la configuración de <command
+> en sistemas &FC; &FCLOCALVER;. Usted debe ejecutar el paso adicional que se muestra en la <xref linkend="sn-authorizing-package-sources"/> para activar <command
+> en &FC; 3. </para>
+      </note>
+      <para
+>La mayoría de los ejemplos en este documento utilizan el paquete <filename
+>, el cual está incluido en &FC;. El paquete <filename
+> proporciona una aplicación para el acceso remoto de escritorio. Si lo ha instalado de manera exitosa, usted puede iniciar la aplicación desde <menuchoice
+>Terminal Server Client</guimenuitem
+>. Para utilizar los ejemplos, substituya el nombre del paquete relevante por <filename
+>. Los comandos de ejemplo para los grupos de paquetes &FED;utilizan el grupo <filename
+>MySQL Database</filename
+>. </para>
+      <important>
+        <title
+>Evite iniciar la sesión como usuario root</title>
+        <para
+>Usted no necesita iniciar una sesión como usuario <systemitem class="username"
+> para poder administrar su sistema &FED;. Todos los comandos en esta guía que requieren acceso de <systemitem class="username"
+> le solicitarán la contraseña de root. Los ejemplos de comandos de terminal utilizan <command
+>su <option
+> para proporcionar esta facilidad.  </para>
+      </important>
+    </section>
+    <section id="sn-yum-additional-resources">
+      <title
+>Recursos adicionales</title>
+      <indexterm>
+      <primary
+      <secondary
+      </indexterm
+> <indexterm>
+      <primary
+      <secondary
+>paginas de manual (man)</secondary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <para
+>La utilidad <command
+> tiene características y opciones que no se discutirán en este documento. Lea las páginas del manual <command
+> para <command
+> y <filename
+> para obtener mayor información; utilice los siguientes comandos: </para>
+>man yum
+man yum.conf</userinput
+      <indexterm>
+      <primary
+      <secondary
+>sitios web</secondary>
+      </indexterm
+> <indexterm>
+      <primary
+      <secondary
+>listas de correo</secondary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <para
+>Entre otros recursos útiles para <command
+> en internet están: </para>
+      <variablelist>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term
+>La página web del proyecto </term>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>
+              <ulink url="http://linux.duke.edu/projects/yum/"
+            </para>
+          </listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term
+>La lista de correo de los usuarios </term>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>
+              <ulink url="https://lists.dulug.duke.edu/mailman/listinfo/yum/"
+            </para>
+          </listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term
+>La lista de correo de los desarrolladores </term>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>
+              <ulink url="https://lists.dulug.duke.edu/pipermail/yum-devel/"
+            </para>
+          </listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+      </variablelist>
+      <tip>
+        <title
+>Revise primero &BZ;</title>
+        <para
+>Si encuentra un error persistente con una operación específica, visite &BZ-URL; y revise el reporte de errores para el paquete o paquetes involucrados. Un error en un paquete puede causar la falla de todas las operaciones de <command
+> que dependen del paquete. Por favor reporte los errores de los paquetes &FED;, incluyendo <command
+>, en esta página web de &BZ;. </para>
+      </tip>
+    </section>
+  </section>
+  <section id="sn-software-management-concepts">
+    <title
+>Conceptos de la administración de software</title>
+    <section id="sn-about-packages">
+      <title
+>Sobre los paquetes</title>
+      <indexterm>
+      <primary
+      <secondary
+      </indexterm>
+      <para
+>El software y la documentación de &FED; se suministra en formatos de archivo llamados <firstterm
+> RPM. Cada paquete es un archivo comprimido que contiene información del producto, archivos de programa, iconos, documentación y scripts de administración. Las aplicaciones de administración utilizan estos archivos para ubicar, instalar, actualizar y remover software de una forma segura. Por ejemplo, el proceso de instalación de &FED; utiliza los paquetes suministrados con &FC; para construir o actualizar un sistema según sus requerimientos. </para>
+      <para
+>Los paquetes incluyen también una firma digital para comprobar su procedencia. Las utilidades de administración de software verifican esta firma digital utilizando una <firstterm
+>llave pública</firstterm
+> GPG. Las utilidades <command
+> y <command
+> comparten un mismo <firstterm
+> que almacena todas las llaves públicas para las fuentes de paquetes aprobadas. El administrador de sistema configura estas fuentes de paquetes aprobadas. </para>
+      <note>
+        <title
+>Todos los paquetes de &FED; son Software de código abierto</title>
+        <para
+>Todo el software proporcionado por el &FP; es software de código abierto. Usted puede descargar e instalar paquetes de &FED; en cualquier cantidad de sistemas deseado. </para>
+      </note>
+    </section>
+    <section id="sn-about-repositories">
+      <title
+>Sobre los repositorios</title>
+      <indexterm>
+      <primary
+      <secondary
+      </indexterm>
+      <para
+>Un <firstterm
+> es un directorio o sitio web que contiene paquetes de software y archivos de índices. Las utilidades de administración de software como <command
+> automáticamente ubican y obtienen los paquetes RPM correctos desde esos repositorios. Este método lo libera de tener que buscar e instalar las nuevas aplicaciones o actualizaciones de forma manual. Usted puede utilizar un único comando para actualizar todo el software del sistema o buscar por nuevo software según un criterio dado. </para>
+      <para
+>Una red de servidores proporcionan varios repositorios para cada versión de &FC;. Las utilidades de administración de paquetes en &FC; están preconfiguradas para utilizar tres de estos repositorios: </para>
+      <variablelist>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term
+>Base </term>
+          <listitem>
+            <para
+>Los paquetes que conforman un lanzamiento de &FC;, tal y como están en el disco </para>
+          </listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term
+>Actualizaciones </term>
+          <listitem>
+            <para
+>Versiones actualizadas de los paquetes proporcionados en Base </para>
+          </listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term
+>&EX; </term>
+          <listitem>
+            <para
+>Paquetes para una variada gama de software adicional </para>
+          </listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+      </variablelist>
+      <note>
+        <title
+>Versiones anteriores de &FC;</title>
+        <para
+>&FC; &FCLOCALVER; soportan automáticamente los tres repositorios listados arriba. Usted debe configurar los sistemas &FC; 3 para usar &FEX;, tal y como se menciona en la <xref linkend="sn-using-repositories"/>. </para>
+      </note>
+      <warning>
+        <title
+>Repositorios de desarrollo &FED;</title>
+        <para
+>&FC; también incluye la configuración para varios repositorios adicionales. Estos proporcionan paquetes para varios tipos de sistemas de prueba, y remplazan uno o más de los repositorios estándar.  Active el soporte de uno de los siguientes repositorios únicamente si usted prueba o desarrolla software de &FED;: <filename
+> (Rawhide), <filename
+>, y <filename
+>. </para>
+      </warning>
+      <para
+>Los desarrolladores de software de terceros también proporcionan repositorios para sus paquetes compatibles con &FED;. Para aprender a configurar su sistema &FED; para utilizar repositorios de terceros, lea la <xref linkend="sn-using-repositories"/>. </para>
+      <indexterm>
+      <primary
+>grupos de paquetes</primary>
+      <secondary
+      </indexterm>
+      <para
+>Usted puede también utilizar los <firstterm
+>grupos de paquetes</firstterm
+> proporcionados por los repositorios de &FED; para administrar paquetes relacionados con un grupo. Algunos repositorios de terceros añaden sus paquetes a estos grupos o proporcionan sus paquetes como grupos adicionales. </para>
+<!-- SE: Some repositories use groups and some don't: I've tried to put this nicely. -->
+<!-- SE: Using the admonition for this is not optimal, it just doesn't fit anywhere else. -->
+      <note>
+        <title
+>Grupos de paquetes disponibles</title>
+        <para
+>Para ver una lista de todos los grupos de paquetes disponibles para su sistema &FED;, ejecute el comando <command
+>su -c 'yum grouplist'</command
+>. </para>
+      </note>
+      <para
+>Utilice los repositorios para asegurarse de recibir siempre las versiones de software más actuales. Si existen varias versiones del mismo paquete, la utilidad de administración de software elegirá automáticamente la más nueva. </para>
+      <caution>
+        <title
+>Instalando Software que no está en el repositorio</title>
+        <para
+>Instale software utilizando métodos manuales únicamente si está seguro de no poder conseguir los paquetes dentro del repositorio. Usted tendrá que manejar el software utilizando métodos manuales en vez de las utilidades de administración de software que vienen con &FED;. </para>
+        <para
+>El comando <command
+> utiliza repositorios como fuentes para la adquisición de paquetes. Consulte la <xref linkend="sn-yum-installing-frompackage"/> para obtener información de cómo utilizar <command
+> para instalar software desde un archivo de paquetes. </para>
+      </caution>
+    </section>
+    <section id="sn-about-dependencies">
+      <title
+>Acerca de las dependencias</title>
+      <indexterm>
+      <primary
+      <secondary
+      </indexterm>
+      <para
+>Algunos de los archivos instalados en una distribución &FED; son <firstterm
+> las cuales pueden proporcionar funciones para múltiples aplicaciones. Cuando una aplicación requiere una biblioteca específica, el paquete que contiene esa librería es una <firstterm
+>. Para instalar un paquete apropiadamente, &FED; debe satisfacer primero sus dependencias. La información sobre las dependencias de un paquete RPM está almacenada dentro de los archivos RPM. </para>
+      <para
+>La utilidad <command
+> utiliza los datos de dependencia de los paquetes para asegurar que todos los requisitos de una aplicación se cumplan durante la instalación. Automáticamente instala los paquetes para cualquier dependencia en caso de que estos no estén presentes en su sistema. Si la nueva aplicación tiene requerimientos que podrían entrar en conflicto con un paquete de software ya existente, <command
+> finaliza sin realizar ningún cambio en el sistema. </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id="sn-package-names">
+      <title
+>Entendiendo los nombres de paquetes</title>
+      <indexterm>
+      <primary
+      <secondary
+>compatibilidad de hardware</secondary>
+      </indexterm
+> <indexterm>
+      <primary
+      <secondary
+      </indexterm>
+      <para
+>El nombre de cada paquete contiene importante información. Por ejemplo, este es el nombre completo del paquete <filename
+>: </para>
+      <para
+>Las utilidades de administración se refieren comúnmente a los paquetes con uno de los tres formatos: </para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para
+>Nombre del paquete: <filename
+> </para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para
+>Nombre del paquete con la versión y número de lanzamiento: <filename
+> </para>
+<!-- In what instances is the release number not needed?  For many -->
+<!-- package updates, only the release number might change. Although it -->
+<!-- might be superfluous, it's never *bad* to include it, right? [PWF] -->
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para
+>Nombre de paquete con la arquitectura del hardware: <filename
+> </para>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+      <para
+>Por claridad, <command
+> lista los paquetes bajo el formato <filename
+>. Asimismo, los repositorios generalmente almacenan los paquetes por arquitecturas. En cada caso, la arquitectura de hardware señalada por el paquete es el <emphasis
+> tipo de máquina requerida para utilizar el paquete. </para>
+      <variablelist>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term
+>i386 </term>
+          <listitem>
+            <para
+>Apropiado para cualquier computador compatible con Intel </para>
+          </listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term
+>noarch </term>
+          <listitem>
+            <para
+>Compatible con cualquier tipo de arquitectura </para>
+          </listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term
+>ppc </term>
+          <listitem>
+            <para
+>Apropiado para sistemas PowerPC, tal como Apple Power Macintosh </para>
+          </listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term
+>x86_64 </term>
+          <listitem>
+            <para
+>Apropiado para procesadores compatibles con Intel de 64-bit, tal como Opterons </para>
+          </listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+      </variablelist>
+      <para
+>Algún software puede ser optimizado para un tipo particular de máquina compatible con Intel. Paquetes por separado pueden ser proporcionados para computadores <option
+>, <option
+>, <option
+> y <option
+>. Una máquina con, al menos, Intel Pentium, VIA C3 o CPU compatible puede utilizar los paquetes <option
+>. Computadores con  Intel Pentium Pro y superior, o un modelo actual de AMD, pueden usar paquetes <option
+>. </para>
+      <para
+>Utilice el nombre corto de los paquetes con los comandos de <command
+> . Esto causará que <command
+>  seleccione automáticamente el paquete más reciente presente en el repositorio para la arquitectura de su computador. </para>
+      <para
+>Especifique un paquete con otro nombre de formato para sobreescribir el comportamiento por defecto y forzar a <command
+> a utilizar el paquete que coincida con la versión o arquitectura dada. Utilice está opción únicamente si el paquete predeterminado seleccionado por <command
+> tiene un error o cualquier otra falla que hace su instalación inapropiada. </para>
+      <tip>
+        <title
+>Nombres de paquetes</title>
+        <para
+>Usted puede utilizar cualquiera de los siguientes formatos para especificar paquetes en una operación de <command
+>: <replaceable
+>, <replaceable
+>, <replaceable
+>, <replaceable
+>, <replaceable
+>, y <replaceable
+>. </para>
+      </tip>
+    </section>
+  </section>
+  <section id="sn-software-management-tools">
+    <title
+>Herramientas de administración de software en &FC;</title>
+    <indexterm>
+    <primary
+>Añadir/eliminar aplicaciones</primary>
+    </indexterm
+> <indexterm>
+    <primary
+>Icono de alerta</primary>
+    </indexterm
+> <indexterm>
+    <primary
+    </indexterm>
+    <para
+>La utilidad <command
+> es un sistema de administración de software completo. &FC; también incluye otras aplicaciones que suplementan a <command
+>. </para>
+    <para
+>En su escritorio aparece un <application
+>Icono de alerta</application
+> que lo mantiene informado sobre las actualizaciones de paquetes. Si el sistema no está actualizado, el icono aparecerá como un círculo rojo con una marca de exclamación pestañeante. El icono de alerta es parte de la aplicación <application
+>, la cual le permite instalar actualizaciones de una manera sencilla.  </para>
+    <para
+>&FC; también incluye <application
+>. Para ejecutar esta aplicación de forma gráfica, seleccione <menuchoice
+> <guimenu
+> <guisubmenu
+>Configuración del sistema</guisubmenu
+> <guimenuitem
+>Añadir/Eliminar aplicaciones</guimenuitem
+> </menuchoice
+>. A diferencia de <application
+> y <command
+>, <application
+> instala los paquetes de software desde los discos de instalación de &FC; únicamente sin utilizar repositorios. Esta aplicación es utilizada en sistemas que no tienen conexión a red. </para>
+    <para
+>La utilidad para la línea de comandos <command
+> tiene varias funciones para trabajar con paquetes RPM individuales. Usted puede usarla para instalar o desinstalar manualmente paquetes de su sistema. Si usted instala software con la utilidad <command
+>, deberá revisar e instalar manualmente las dependencias de éste. Por esta razón, <command
+> es el método recomendado para instalar software. </para>
+    <caution>
+      <title
+>Versiones de paquetes actuales</title>
+      <para
+>Las utilidades <application
+> y <command
+> se aseguran de que usted tiene las versiones más recientes de los paquetes de software. Otros métodos no garantizan que el paquete es el más reciente. </para>
+    </caution>
+  </section>
+  <section id="sn-managing-packages">
+    <title
+>Administrando Software con <command
+    <indexterm>
+    <primary
+    <secondary
+>Administración de software</secondary>
+    </indexterm>
+    <para
+>Hay cuatro maneras en que la utilidad <command
+> puede modificar el software de su sistema: </para>
+    <para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para
+>Para instalar software nuevo desde los repositorios de paquetes </para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para
+>Para instalar nuevos paquetes desde un archivo de paquete individual </para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para
+>Para actualizar software existente en su sistema </para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para
+>Para desinstalar de su sistema software no deseado  </para>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+    </para>
+<!-- SE: This duplicates text from the admonition in sn-about-repositories.  It's here as well because the Fedora site has a link straight to this section -->
+    <important>
+      <title
+>Instalando software desde un archivo de paquetes</title>
+      <para
+>Los comandos <command
+> mostrados en esta sección utilizan repositorios como la fuente de paquetes. Consulte la <xref linkend="sn-yum-installing-frompackage"/> para detalles sobre el uso de <command
+> para instalar software desde un archivo de paquete individual. </para>
+    </important>
+    <para
+>Para utilizar <command
+>, especifique una función y uno o más paquetes o grupos de paquetes. Cada sección mostrará algunos ejemplos. </para>
+    <para
+>Por cada operación, <command
+> descarga la información de paquetes más reciente desde los repositorios configurados. Si su sistema está utilizando una conexión a red lenta <command
+> podría requerir varios segundos para descargar los índices de los repositorios y los archivos de cabecera de cada paquete. </para>
+    <para
+>La utilidad <command
+> busca a través de estos archivos de datos para determinar los pasos a seguir con el fin de lograr los mejores resultados. Además mostrará la transacción para que usted la apruebe. La transacción puede incluir la instalación, actualización o remoción de paquetes para resolver las dependencias de paquetes. </para>
+    <example id="yum-transaction-format">
+      <title
+>Formato del reporte de transacciones de <command
+      <para
+>Este ejemplo muestra la transacción para la instalación de <filename
+>: </para>
+ Package                 Arch       Version          Repository        Size
+ tsclient                i386       0.132-6          base              247 k
+Installing for dependencies:
+ rdesktop                i386       1.4.0-2          base              107 k
+Transaction Summary
+Install      2 Package(s)
+Update       0 Package(s)
+Remove       0 Package(s)
+Total download size: 355 k
+Is this ok [y/N]:</computeroutput
+    </example>
+    <para
+>Revise la lista de cambios, y luego presione <keycap
+> para aceptar e iniciar el proceso. Si presiona <keycap
+> o <keycap
+>, <command
+> no descargará o cambiará ningún paquete. </para>
+    <note>
+      <title
+>Versiones de paquetes</title>
+      <para
+>La utilidad <command
+> muestra y utiliza únicamente las versiones más recientes de los paquetes a menos que usted le indique lo contrario. </para>
+    </note>
+    <para
+>La utilidad <command
+> también importará la llave pública del repositorio si esta no está instalada en el llavero de <command
+>. </para>
+    <example id="yum-publickey-import">
+      <title
+>Formato de importación de la llave pública por <command
+      <para
+>Este es un ejemplo de la importación de la llave pública: </para>
+>warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 4f2a6fd2
+public key not available for tsclient-0.132-6.i386.rpm
+Retrieving GPG key from file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora
+Importing GPG key 0x4F2A6FD2 "Fedora Project &lt;fedora at redhat.com&gt;"
+Is this ok [y/N]:</computeroutput
+    </example>
+    <para
+>Revise la llave pública y presione <keycap
+> para importar la llave y autorizar su uso. Si presiona <keycap
+> o <keycap
+>, <command
+> no instalará ningún paquete. </para>
+    <para
+>Para asegurar que el paquete descargado es genuino, <command
+> verifica la firma digital de cada paquete contra la llave pública de cada proveedor. Una vez todos los paquetes requeridos para la transacción han sido descargados y verificados satisfactoriamente, <command
+> los aplicará a su sistema. </para>
+    <para
+>Cada transacción completada registra los paquetes afectados en el archivo de registro <filename
+>.Es necesario tener derechos <systemitem class="username"
+> para leer el archivo. </para>
+    <tip>
+      <title
+>Las descargas son guardadas en caché</title>
+      <para
+>La utilidad <command
+> guarda tanto los archivos de datos como los paquetes descargados para su reutilización. Usted puede copiar los paquetes desde los directorios de caché del repositorio bajo el nombre <filename
+>, y utilizarlos en otro lugar. Si usted remueve un paquete del caché, no se afectará la copia del software instalado en su sistema. </para>
+    </tip>
+    <section id="sn-yum-installing-withrepositories">
+      <title
+>Instalando nuevo software con <command
+      <indexterm>
+      <primary
+>instalando software</primary>
+      <see
+>software, instalación de</see>
+      </indexterm
+> <indexterm>
+      <primary
+      <secondary
+>instalación de</secondary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <para
+>Para instalar el paquete <filename
+>, introduzca el comando: </para>
+>su -c 'yum install <replaceable
+      <para
+>Introduzca la contraseña del usuario <systemitem class="username"
+> cuando esta sea solicitada.  </para>
+      <para
+>Para instalar el grupo de paquetes <filename
+>MySQL Database</filename
+>, introduzca el comando: </para>
+>su -c 'yum groupinstall "<replaceable
+>MySQL Database</replaceable
+      <para
+>Introduzca la contraseña del usuario <systemitem class="username"
+> cuando esta sea solicitada.  </para>
+      <important>
+        <title
+>Los nuevos servicios requerirán activación</title>
+        <para
+>Cuando instale un servicio, &FED; no lo activa o inicia. Para configurar un servicio que será ejecutado durante el arranque, seleccione <menuchoice
+> <guimenu
+> <guisubmenu
+>Configuración del sistema</guisubmenu
+> <guisubmenu
+>Configuración de servidores</guisubmenu
+> <guimenuitem
+> </menuchoice
+>, o utilice las aplicaciones para la línea de comandos <command
+> y <command
+> </para>
+      </important>
+    </section>
+    <section id="sn-yum-updating-withrepositories">
+      <title
+>Actualizando software con <command
+      <indexterm>
+      <primary
+      <secondary
+>paquetes de software</secondary>
+      </indexterm
+> <indexterm>
+      <primary
+      <secondary
+      </indexterm>
+      <para
+>Para actualizar el paquete <filename
+> con la versión más reciente, escriba: </para>
+>su -c 'yum update <replaceable
+      <para
+>Introduzca la contraseña del usuario <systemitem class="username"
+> cuando esta sea solicitada.  </para>
+      <important>
+        <title
+>Las nuevas versiones de software requieren recarga</title>
+        <para
+>Si un paquete de software está siendo usado cuando usted realiza la actualización, la versión antigua seguirá activa hasta que la aplicación o el servicio sea reiniciado. Las actualizaciones de Kernel tienen efecto cuando se reinicia el sistema. </para>
+      </important>
+      <para
+>Para actualizar todos los paquetes en el grupo de paquetes <filename
+>MySQL Database</filename
+>, introduzca el comando: </para>
+>su -c 'yum groupupdate "<replaceable
+>MySQL Database</replaceable
+      <para
+>Introduzca la contraseña del usuario <systemitem class="username"
+> cuando esta sea solicitada.  </para>
+      <note>
+        <title
+>Actualizando todo el sistema</title>
+        <para
+>Para actualizar todos los paquetes en su sistema &FED;, utilice los comandos descritos en la <xref linkend="sn-updating-your-system"/>. </para>
+      </note>
+    </section>
+    <section id="sn-yum-removing-software">
+      <title
+>Removiendo Software con <command
+      <indexterm>
+      <primary
+>removiendo software</primary>
+      </indexterm
+> <indexterm>
+      <primary
+      <secondary
+      </indexterm>
+      <para
+>Para remover software, <command
+> examina su sistema para el software especificado y cualquier software que sea solicitado como dependencia. La transacción para remover el software elimina tanto el software como sus dependencias. </para>
+      <para
+>Para remover de su sistema el paquete <filename
+>, utilice el comando: </para>
+>su -c 'yum remove <replaceable
+      <para
+>Introduzca la contraseña del usuario <systemitem class="username"
+> cuando esta sea solicitada.  </para>
+      <para
+>Para remover todos los paquetes pertenecientes al grupo de paquetes <filename
+>MySQL Database</filename
+>, introduzca el comando: </para>
+>su -c 'yum groupremove "<replaceable
+>MySQL Database</replaceable
+      <para
+>Introduzca la contraseña del usuario <systemitem class="username"
+> cuando esta sea solicitada.  </para>
+      <note>
+        <title
+>Retención de archivos de configuración y datos</title>
+        <para
+>El proceso de remoción deja en su lugar los datos del usuario, pero en algunos casos remueve los archivos de configuración. Si una remoción de paquetes no incluye el archivo de configuración y usted decide reinstalar el paquete, éste puede usar el archivo de configuración anterior. </para>
+      </note>
+    </section>
+  </section>
+  <section id="sn-searching-packages">
+    <title
+>Buscando paquetes con <command
+    <indexterm>
+    <primary
+    <secondary
+    </indexterm
+> <indexterm>
+    <primary
+    <secondary
+    </indexterm>
+    <para
+>Utilice las funciones de búsqueda de <command
+> para encontrar software que éste disponible en los repositorios configurados o ya instalado en su sistema. Las búsquedasincluyen automáticamente tanto a los paquetes instalados como a los paquetes disponibles. </para>
+    <para
+>El formato de los resultados depende de la opción. Si no hay paquetes que coincidan con el criterio de búsqueda, no se producirá ninguna información. </para>
+    <section id="sn-searching-packages-byname">
+      <title
+>Búsquedas por nombres de paquetes y atributos</title>
+      <para
+>Para buscar un paquete específico según su nombre, utilice la función <option
+>. Para buscar por el paquete <filename
+>, utilice el comando: </para>
+>su -c 'yum list <replaceable
+      <para
+>Introduzca la contraseña del usuario <systemitem class="username"
+> cuando esta sea solicitada.  </para>
+      <para
+>Para que los resultados de la búsqueda sean más precisos, especifique el nombre del paquete e incluya otros atributos, tal como la versión o la arquitectura de hardware. Para buscar la versión 0.123 de la aplicación, utilice el comando: </para>
+>su -c 'yum list <replaceable
+      <note>
+        <title
+>Atributos válidos del paquete</title>
+        <para
+>Consulte la <xref linkend="sn-package-names"/> para obtener información sobre el formato de los nombres de paquetes y los atributos incluidos. </para>
+      </note>
+    </section>
+    <section id="sn-searching-packages-advanced">
+      <title
+>Búsquedas avanzadas</title>
+      <para
+>Si no sabe el nombre del paquete, utilice las opciones <option
+> o <option
+>. Alternativamente, utilice comodines o expresiones regulares con cualquier opción de búsqueda de <command
+> para ampliar el criterio de búsqueda. </para>
+      <para
+>La opción <option
+> revisa el nombre, descripción, resumen y la lista de las personas encargadas de mantener el paquete de todos los paquetes disponibles, con el fin de encontrar aquellos que coincidan con el criterio de búsqueda. Por ejemplo, para buscar todos los paquetes relacionados con PalmPilots, escriba: </para>
+>su -c 'yum search <replaceable
+      <para
+>Introduzca la contraseña del usuario <systemitem class="username"
+> cuando esta sea solicitada.  </para>
+      <para
+>La función <option
+> revisa los archivos incluidos en el paquete y las funciones que el software proporciona. Esta opción requiere que <command
+> descargue y lea archivos de índices mucho más largos  que aquellos leídos por la opción <option
+>. </para>
+      <para
+>Para buscar todos los paquetes que incluyan el archivo <filename
+>, escriba: </para>
+>su -c 'yum provides <replaceable
+      <para
+>Para buscar paquetes que incluyan el servicio MTA (Mail Transport Agent) o que incluyan el archivo <filename
+> en sus nombres, escriba: </para>
+>su -c 'yum provides <replaceable
+      <para
+>Por cada comando, introduzca la contraseña de la cuenta <systemitem class="username"
+>. </para>
+      <para
+>Utilice comodines para ejecutar las opciones de búsqueda con parte de una palabra o nombre: <option
+> para repesentar un carácter y <option
+> que representa cero o más caracteres. Utilice el carácter de escape (<option
+>) antes de los comodines. </para>
+      <para
+>Para listar (usando <option
+>) todos los paquetes con nombres que inician con <filename
+>, escriba: </para>
+>su -c 'yum list <replaceable
+      <tip>
+        <title
+>Expresiones regulares</title>
+        <para
+>Utilice expresiones regulares de Perl o Python para ejecutar búsquedas más complejas. </para>
+      </tip>
+    </section>
+    <section id="sn-package-matches">
+      <title
+>Entendiendo las coincidencias</title>
+      <para
+>Las búsquedas con <command
+> muestran todos los paquetes que coincidan con el criterio de búsqueda. Los paquetes deben cumplir los términos de la búsqueda de forma exacta para ser considerados coincidencias, a menos que usted haya utilizado comodines o expresiones regulares. </para>
+      <para
+>Por ejemplo, una búsqueda por <filename
+> o <filename
+> no mostrará el paquete <filename
+>. Este paquete coincidirá con una búsqueda que utiliza <filename
+>, o <filename
+>. </para>
+    </section>
+  </section>
+  <section id="sn-updating-your-system">
+    <title
+>Actualizando su sistema con <command
+    <indexterm>
+    <primary
+    <secondary
+>todo el sistema</secondary>
+    </indexterm
+> <indexterm>
+    <primary
+    <secondary
+>actualizando todo el sistema</secondary>
+    </indexterm>
+    <para
+>Utilice la opción <option
+> para actualizar el software de su sistema &FED; con las versiones más resientes. </para>
+    <para
+>Para ejecutar una actualización total del sistema, escriba el comando: </para>
+>su -c 'yum update'</userinput
+    <para
+>Introduzca la contraseña de <systemitem class="username"
+>. </para>
+    <section id="sn-automatic-updating">
+      <title
+>Actualizando su sistema automáticamente</title>
+      <indexterm>
+      <primary
+>actualización automática</primary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <para
+>El paquete <filename
+> suministrado con &FC; incluye scripts para ejecutar actualizaciones totales del sistema diariamente. Para activar las actualizaciones automáticas diarias, introduzca este comando: </para>
+>su -c '/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 yum on; /sbin/service yum start'</userinput
+      <para
+>Introduzca la contraseña de la cuenta <systemitem class="username"
+> . </para>
+      <note>
+        <title
+>Cómo son ejecutadas las actualizaciones diarias</title>
+        <para
+>No hay un servicio <command
+> en ejecución en su sistema. El comando dado anteriormente activa el script <filename
+>. Este script de control activa el script <filename
+>, el cual hace que el servicio <command
+> ejecute la actualización del sistema automáticamente a las 4 am cada día. </para>
+      </note>
+    </section>
+  </section>
+  <section id="sn-using-repositories">
+    <title
+>Utilizando otros repositorios de Software</title>
+    <indexterm>
+    <primary
+    </indexterm
+> <indexterm>
+    <primary
+    <secondary
+    </indexterm
+> <indexterm>
+    <primary
+    <secondary
+    </indexterm>
+    <para
+>Los sistemas &FED; utilizan automáticamente los repositorios de &FP;. Estos incluyen &FEX;, la fuente de paquetes predeterminada de software que no está incluido con &FC;. </para>
+    <note>
+      <title
+>Repositorios &FEX; para versiones anteriores de &FC;</title>
+      <para
+>Usted debe configurar manualmente el sistema &FC; 3 para utilizar &FEX;, utilizando las instrucciones dadas en <ulink url="http://fedora.redhat.com/projects/extras/"
+>. Para paquetes adicionales para &FC; 1 y &FC; 2, consulte <ulink url="http://www.fedora.us/"
+>. </para>
+    </note>
+    <para
+>Si &FP; no suministra los paquetes de un producto, los creadores algunas veces proporcionan o recomiendan un repositorio separado. Algunos miembros de la comunidad también mantienen repositorios que proporcionan paquetes para sistemas &FED;. Por ejemplo, <ulink url="http://www.jpackage.org/"
+> distribuye como paquetes software de Java. </para>
+    <section id="sn-adding-repositories">
+      <title
+>Añadiendo un repositorio como fuente de paquetes</title>
+      <indexterm>
+      <primary
+      <secondary
+>añadiendo a yum</secondary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <para
+>Para añadir un repositorio adicional, ubique el archivo de definición en el directorio <filename
+> de su sistema. Los proveedores de paquetes escriben los archivos de definición para los repositorios disponibles en sus sitios web. </para>
+      <tip>
+        <title
+>Definición de la extensión del archivo</title>
+        <para
+>El nombre de los archivos de definición de repositorios finaliza con <filename
+>. </para>
+      </tip>
+      <para
+>Usted debe tener privilegios <systemitem class="username"
+> para añadir el archivo al directorio de definiciones. Para copiar el archivo de definición <filename
+>, escriba este comando: </para>
+>su -c 'cp example.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/'</userinput
+      <para
+>Introduzca la contraseña de la cuenta <systemitem class="username"
+> . </para>
+      <para
+>El archivo de configuración para cada repositorio debe incluir el parámetro <command
+>. Este parámetro especifica la ubicación de la llave pública que verifica el paquete proporcionado por el repositorio. Esta llave pública es importada automáticamente la primera vez que se instale software desde ese repositorio. Si el archivo de configuración no incluye este parámetro, consulte la <xref linkend="sn-authorizing-package-sources"/>. </para>
+      <note>
+        <title
+>Repositorios y canales <application
+        <para
+>Desde &FC; 4 los repositorios de <command
+> son usados automáticamente como canales <application
+>. En &FC; 3 y sistemas anteriores, usted debe configurar manualmente <application
+> para utilizar estos canales. Para hacerlo, edite el archivo <filename
+>. </para>
+      </note>
+    </section>
+    <section id="sn-authorizing-package-sources">
+      <title
+>Autorizando manualmente las fuentes de paquetes</title>
+      <indexterm>
+      <primary
+>llaves públicas</primary>
+      <secondary
+      </indexterm>
+      <para
+>para añadir manualmente una llave pública a su llavero <command
+>, utilice la función <option
+> de la utilidad <command
+>. Para importar el archivo <filename
+>, escriba el siguiente comando: </para>
+>su -c 'rpm --import <replaceable
+      <para
+>Introduzca la contraseña de la cuenta <systemitem class="username"
+> . </para>
+      <para
+>Usted puede también importar llaves públicas directamente desde el sitio web. Por ejemplo, para importar el archivo <filename
+> del sitio web <wordasword
+>, utilice el comando: </para>
+>su -c 'rpm --import <replaceable
+      <para
+>Introduzca la contraseña de <systemitem class="username"
+>. </para>
+      <important>
+        <title
+>Importando la llave &FED; en &FC; 3</title>
+        <para
+>Para añadir la llave pública &FED; al llavero <command
+> en sistemas &FC; 3, ejecute el comando <command
+>su -c 'rpm --import /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora'</command
+>. </para>
+      </important>
+    </section>
+    <section id="sn-compat-repositories">
+      <title
+>Entendiendo la compatibilidad del repositorio</title>
+      <indexterm>
+      <primary
+      <secondary
+>compatibilidad de software</secondary>
+      </indexterm
+> <indexterm>
+      <primary
+      <secondary
+      </indexterm>
+      <para
+>Los repositorios &FEX; proporcionan paquetes construidos bajo los mismos estándares de los paquetes de &FC;. Los paquetes de terceros deben ser compatibles con aquellos paquetes de &FP;, a menos que el proveedor especifique lo contrario. </para>
+      <para
+>Se aconseja leer la información de compatibilidad de paquetes del sitio web antes de añadirlo como fuentes de paquetes. Proveedores de repositorios separados pueden ofrecer versiones diferentes e incompatibles del mismo software. Los repositorios de terceros pueden también proporcionar diferentes paquetes alternos de aquel software incluido en los repositorios &FED;. </para>
+      <para
+>Los paquetes alternos pueden contener versiones de software que incluye diferentes funciones de la version en los paquetes de &FP;. Determine los beneficios y las potenciales incompatibilidades antes de reemplazar los paquetes de &FP; con paquetes alternativos. </para>
+      <caution>
+        <title
+>Repositorios incompatibles</title>
+        <para
+>Si configura su sistema para usar repositorios incompatibles, las operaciones de <command
+> pueden fallar. </para>
+      </caution>
+      <para
+>Los paquetes construidos para una versión de &FED; no son generalmente compatibles con otra versión de &FED;. El sitio web del proveedor debe especificar la versión de &FED; soportada. </para>
+      <tip>
+        <title
+>Versiones anteriores de <command
+> y repositorios actuales</title>
+        <para
+>El formato de datos para los índices de los repositorios cambió con la versión 2.1 de <command
+>. Esta fue la versión entregada con &FC; 3. Los repositorios deben especificar la versión de &FC; que soportan. Para confirmar que un repositorio es compatible con la versión actual de <command
+>, revise que éste tiene un subdirectorio llamado <filename
+>. </para>
+      </tip>
+    </section>
+  </section>
+  <section id="sn-yum-installing-frompackage">
+    <title
+>Instalando software desde un paquete único</title>
+    <indexterm>
+    <primary
+>instalando software</primary>
+    <secondary
+>desde un paquete</secondary>
+    <see
+>software, instalando desde un paquete</see>
+    </indexterm
+> <indexterm>
+    <primary
+    <secondary
+>instalando desde un paquete</secondary>
+    </indexterm>
+    <para
+>Utilice los repositorios y los comandos <command
+> estándar para localizar e instalar software nuevo, a menos que el paquete de software no esté disponible desde ningún repositorio. En estos casos, utilice la función <option
+> para instalar el software desde un archivo de paquetes. </para>
+    <important>
+      <title
+>La llave pública es requerida</title>
+      <para
+>Asegúrese de que la llave pública de la fuente de paquetes ha sido importada antes de instalar el paquete sin repositorio. Consulte la <xref linkend="sn-authorizing-package-sources"/>. </para>
+    </important>
+    <para
+>Introduzca este comando para instalar el paquete <filename
+>: </para>
+>su -c 'yum localinstall <replaceable
+    <para
+>Introduzca la contraseña de <systemitem class="username"
+>. </para>
+    <note>
+      <title
+>El software instalado anteriormente es actualizado</title>
+      <para
+>Si el paquete proporciona una nueva versión de software de un paquete ya instalado en el sistema, <command
+> actualiza el software instalado.  </para>
+    </note>
+    <para
+>Si el paquete requiere software que no está instalado en su sistema, <command
+> intenta encontrar las dependencias en los repositorios configurados. Usted podría tener que descargar manualmente paquetes adicionales para poder satisfacer todas las dependencias. </para>
+    <caution>
+      <title
+>Manteniendo manualmente el software instalado</title>
+      <para
+>Si usted instala software que no es proporcionado por un repositorio, <command
+>yum update</command
+> no puede actualizarlo automáticamente con una nueva versión disponible. Para asegurarse de tener la versión más actual, suscribase al servicio de correo o RSS que le notificará cuando una nueva versión es lanzada. </para>
+    </caution>
+  </section>
+  <section id="sn-yum-maintenance">
+    <title
+>Manteniendo <command
+    <para
+>El sistema <command
+> no requiere ninguna rutina de mantenimiento. Para asegurarse que las operaciones de <command
+> sean ejecutadas a una velocidad óptima, desactive o remueva definiciones de repositorios que ya no requiera. También puede eliminar los archivos del caché de <command
+> para recuperar espacio de disco. </para>
+    <section id="sn-removing-sources">
+      <title
+>Desactivando o removiendo fuentes de paquetes</title>
+      <indexterm>
+      <primary
+      <secondary
+>desactivando en yum</secondary>
+      </indexterm
+> <indexterm>
+      <primary
+      <secondary
+>removiendo desde yum</secondary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <para
+>Establezca <command
+> en el archivo de definición para prevenir que <command
+> utilice ese repositorio. La utilidad <command
+> ignora los archivos de definición con esta configuración. </para>
+      <para
+>Para remover completamente el acceso al repositorio: </para>
+      <procedure>
+        <step>
+          <para
+>Borre los archivos relevantes de <filename
+>. </para>
+        </step>
+        <step>
+          <para
+>Borre el directorio de caché de <filename
+>. </para>
+        </step>
+      </procedure>
+<!-- What with the "web of trust," removing GPG keys is not really -->
+<!-- something we should encourage. Having an extra GPG key in the RPM -->
+<!-- database is not a vulnerability, nor does it hamper the system in -->
+<!-- any way.  These are probably a couple of reasons Seth didn't build -->
+<!-- this function into yum as part of "clean all," for example.  Since -->
+<!-- we just had several admonitions against people running the rpm -->
+<!-- command on its own anyway, I would just omit this part -->
+<!-- completely. [PWF] -->
+      <important>
+        <title
+>Remove Unneeded Public Keys</title>
+        <para>
+          If you will not be using any further packages from a provider,
+	  remove their public key from the <command
+	  keyring using the procedure described in
+          <xref linkend="sn-removing-publickeys"/>.
+        </para>
+      </important>
+    </section>
+    <section id="sn-removing-publickeys">
+      <title
+>Removing Public Keys</title>
+      <indexterm>
+        <primary
+>public keys, removing</primary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <para>
+        To remove a public key from the keyring you first must determine
+        the full name of the key, as it registered in
+        <command
+>. Run this command to view the details of
+        the public keys on the <command
+> keyring:
+      </para>
+<userinput>rpm -qi gpg-pubkey-*</userinput>
+      <para>
+        Locate the heading for the relevant public key. The public key
+        headings follow this format:
+      </para>
+      <example id="publickey-header-format">
+        <title
+>Format of <command
+> Public Key Headers</title>
+<computeroutput>Name        : gpg-pubkey                   Relocations: (not relocatable)
+Version     : 4f2a6fd2                          Vendor: (none)
+Release     : 3f9d9d3b                      Build Date: Wed 15 Jun 2005 09:55:33 PM BST
+Install Date: Wed 15 Jun 2005 09:55:33 PM BST      Build Host: localhost
+Group       : Public Keys                   Source RPM: (none)
+Size        : 0                                License: pubkey
+Signature   : (none)
+Summary     : gpg(Fedora Project &lt;fedora at redhat.com&gt;)
+Description :</computeroutput>
+      </example>
+      <para>
+        Add the <option
+> and <option
+        attributes to <option
+> to make the complete
+        name of the key, in the form
+        <option
+>. The
+        <command
+> identification for the &FP; public key
+        shown above is: <option
+      </para>
+      <para>
+        Once you know the identification name of the key, use the
+        command <command
+>rpm <option
+> to remove it.
+        To remove the &FP; public key shown above the exact command
+        would be:
+      </para>
+<userinput>su -c 'rpm -e <replaceable>gpg-pubkey-4f2a6fd2-3f9d9d3b</replaceable>'</userinput>
+      <para>
+        Enter the password for the
+        <systemitem class="username"
+> account when
+        prompted.
+      </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id="sn-yum-clearance">
+      <title
+>Limpiando el caché de <command
+      <indexterm>
+      <primary
+      <secondary
+>limpiando el caché</secondary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <para
+>Por defecto, <command
+> retiene los paquetes y archivos de datos de los paquetes que descarga para que éstos puedan ser usados en futuras operaciones sin tener que descargarlos de nuevo. Para limpiar los archivos de datos de los paquetes, utilice este comando: </para>
+>su -c 'yum clean headers'</userinput
+      <para
+>Ejecute este comando para remover todos los paquetes guardados en el caché: </para>
+>su -c 'yum clean packages'</userinput
+      <para
+>Al utilizar estos comandos, introduzca la contraseña de la cuenta <systemitem class="username"
+>. </para>
+      <para
+>Al eliminar estos archivos será necesario descargarlos nuevamente la próxima vez que estos sean requeridos. Ésto incrementará el tiempo requerido para completar la operación. </para>
+    </section>
+  </section>
+  <section id="sn-yum-proxy-server">
+    <title
+>Usando <command
+> con un servidor Proxy</title>
+    <indexterm>
+    <primary
+>servidor proxy</primary>
+    </indexterm
+> <indexterm>
+    <primary
+    <secondary
+>uso con servidor proxy</secondary>
+    </indexterm>
+    <para
+>Por defecto, <command
+>accede a los repositorios en la red a través de HTTP. Todas las operaciones HTTP de <command
+> utilizan HTTP/1.1 y son compatibles con los servidores proxy de web que soportan este estándar. Usted puede asimismo acceder a repositorios FTP, y configurar <command
+> para utilizar un servidor proxy FTP. El paquete <filename
+> proporciona un servicio de proxy tanto para conexiones HTTP/1.1 como para conexiones FTP. </para>
+    <tip>
+      <title
+>Modificando <command
+> para compatibilidad de red</title>
+      <para
+>Consulte las páginas <command
+> de <filename
+> para obtener información sobre la configuración HTTP que puede ser modificada por compatibilidad con los servidores proxy web no estándar. Alternativamente, configure <command
+> para utilizar el servidor proxy FTP y acceder a los repositorios que soportan FTP. El repositorio de &FED; soporta tanto HTTP como FTP. </para>
+    </tip>
+    <section id="sn-yum-proxy-server-global">
+      <title
+>Configurando el acceso al servidor proxy</title>
+      <para
+>Para permitir que todas las operaciones de <command
+> utilicen un servidor proxy, especifique la información del servidor proxy en <filename
+>. El parámetro <option
+> debe especificar el servidor proxy como una URL completa, incluyendo el número de puerto TCP. Si su servidor proxy requiere un nombre de usuario y contraseña, especifiquelos añadiendo los parámetros <option
+>, para el nombre, y <option
+> para la contraseña. </para>
+      <para
+>La configuración siguiente activa <command
+> para usar el servidor de proxy <systemitem class="systemname"
+>, conectándose al puerto 3128, con el nombre de usuario <systemitem class="username"
+> y la contraseña <systemitem
+>. </para>
+      <example id="config-file-httpproxy">
+        <title
+>Parámetros del archivo de configuración para utilizar un servidor proxy</title>
+># The proxy server - proxy server:port number
+# The account details for yum connections
+      </example>
+      <note>
+        <title
+>Parámetros globales</title>
+        <para
+>Si usted define un servidor proxy en <filename
+>, <emphasis
+> los usuarios se conectan a este servidor proxy con los detalles especificados cuando utilicen <command
+>. </para>
+      </note>
+    </section>
+    <section id="sn-yum-proxy-server-peruser">
+      <title
+>Configurando el acceso al servidor proxy para un único usuario</title>
+      <para
+>Para activar el acceso a proxy a un usuario específico, añada las líneas en la caja de ejemplo bajo el perfil de shell del usuario. Para la shell por defecto <command
+>, el perfil es el archivo <filename
+>. La configuración siguiente habilita el uso de <command
+> con el servidor proxy <systemitem class="systemname"
+>, conectándose al puerto 3128. </para>
+      <example id="profile-script-httpproxy">
+        <title
+>Configuración del perfil para utilizar un servidor proxy</title>
+># The Web proxy server used by this account
+export http_proxy</computeroutput
+      </example>
+      <para
+>Si el servidor proxy requiere un nombre de usuario y contraseña, añádalas a la URL. Para incluir el nombre de usuario <systemitem class="username"
+> y la contraseña <systemitem
+>, añada los parámetros: </para>
+      <example id="profile-script-httpproxy-withpassword">
+        <title
+>Configuración del perfil para utilizar un servidor proxy seguro</title>
+># The Web proxy server, with the username and password for this account
+export http_proxy</computeroutput
+      </example>
+      <note>
+        <title
+>La variable de entorno <option
+        <para
+>La variable de entorno <command
+> es utilizada también por <command
+> y otras aplicaciones. Aunque <command
+> puede utilizar la variable <command
+> en mayúsculas o minúsculas, <command
+> requiere que el nombre de la variable esté en minúsculas. </para>
+      </note>
+    </section>
+  </section>
+<!-- SE: This is at the end of the document, since it looks out of place in section 1 -->
+  <section id="sn-acknowledgements">
+    <title
+>Reconocimiento </title>
+    <para
+>Paul Frields editó este documento. Timothy Murphy revisó la versión beta. Traducido al español por Manuel Ospina. </para>
+  </section>
+  <index id="generated-index"
+Local variables:
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+<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd" [
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+<article id="yum-software-management" lang="zh_CN">
+  <articleinfo>
+    <title>使用 <command>yum</command> 管理软件</title>
+    <copyright>
+      <year>2005</year>
+      <holder>Stuart Ellis</holder>
+    </copyright>
+    <copyright>
+      <year>2005</year>
+      <holder>bbbush (bbbush.yuan at gmail.com)</holder>
+    </copyright>
+    <authorgroup>
+      <author>
+        <surname>Ellis</surname>
+        <firstname>Stuart</firstname>
+      </author>
+    </authorgroup> &LEGALNOTICE; <revhistory><revision><revnumber>0.4</revnumber><date>2005-06-01</date><authorinitials>StuartEllis</authorinitials><revdescription><para>导入 CVS。</para></revdescription></revision><revision><revnumber>0.5</revnumber><date>2005-07-19</date><authorinitials>StuartEllis</authorinitials><revdescription><para>为 &FC; &FCLOCALVER; 更新。</para></revdescription></revision><revision><revnumber>0.6</revnumber><date>2005-07-25</date><authorinitials>PaulWFrields</authorinitials><revdescription><para>修正样式和用法;发布 BETA。</para></revdescription></revision><revision><revnumber>1.0</revnumber><date>2005-08-13</date><authorinitials>PaulWFrields</authorinitials><revdescription><para>正式发表于项目网站。</para></revdescription></revision><revision><revnumber>1.0.1</revnumber><date>2005-08-18</date><authorinitials>StuartEllis</authorinitials><revdescription><para>添加有关无仓库时的安装和手动添加密钥的内容
 。</para></revdescription></revision><revision><revnumber>1.0.2</revnumber><date>2005-08-26</date><authorinitials>StuartEllis</authorinitials><revdescription><para>修正本地安装的内容。</para></revdescription></revision><revision><revnumber>1.0.3</revnumber><date>2005-10-13</date><authorinitials>PaulWFrields</authorinitials><revdescription><para>修正用词 (#170584)。</para></revdescription></revision><revision><revnumber>1.0.4</revnumber><date>2005-11-15</date><authorinitials>StuartEllis</authorinitials><revdescription><para>更新代理服务相关内容,修正 #166122。</para></revdescription></revision><revision><revnumber>1.0.5</revnumber><date>2005-11-28</date><authorinitials>PaulWFrields</authorinitials><revdescription><para>在某些地方使用 "&FC;" 代替 "&FED;"。</para></revdescription></revision></revhistory></articleinfo>
+  <section id="sn-introduction">
+    <title>介绍</title>
+    <section id="sn-purpose">
+      <title>目的</title>
+      <para>这份文档记述了 &FED; 系统中软件管理的基本内容。文档涵盖了 &FED; 推荐使用的软件管理工具 <command>yum</command> 的主要功能。</para>
+    </section>
+    <section id="sn-software-management-audience">
+      <title>读者</title>
+      <para>本文档适于程度不同的所有 &FED; 用户。</para>
+    </section>
+    <section id="sn-software-management-usingdoc">
+      <title>本文档的用法</title>
+      <para>本文档是使用 <command>yum</command> 的参考。您可以选择阅读或全文阅读,取决于您的需求和掌握程度。如果您对系统还很陌生,可以在第一次使用 <command>yum</command> 之前先阅读 <xref linkend="sn-software-management-concepts"/>。有经验的 Linux 用户可以从 <xref linkend="sn-managing-packages"/> 开始。</para>
+      <note>
+        <title>过去版本的 &FC;</title>
+        <para>本文档描述的 <command>yum</command> 的配置适用于 &FC; &FCLOCALVER; 系统。在 &FC; 3 中,您必须按照 <xref linkend="sn-authorizing-package-sources"/> 中的步骤才能启用 <command>yum</command>。</para>
+      </note>
+      <para>本文档中大多数范例使用了软件包 <filename>tsclient</filename>,它包含在 &FC; 里面。<filename>tsclient</filename> 软件包提供了一个用于远程桌面连接的应用程序。如果您成功安装了它,可以选择菜单 <menuchoice><guimenu>Applications</guimenu><guisubmenu>Internet</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Terminal Server Client</guimenuitem></menuchoice> 来运行它。要应用这些例子,只要把 <filename>tsclient</filename> 替换为相关的软件包名称。&FED; 软件组的操作范例使用了 <filename>MySQL Database</filename> 组。</para>
+      <important>
+        <title>避免以 root 帐号登录</title>
+        <para>您不需要以 <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> 登录,仍然可以管理您的  &FED; 系统。本文档中包含的操作,如果需要 <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> 权限,会提示您输入 <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> 的密码。示例使用 <command>su <option>-c</option></command> 命令实现了这种功能。</para>
+      </important>
+    </section>
+    <section id="sn-yum-additional-resources">
+      <title>附加资源</title>
+      <indexterm>
+        <primary>yum</primary>
+        <secondary>文档</secondary>
+      </indexterm> <indexterm><primary>yum</primary><secondary>手册页</secondary></indexterm><para>本文档没有介绍 <command>yum</command> 工具的某些特性和选项。阅读 <command>man</command> 手册页的 <command>yum(8)</command> 和 <filename>yum.conf(5)</filename> 来学习它们,只要这样:</para><screen><userinput>man yum
+man yum.conf</userinput></screen><indexterm><primary>yum</primary><secondary>网站</secondary></indexterm> <indexterm><primary>yum</primary><secondary>邮件列表</secondary></indexterm><para>互联网上其他有用的 <command>yum</command> 资源还有:</para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>项目网站</term><listitem><para><ulink url="http://linux.duke.edu/projects/yum/"/></para></listitem></varlistentry><varlistentry><term>用户的邮件列表</term><listitem><para><ulink url="https://lists.dulug.duke.edu/mailman/listinfo/yum/"/></para></listitem></varlistentry><varlistentry><term>开发的邮件列表</term><listitem><para><ulink url="https://lists.dulug.duke.edu/pipermail/yum-devel/"/></para></listitem></varlistentry></variablelist><tip><title>请先查阅 &BZ;</title><para>如果您的某个操作总是产生错误,请查阅 &BZ-URL; 并参考相关软件包的错误报告。某个软件包出错可能导致依赖于这个软件包的所有 <command>yum</co
 mmand> 操作失败。请在 &BZ; 网站上提交相关 &FED; 软件包的错误报告。</para></tip></section>
+  </section>
+  <section id="sn-software-management-concepts">
+    <title>软件管理概念</title>
+    <section id="sn-about-packages">
+      <title>关于软件包</title>
+      <indexterm>
+        <primary>软件包</primary>
+        <secondary>定义</secondary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <para>&FED; 的软件和文档以一种称为 RPM <firstterm>软件包</firstterm> 的文件方式提供。每个软件包是一个压缩的文档,包含了内容信息,应用程序文件,图标,文档和用作管理的脚本。管理程序利用这些内容来安全地定位、安装和卸载软件。例如,&FED; 安装过程使用随 &FC; 附带的软件包来构建或升级符合您需要的系统。</para>
+      <para>软件包也包含一个数字签名,以验证它们的来源。软件管理工具通过 GPG <firstterm>公钥</firstterm> 来验证这个签名。<command>yum</command> 和 <command>rpm</command> 工具共享同一个 <firstterm>keyring</firstterm>,它保存了所有有保障的软件包来源的公钥。系统管理员可以选择添加这些有保障的软件包来源。</para>
+      <note>
+        <title>&FED; 的所有软件包都是开源软件</title>
+        <para>&FP; 提供的所有软件都是开源软件。您可以下载 &FED; 的软件包并安装到任意多的系统中。</para>
+      </note>
+    </section>
+    <section id="sn-about-repositories">
+      <title>关于仓库</title>
+      <indexterm>
+        <primary>仓库</primary>
+        <secondary>定义</secondary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <para>
+        <firstterm>仓库</firstterm> 是一个预备好的目录,或是一个网站,包含了软件包和索引文件。软件管理工具,类似 <command>yum</command>,可以在仓库中自动地定位并获取正确的 RPM 软件包。这样,您就不必手动搜索和安装新应用程序和升级补丁了。只用一个命令,您就可以更新系统中所有软件,也可以根据指定搜索目标来查找安装新软件。</para>
+      <para>有一系列的服务器,为每个版本的 &FC; 分别提供了一些仓库。&FC; 中的软件管理工具已经预先配置为使用下列三个仓库:</para>
+      <variablelist>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term>Base</term>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>构成 &FC; 的软件包,和光盘上内容相同</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term>Updates</term>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>Base 仓库中软件包的更新版本</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+        <varlistentry>
+          <term>&EX;</term>
+          <listitem>
+            <para>一大批附加的软件包</para>
+          </listitem>
+        </varlistentry>
+      </variablelist>
+      <note>
+        <title>过去版本的 &FC;</title>
+        <para>&FC; &FCLOCALVER; 自动地支持这三个仓库。如果是 &FC; 3 系统,您必须手动调整才能使用 &FEX;,可以按照 <xref linkend="sn-using-repositories"/> 来做。</para>
+      </note>
+      <warning>
+        <title>&FED; 开发仓库</title>
+        <para>&FC; 也包含了几个可选的仓库设置。它们提供测试的软件包,可以取代一个或多个标准的仓库。只有当您打算测试和开发 &FED; 软件时,才应当启用它们:<filename>fedora-devel</filename> (Rawhide), <filename>fedora-extras-devel</filename>, 和 <filename>updates-testing</filename>。</para>
+      </warning>
+      <para>第三方软件开发者通常也使用仓库,来提供自己软件的 &FED; 版本。要学习如何配置自己的 &FED; 系统来使用第三方仓库,可以阅读 <xref linkend="sn-using-repositories"/>。</para>
+      <indexterm>
+        <primary>软件组</primary>
+        <secondary>定义</secondary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <para>您可以用 &FED; 仓库提供的 <firstterm>软件组</firstterm> 来管理相关的软件包集合。第三方仓库可以向这些组中添加软件包,也可以将自己的软件包放在新的组中。</para>
+      <!-- SE: Some repositories use groups and some don't: I've tried to put this nicely. -->
+<!-- SE: Using the admonition for this is not optimal, it just doesn't fit anywhere else. -->
+      <note>
+        <title>现有的软件组</title>
+        <para>要查看您的 &FED; 系统中现有可用的软件组,运行命令 <command>su -c 'yum grouplist'</command>。</para>
+      </note>
+      <para>使用仓库来保证您总是用着软件的最新版。如果仓库中提供了某个软件包的多个版本,管理工具会自动选择最新的那个。</para>
+      <caution>
+        <title>安装软件,但不使用仓库</title>
+        <para>如果您确信,没有任何一个仓库提供了您需要的某个软件,那么再尝试手动安装它。您可能需要手动地管理这个软件包,无法应用 &FED; 软件包管理工具。</para>
+        <para>本文档中的 <command>yum</command> 命令使用仓库作为软件包来源。如果要使用 <command>yum</command> 从一个软件包文件来安装软件,可以参考 <xref linkend="sn-yum-installing-frompackage"/>。</para>
+      </caution>
+    </section>
+    <section id="sn-about-dependencies">
+      <title>关于依赖关系</title>
+      <indexterm>
+        <primary>依赖关系</primary>
+        <secondary>定义</secondary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <para>&FED; 发行版中安装的某些文件属于 <firstterm>库</firstterm>,它为多个应用程序提供功能。如果一个应用程序需要某个特定的库,那么这个库就是一个 <firstterm>依赖</firstterm>。要正常地安装一个软件包,&FED; 必须首先满足它的依赖关系。一个 RPM 软件包的依赖信息储存在这个 RPM 文件中。</para>
+      <para>
+        <command>yum</command> 工具使用软件包依赖关系数据来保证一个应用程序在安装前,所有的要求都已满足。它自动地安装依赖的软件包,如果系统中没有的话。如果某个新的应用程序的要求与现有的软件冲突,<command>yum</command> 会放弃,不对系统做任何修改。</para>
+    </section>
+    <section id="sn-package-names">
+      <title>理解软件包名称</title>
+      <indexterm>
+        <primary>软件包</primary>
+        <secondary>硬件兼容性</secondary>
+      </indexterm> <indexterm><primary>软件包</primary><secondary>命名</secondary></indexterm><para>每个软件包文件都有一个很长的名字,包含了几个最重要的信息。例如,这就是 &FC; 中 <filename>tsclient</filename> 软件包的全名:</para><screen><filename>tsclient-0.132-6.i386.rpm</filename></screen><para>管理工具处理软件包时,通常使用如下三种格式之一:</para><itemizedlist><listitem><para>软件包名称:<filename>tsclient</filename></para></listitem><listitem><para>带有版本号和发行版本的软件包名称:<filename>tsclient-0.132-6</filename></para>
+<!-- In what instances is the release number not needed?  For many -->
+<!-- package updates, only the release number might change. Although it -->
+<!-- might be superfluous, it's never *bad* to include it, right? [PWF] -->
+        </listitem><listitem><para>带有硬件架构的软件包名称:<filename>tsclient.i386</filename></para></listitem></itemizedlist><para>为了清楚明白,<command>yum</command> 以 <filename>名称.架构</filename> 的格式来列出软件包。仓库通常也将软件包存储在以架构区分的目录中。每次为软件包指定架构的时候,实际指定的是此软件对机器架构的 <emphasis>最低</emphasis> 要求。</para><variablelist><varlistentry><term>i386</term><listitem><para>适于任何现有的 Intel 兼容计算机</para></listitem></varlistentry><varlistentry><term>noarch</term><listitem><para>适于所有架构</para></listitem></varlistentry><varlistentry><term>ppc</term><listitem><para>适于 PowerPC 系统,例如 Apple Power Macintosh</para></listitem></varlistentry><varlistentry><term>x86_64</term><listitem><para>适于 64 位 Intel 处理器,例如 Opterons</para></listitem></varlistentry></variablelist><para>一些软件ä
 ¼šä¸ºç‰¹æ®Šç±»åž‹çš„ Intel 处理器优化,为 <option>i386</option>, <option>i586</option>, <option>i686</option> å’Œ <option>x86_64</option> 计算机提供不同的软件包。如果机器中有 Intel 奔腾,VIA C3 或其他兼容的处理器,那么可以使用 <option>i586</option> 软件包。如果机器中有 Intel 高能奔腾或更强劲的处理器,或是有时兴的 AMD 处理器,那么可以使用 <option>i686</option> 软件包。</para><para>在 <command>yum</command> 的命令行中,应当使用软件包的短名称。<command>yum</command> 会自动在符合您的机器架构的仓库中,选择版本最新的软件包。</para><para>用其他命名格式指定软件包,可以避免默认行为,强制 <command>yum</command> 使用指定版本或架构的软件包。只有当您知道默认选择有问题,不适宜安装时才应当这样做。</para><tip><title>软件包名称</title><para>您可以在 <command>yum</command> 操作中,使
 用下列任一格式来指定软件包:<replaceable>name</replaceable>, <replaceable>name.architecture</replaceable>, <replaceable>name-version</replaceable>, <replaceable>name-version-release</replaceable>, <replaceable>name-version-release.architecture</replaceable>, 和 <replaceable>epoch:name-version-release.architecture</replaceable>。</para></tip></section>
+  </section>
+  <section id="sn-software-management-tools">
+    <title>&FC; 中的软件管理工具</title>
+    <indexterm>
+      <primary>添加/移除应用程序工具</primary>
+    </indexterm> <indexterm><primary>警告图标</primary></indexterm> <indexterm><primary>up2date</primary></indexterm><para><command>yum</command> 工具是一个完整的软件管理系统。&FC; 也包含其他几个应用程序,作为 <command>yum</command> 的补充。</para><para>您的桌面上有一个 <application>Alert Icon</application>,当软件包有更新时它会通知您。如果您的系统不是最新的,这个图标就显示为带有闪烁的感叹号的红色圆圈。警告图标是 <application>up2date</application> 的一部分,它让您可以简单地更新系统。</para><para>&FC; 也包含了一个 <application>system-config-packages</application> 工具。要在图形界面运行这个应用程序,从菜单中选择 <menuchoice><guimenu>Desktop</guimenu><guisubmenu>System Settings</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Add/Remove Applications</guimenuitem></menuchoice>。与 <application>up2date</application> 和 <command>yum</command> 不同,<appl
 ication>system-config-packages</application> 只能利用 &FC; 安装光盘中安装软件,无法使用仓库。这个应用程序用于系统还没有网络连接的时候。</para><para>命令行工具 <command>rpm</command> 有很多功能,主要是操作单独的 RPM 软件包。您可以利用它来手动地为系统安装和移除软件包。如果使用 <command>rpm</command> 工具安装软件,您必须手动地检测和安装任何依赖关系。因为这个原因,<command>yum</command> 是安装软件的首选方式。</para><caution><title>当前软件包版本</title><para><application>up2date</application> 和 <command>yum</command> 工具可以保证您安装的是最新版本的软件包。其他方式不保证软件包是否最新。</para></caution></section>
+  <section id="sn-managing-packages">
+    <title>使用 <command>yum</command> 管理软件</title>
+    <indexterm>
+      <primary>yum</primary>
+      <secondary>软件管理</secondary>
+    </indexterm>
+    <para>使用 <command>yum</command> 工具改变系统中的软件配置,有四种选择:</para>
+    <para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>从仓库安装新软件</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>从单独的软件包文件安装新软件</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>更新您的系统中现有的软件</para>
+        </listitem>
+        <listitem>
+          <para>从您的系统中移除不需要的软件</para>
+        </listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+    </para>
+    <!-- SE: This duplicates text from the admonition in sn-about-repositories.  It's here as well because the Fedora site has a link straight to this section -->
+    <important>
+      <title>从一个软件包文件安装软件</title>
+      <para>本文档中的 <command>yum</command> 命令使用仓库作为软件包来源。如果要使用 <command>yum</command> 从一个软件包文件来安装软件,可以参考 <xref linkend="sn-yum-installing-frompackage"/>。</para>
+    </important>
+    <para>使用 <command>yum</command> 时,应指定一个操作,以及一个或多个软件包/软件组。</para>
+    <para>对于每个操作,<command>yum</command> 都要从已配置的仓库中下载最新的软件包信息。如果您的网络连接比较慢,<command>yum</command> 会用数秒钟来下载仓库的索引以及软件包的文件头。</para>
+    <para>为得到所需的结果,<command>yum</command> 工具搜索这些数据文件,产生最好的动作集合,然后显示待处理的事务,您可以批准是否继续。事务可能会包含安装,更新或删除额外的软件,以此来满足软件依赖关系。</para>
+    <example id="yum-transaction-format">
+      <title>
+        <command>yum</command> 事务报告的格式</title>
+      <para>这个范例是安装 <filename>tsclient</filename> 时的事务:</para>
+      <screen>
+        <computeroutput>=============================================================================
+ Package                 Arch       Version          Repository        Size
+ tsclient                i386       0.132-6          base              247 k
+Installing for dependencies:
+ rdesktop                i386       1.4.0-2          base              107 k
+Transaction Summary
+Install      2 Package(s)
+Update       0 Package(s)
+Remove       0 Package(s)
+Total download size: 355 k
+Is this ok [y/N]:</computeroutput>
+      </screen>
+    </example>
+    <para>检视列表中的改变,然后按下 <keycap>y</keycap> 接受并开始。如果您按下 <keycap>N</keycap> 或 <keycap>Enter</keycap>(回车),<command>yum</command> 不会下载或改变任何软件。</para>
+    <note>
+      <title>软件包版本</title>
+      <para>
+        <command>yum</command> 工具只显示和使用软件包的最新版本,除非您指定一个旧版本。</para>
+    </note>
+    <para>
+      <command>yum</command> 工具支持导入仓库公钥,如果它没有预装在 <command>rpm</command> 钥匙环中的话。</para>
+    <example id="yum-publickey-import">
+      <title>
+        <command>yum</command> 公钥导入的格式</title>
+      <para>这是公钥导入的一个例子:</para>
+      <screen>
+        <computeroutput>warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 4f2a6fd2
+public key not available for tsclient-0.132-6.i386.rpm
+Retrieving GPG key from file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora
+Importing GPG key 0x4F2A6FD2 "Fedora Project &lt;fedora at redhat.com&gt;"
+Is this ok [y/N]:</computeroutput>
+      </screen>
+    </example>
+    <para>检查这个公钥,然后按下 <keycap>y</keycap> 来导入它,认可它的效力。如果您按下 <keycap>N</keycap> 或 <keycap>Enter</keycap>(回车),<command>yum</command> 停止,不安装任何软件包。</para>
+    <para>为保证下载到的软件包是真实的,<command>yum</command> 用提供者的公钥校验每个软件包的数字签名。当事务需要的所有软件包都已成功下载并校验后,<command>yum</command> 将它们应用到您的系统中。</para>
+    <para>每个完成的事务会在日志文件 <filename>/var/log/yum.log</filename> 中记录受影响的软件包。您只能以 <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> 权限读取它。</para>
+    <tip>
+      <title>下载被缓存</title>
+      <para>
+        <command>yum</command> 工具保留已下载的数据文件和软件包以复用。如果需要,您可以从 <filename>/var/cache/yum/</filename> 下的仓库缓存目录中,将软件包复制出来,用于其他地方。缓存中的软件包即使被删除,也不会影响到您的系统中已经安装的软件。</para>
+    </tip>
+    <section id="sn-yum-installing-withrepositories">
+      <title>使用 <command>yum</command> 安装新软件</title>
+      <indexterm>
+        <primary>安装软件</primary>
+        <see>软件,安装</see>
+      </indexterm> <indexterm><primary>软件</primary><secondary>安装</secondary></indexterm><para>要安装软件 <filename>tsclient</filename>,输入命令:</para><screen><userinput>su -c 'yum install <replaceable>tsclient</replaceable>'</userinput></screen><para>当提示时,输入 <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> 帐号的密码。</para><para>要安装软件组 <filename>MySQL Database</filename>,输入命令:</para><screen><userinput>su -c 'yum groupinstall "<replaceable>MySQL Database</replaceable>"'</userinput></screen><para>当提示时,输入 <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> 帐号的密码。</para><important><title>新的服务需要激活</title><para>当您安装一项服务的时候,&FED; 不会激活或启动它。要配置一项新服务随系统启动而运行,选择菜单中的 <menuchoice><guimenu>Desktop</guimenu><guisubmenu>System Settings</guisubmenu><guisubmenu>Server Settings</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Ser
 vices</guimenuitem></menuchoice>,或者使用命令行工具 <command>chkconfig</command> 和 <command>service</command>。</para></important></section>
+    <section id="sn-yum-updating-withrepositories">
+      <title>使用 <command>yum</command> 更新软件</title>
+      <indexterm>
+        <primary>æ›´æ–°</primary>
+        <secondary>软件包</secondary>
+      </indexterm> <indexterm><primary>软件</primary><secondary>æ›´æ–°</secondary></indexterm><para>要更新 <filename>tsclient</filename> 软件为最新版本,输入:</para><screen><userinput>su -c 'yum update <replaceable>tsclient</replaceable>'</userinput></screen><para>当提示时,输入 <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> 帐号的密码。</para><important><title>新版本软件需要重新载入</title><para>如果您更新某个软件时,它正在被使用,那么旧版本仍然有效,直到您重新启动应用程序或服务。内核的更新必须到您重新启动系统时才可生效。</para></important><para>要更新软件组 <filename>MySQL Database</filename> 中的所有软件,输入命令:</para><screen><userinput>su -c 'yum groupupdate "<replaceable>MySQL Database</replaceable>"'</userinput></screen><para>当提示时,输入 <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> 帐号的密码。</para><note><title>更新整个ç
 ³»ç»Ÿ</title><para>要更新您的 &FED; 系统中的所有软件,使用 <xref linkend="sn-updating-your-system"/> 中提到的命令。</para></note></section>
+    <section id="sn-yum-removing-software">
+      <title>使用 <command>yum</command> 移除软件</title>
+      <indexterm>
+        <primary>移除软件</primary>
+      </indexterm> <indexterm><primary>软件</primary><secondary>移除</secondary></indexterm><para>要移除软件,<command>yum</command> 在您的系统中检测指定被移除的软件,以及任何依赖于它的软件。移除软件的事务将移除这一软件及所有依赖于它的软件。</para><para>要移除 <filename>tsclient</filename> 软件,使用命令:</para><screen><userinput>su -c 'yum remove <replaceable>tsclient</replaceable>'</userinput></screen><para>当提示时,输入 <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> 帐号的密码。</para><para>要移除软件组 <filename>MySQL Database</filename> 中的所有软件,使用命令:</para><screen><userinput>su -c 'yum groupremove "<replaceable>MySQL Database</replaceable>"'</userinput></screen><para>当提示时,输入 <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> 帐号的密码。</para><note><title>数据和配置文件的保留情况</title><para>移除过程会保留用户数æ
+  </section>
+  <section id="sn-searching-packages">
+    <title>使用 <command>yum</command> 搜索软件</title>
+    <indexterm>
+      <primary>软件包</primary>
+      <secondary>定位</secondary>
+    </indexterm> <indexterm><primary>搜索</primary><secondary>软件包</secondary></indexterm><para>使用 <command>yum</command> 的搜索功能来查找已配置的仓库中可用的软件,或系统中已安装的软件。搜索自动包含这两类软件。</para><para>结果的格式依赖于所用的选项。如果查询没有给出结果,说明没有满足要求的软件。</para><section id="sn-searching-packages-byname"><title>通过软件名和属性搜索</title><para>要通过名称搜索,使用 <option>list</option> 功能。要搜索软件 <filename>tsclient</filename>,使用命令:</para><screen><userinput>su -c 'yum list <replaceable>tsclient</replaceable>'</userinput></screen><para>当提示时,输入 <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> 帐号的密码。</para><para>要使搜索更精确,可以指定包含属性的名称,例如版本或硬件架构。要搜索 <filename>tsclient</filename> 的 0.132 版,使用命令:</para><
 screen><userinput>su -c 'yum list <replaceable>tsclient-0.132</replaceable>'</userinput></screen><note><title>有效的软件属性</title><para>参见 <xref linkend="sn-package-names"/>,其中有软件包命名格式以及其中包含的属性等信息。</para></note></section><section id="sn-searching-packages-advanced"><title>高级搜索</title><para>如果您不知道软件的名称,使用 <option>search</option> 或 <option>provides</option> 功能。另外,可以在任何 <command>yum</command> 搜索选项中使用通配符和正则表达式,来扩大搜索范围。</para><para><option>search</option> 功能检测所有可用的软件的名称、描述、概述和已列出的维护者,查找匹配的值。例如,要从所有软件包中搜索与 PalmPilots 相关的内容,输入:</para><screen><userinput>su -c 'yum search <replaceable>PalmPilot</replaceable>'</userinput></screen><para>当提示时,输入 <systemitem class="username">root</systemite
 m> 帐号的密码。</para><para><option>provides</option> 功能检测软件包中包含的文件以及软件提供的功能。与 <option>search</option> 相比,这个选项要求 <command>yum</command> 下载并读取一个很大的索引文件。</para><para>要搜索所有包含文件 <filename>libneon</filename> 的软件包,输入:</para><screen><userinput>su -c 'yum provides <replaceable>libneon</replaceable>'</userinput></screen><para>要搜索所有提供了 MTA (Mail Transport Agent, 邮件传输代理) 服务,或名称中包含了 <filename>mta</filename> 的软件包:</para><screen><userinput>su -c 'yum provides <replaceable>MTA</replaceable>'</userinput></screen><para>对每个命令,应在提示时输入 <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> 帐号的密码。</para><para>使用标准的通配符搭配词或名称的片段来搜索:<option>?</option> 代表任意单个字符,<option>*</option> 代表 0 或多个字符。在通配符å‰
 åº”当使用转义字符 (<option>\</option>)。</para><para>要 <option>list</option> 列出名称以 <filename>tsc</filename> 开始的软件,输入:</para><screen><userinput>su -c 'yum list <replaceable>tsc\*</replaceable>'</userinput></screen><tip><title>正则表达式</title><para>使用 Perl 或 Python 正则表达式来进行更复杂的查询。</para></tip></section><section id="sn-package-matches"><title>理解匹配</title><para>使用 <command>yum</command> 搜索会得出所有匹配您的搜索条件的软件。如果不使用通配符或正则表达式,那么只有准确地满足搜索条件的软件才视为匹配。</para><para>例如,搜索 <filename>shadowutils</filename> 或 <filename>shadow-util</filename> 的结果不会包含 <filename>shadow-utils</filename> 软件。如果搜索条件是 <filename>shadow-util\?</filename> 或 <filename>shadow\*</filename>,那么这个软件将视为匹配并显示出来。</para></section></section>
+  <section id="sn-updating-your-system">
+    <title>使用 <command>yum</command> 更新您的系统</title>
+    <indexterm>
+      <primary>æ›´æ–°</primary>
+      <secondary>整个系统</secondary>
+    </indexterm> <indexterm><primary>yum</primary><secondary>更新整个系统</secondary></indexterm><para>使用 <option>update</option> 功能来更新您的 &FED; 系统中所有软件为最新版,只要一个操作。</para><para>要进行整个系统的更新,输入命令:</para><screen><userinput>su -c 'yum update'</userinput></screen><para>在提示时,输入 <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> 的密码。</para><section id="sn-automatic-updating"><title>自动更新您的系统</title><indexterm><primary>自动更新</primary></indexterm><para>&FC; 中的 <filename>yum</filename> 包含了一个脚本,用以每日自动地更新整个系统。要激活每日的自动更新,输入命令:</para><screen><userinput>su -c '/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 yum on; /sbin/service yum start'</userinput></screen><para>在提示时,输入 <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> 帐号的密码。</para><note><title>每日更新是如何做到的<
 /title><para>系统中并没有单独的 <command>yum</command> 服务。这个命令启用了控制脚本 <filename>/etc/rc.d/init.d/yum</filename>。这个控制脚本激活了 <filename>/etc/cron.daily/yum.cron</filename>,而它又会使 <command>cron</command> 服务来在每日凌晨四点时进行自动的系统更新。</para></note></section></section>
+  <section id="sn-using-repositories">
+    <title>使用其他软件仓库</title>
+    <indexterm>
+      <primary>&FEX;</primary>
+    </indexterm> <indexterm><primary>仓库</primary><secondary>寻找</secondary></indexterm> <indexterm><primary>搜索</primary><secondary>仓库</secondary></indexterm><para>&FED; 系统自动使用 &FP; 的仓库。其中包括 &FEX;,默认没有包含在 &FC; 中的软件包。</para><note><title>适于旧版本 &FC; 的 &FEX; 仓库</title><para>您必须手动配置 &FC; 3 系统使用 &FEX;,按照 <ulink url="http://fedora.redhat.com/projects/extras/"/> 的步骤做。对于 &FC; 1 和 &FC; 2 的附加软件包,请查看 <ulink url="http://www.fedora.us/"/>。</para></note><para>如果 &FP; 没有包含某个软件,软件的作者可能提供了一个单独的仓库。一些社区的成员也维护了适于 &FED; 的软件仓库。例如,<ulink url="http://www.jpackage.org/"/> 将流行的 Java 软件打包发布。</para><section id="sn-adding-repositories"><title>添加仓库作为软件来源</title><indexterm><primary>仓库</primary><secondary>添加<
 /secondary></indexterm><para>要另外添加一个仓库,必须在您的系统中 <filename>/etc/yum.repos.d/</filename> 目录下新建一个描述文件。仓库维护者一般会在网站上公布自己的仓库的描述文件。</para><tip><title>文件扩展名约定</title><para>仓库描述文件的名称以 <filename>.repo</filename> 结尾。</para></tip><para>您必须有 <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> 权限才能向这个目录添加文件。要复制描述文件 <filename>example.repo</filename>,输入命令:</para><screen><userinput>su -c 'cp example.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/'</userinput></screen><para>在提示时,输入 <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> 帐号的密码。</para><para>每个仓库的描述文件应当包含一个 <command>gpgkey</command> 配置项。这一配置项指定了为验证这一仓库的软件包所用的公钥的地址。这个公钥在第一次安装这个仓库中的软件时会自动导入。如
 果配置文件中没有包含这个配置项,请参见 <xref linkend="sn-authorizing-package-sources"/>。</para><note><title>仓库和 <application>up2date</application> 频道</title><para>从 &FC; 4 开始,<command>yum</command> 仓库被自动用作 <application>up2date</application> 频道。在 &FC; 3 和更老版本的系统中,您必须手动配置 <application>up2date</application> 使用这些频道。具体的步骤是修改文件 <filename>/etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources</filename>。</para></note></section><section id="sn-authorizing-package-sources"><title>手动认证软件来源</title><indexterm><primary>公钥</primary><secondary>添加</secondary></indexterm><para>要手动向 <command>rpm</command> 钥匙环中添加公钥,使用 <command>rpm</command> 的 <option>import</option> 功能。要导入文件 <filename>GPG-PUB-KEY.asc</filename>,输入命令:</para><screen><userinput>su -c 'rpm --import <replaceable>GPG-PUB-KEY.asc</replaceable>'</user
 input></screen><para>在提示时,输入 <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> 帐号的密码。</para><para>您可以直接从一个网站上导入公钥。例如,要导入网站 <wordasword>www.therepository.com</wordasword> 上的文件 <filename>GPG-PUB-KEY.asc</filename>,使用命令:</para><screen><userinput>su -c 'rpm --import <replaceable>http://www.therepository.com/GPG-PUB-KEY.asc</replaceable>'</userinput></screen><para>在提示时,输入 <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> 的密码。</para><important><title>在 &FC; 3 中导入 &FED; 公钥</title><para>要在 &FC; 3 系统中向 <command>rpm</command> 钥匙环添加 &FED; 的公钥,使用命令 <command>su -c 'rpm --import /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora'</command>。</para></important></section><section id="sn-compat-repositories"><title>理解仓库相容性</title><indexterm><primary>软件包</primary><secondary>软件相容性</secondary></indexterm> <indexterm><primar
 y>仓库</primary><secondary>相容性</secondary></indexterm><para>&FEX; 仓库提供了按照与 &FC; 相同的标准构建的软件。第三方软件总是会与 &FP; 软件包相容,如果不是,提供者会给出特别的说明。</para><para>在您将一个仓库添加为软件来源之前,一定要阅读仓库所属的网站上有关软件相容性的信息。不同的仓库提供者可能提供同一个软件的不同的不相容的版本。第三方仓库也可能提供 &FED; 仓库中软件的替代软件包。</para><para>替代软件包可能是软件的不同版本,功能与 &FP; 仓库中的版本不同。在将 &FP; 版本的软件包替换掉前,仔细考虑其中的好处和可能的不相容情况。</para><caution><title>不相容的仓库</title><para>如果您配置您的系统使用了不相容的仓库,<command>yum</command> 会无法操作。</para></caution><para>为一个版本的 &FED; 构建的软件包通常与另一个版本的 &FED;
  不相容。提供者的网站总是会特别地说明所支持的 &FED; 版本。</para><tip><title>旧版本的 <command>yum</command> 和当前的仓库</title><para>在 <command>yum</command> 2.1 发布时,仓库索引的数据格式发生了变化。在 &FC; 3 中即是这一格式。仓库提供者应当说明所支持的 &FC; 版本。要确认一个未说明的仓库是否与新版本的 <command>yum</command> 相容,只要查看它是否有一个叫做 <filename>repodata/</filename> 的子目录。</para></tip></section></section>
+  <section id="sn-yum-installing-frompackage">
+    <title>从一个单独的软件包文件安装软件</title>
+    <indexterm>
+      <primary>安装软件</primary>
+      <secondary>从软件包</secondary>
+      <see>从软件包安装软件</see>
+    </indexterm> <indexterm><primary>软件</primary><secondary>从软件包安装软件</secondary></indexterm><para>使用仓库和标准的 <command>yum</command> 命令来定位并安装新软件,除非软件无法从任何一个仓库中找到。这种情况下,只能用 <option>localinstall</option> 功能来从软件包安装软件了。</para><important><title>必须有公钥</title><para>确保在安装没有仓库的软件之前,已经导入了软件来源的公钥。参见 <xref linkend="sn-authorizing-package-sources"/>。</para></important><para>要安装软件包 <filename>tsclient-0.132-4.i386.rpm</filename>,输入命令:</para><screen><userinput>su -c 'yum localinstall <replaceable>tsclient-0.132-4.i386.rpm</replaceable>'</userinput></screen><para>在提示时,输入 <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> 的密码。</para><note><title>过去安装的软件将被更新</title><para>如果软件提供了已安装软件的新版本,<comma
 nd>yum</command> 将更新已安装的软件。</para></note><para>如果软件包需要系统中未安装的软件,<command>yum</command> 会尝试利用已配置的仓库来满足依赖关系。您可能需要手动下载并安装额外的软件来满足所有的依赖关系。</para><caution><title>手动维护已安装的软件</title><para>如果您安装了并非来自仓库的软件,当它有新版时,<command>yum update</command> 无法自动更新它。为保证您总是用着最新的软件,可以订阅一份电子邮件或 RSS 服务,这样当有新版时可以得到通知。</para></caution></section>
+  <section id="sn-yum-maintenance">
+    <title>调整 <command>yum</command></title>
+    <para>
+      <command>yum</command> 不需要任何日常的维护。为保证 <command>yum</command> 操作的速度,您应当禁用或删除那些不再需要的仓库。您还可以删除 <command>yum</command> 缓存中的文件,从而节省硬盘空间。</para>
+    <section id="sn-removing-sources">
+      <title>禁用或删除软件来源</title>
+      <indexterm>
+        <primary>仓库</primary>
+        <secondary>禁用</secondary>
+      </indexterm> <indexterm><primary>仓库</primary><secondary>删除</secondary></indexterm><para>在仓库的描述文件中设置 <command>enable=0</command> 可以禁止 <command>yum</command> 使用这个仓库。<command>yum</command> 工具忽略包含这一设置的描述文件。</para><para>要彻底删除一个仓库</para><procedure><step><para>从 <filename>/etc/yum.repos.d/</filename> 目录中删除相关的文件。</para></step><step><para>从 <filename>/var/cache/yum/</filename> 目录中删除相关的缓存目录。</para></step></procedure>
+<!-- What with the "web of trust," removing GPG keys is not really -->
+<!-- something we should encourage. Having an extra GPG key in the RPM -->
+<!-- database is not a vulnerability, nor does it hamper the system in -->
+<!-- any way.  These are probably a couple of reasons Seth didn't build -->
+<!-- this function into yum as part of "clean all," for example.  Since -->
+<!-- we just had several admonitions against people running the rpm -->
+<!-- command on its own anyway, I would just omit this part -->
+<!-- completely. [PWF] -->
+      <important>
+        <title>Remove Unneeded Public Keys</title>
+        <para>
+          If you will not be using any further packages from a provider,
+	  remove their public key from the <command>rpm</command>
+	  keyring using the procedure described in
+          <xref linkend="sn-removing-publickeys" />.
+        </para>
+      </important>
+    </section>
+    <section id="sn-removing-publickeys">
+      <title>Removing Public Keys</title>
+      <indexterm>
+        <primary>public keys, removing</primary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <para>
+        To remove a public key from the keyring you first must determine
+        the full name of the key, as it registered in
+        <command>rpm</command>. Run this command to view the details of
+        the public keys on the <command>rpm</command> keyring:
+      </para>
+<userinput>rpm -qi gpg-pubkey-*</userinput>
+      <para>
+        Locate the heading for the relevant public key. The public key
+        headings follow this format:
+      </para>
+      <example id="publickey-header-format">
+        <title>Format of <command>rpm</command> Public Key Headers</title>
+<computeroutput>Name        : gpg-pubkey                   Relocations: (not relocatable)
+Version     : 4f2a6fd2                          Vendor: (none)
+Release     : 3f9d9d3b                      Build Date: Wed 15 Jun 2005 09:55:33 PM BST
+Install Date: Wed 15 Jun 2005 09:55:33 PM BST      Build Host: localhost
+Group       : Public Keys                   Source RPM: (none)
+Size        : 0                                License: pubkey
+Signature   : (none)
+Summary     : gpg(Fedora Project &lt;fedora at redhat.com&gt;)
+Description :</computeroutput>
+      </example>
+      <para>
+        Add the <option>Version</option> and <option>Release</option>
+        attributes to <option>gpg-pubkey-</option> to make the complete
+        name of the key, in the form
+        <option>gpg-pubkey-Version_number-Release_number</option>. The
+        <command>rpm</command> identification for the &FP; public key
+        shown above is: <option>gpg-pubkey-4f2a6fd2-3f9d9d3b</option>.
+      </para>
+      <para>
+        Once you know the identification name of the key, use the
+        command <command>rpm <option>-e</option></command> to remove it.
+        To remove the &FP; public key shown above the exact command
+        would be:
+      </para>
+<userinput>su -c 'rpm -e <replaceable>gpg-pubkey-4f2a6fd2-3f9d9d3b</replaceable>'</userinput>
+      <para>
+        Enter the password for the
+        <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> account when
+        prompted.
+      </para>
+    </section>
+    <section id="sn-yum-clearance">
+      <title>清空 <command>yum</command> 缓存</title>
+      <indexterm>
+        <primary>yum</primary>
+        <secondary>清空缓存</secondary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <para>默认情况下,<command>yum</command> 保留它下载的软件包和软件信息文件,这样将来可以复用它们,不必重新下载。要删除软件信息文件,使用命令:</para>
+      <screen>
+        <userinput>su -c 'yum clean headers'</userinput>
+      </screen>
+      <para>要删除缓存中所有软件包,使用命令:</para>
+      <screen>
+        <userinput>su -c 'yum clean packages'</userinput>
+      </screen>
+      <para>在提示时,输入 <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> 帐号的密码。</para>
+      <para>删除已缓存的文件,下次需要它们时,必须重新下载。这样,完成操作需要的时间会增加。</para>
+    </section>
+  </section>
+  <section id="sn-yum-proxy-server">
+    <title>有代理服务器时使用 <command>yum</command></title>
+    <indexterm>
+      <primary>代理服务器</primary>
+    </indexterm> <indexterm><primary>yum</primary><secondary>有代理服务器时的使用</secondary></indexterm><para>默认情况下,<command>yum</command> 通过 HTTP 连接到网络上的仓库。所有 <command>yum</command> HTTP 操作都使用 HTTP/1.1,与支持这一标准的 web 代理服务器兼容。您也可以连接到 FTP 仓库,并配置 <command>yum</command> 使用 FTP 代理服务器。<filename>squid</filename> 软件包同时提供了 HTTP/1.1 和 FTP 连接的代理服务。</para><tip><title>为网络兼容性调整 <command>yum</command></title><para>请参考 <filename>yum.conf</filename> 的手册页中,可修改的 HTTP 设置,以与非标准的 web 代理服务器兼容。或者,配置 <command>yum</command> 使用 FTP 代理服务器并访问 FTP 仓库。&FED; 仓库同时支持 HTTP 和 FTP。</para></tip><section id="sn-yum-proxy-server-global"><title>配置代理服务器访问</title><para>要设置所有 <command>yum</command>
  操作都使用代理服务器,可以在 <filename>/etc/yum.conf</filename> 中设置代理服务器的信息。<option>proxy</option> 配置项必须设定为完整的代理服务器的 URL,包含 TCP 端口号在内。如果您的代理服务器要求用户名和密码,可以用 <option>proxy_username</option> 和 <option>proxy_password</option> 配置项来指定它们。</para><para>这一配置使得 <command>yum</command> 使用代理服务器 <systemitem class="systemname">mycache.mydomain.com</systemitem>,连接端口号 3128,用户名 <systemitem class="username">yum-user</systemitem>,密码 <systemitem>qwerty</systemitem>。</para><example id="config-file-httpproxy"><title>配置文件设定,以使用代理服务器</title><screen><computeroutput># 代理服务器 - proxy server:port number
+# 用于 yum 连接的帐户细节
+proxy_password=qwerty</computeroutput></screen></example><note><title>全局设置</title><para>如果您在 <filename>/etc/yum.conf</filename> 中定义代理服务器,<emphasis>所有</emphasis> 用户在使用 <command>yum</command> 时都会应用这个代理服务器设置。</para></note></section><section id="sn-yum-proxy-server-peruser"><title>为单个用户配置代理服务器</title><para>要为一个特定的用户启用代理访问,只要将实例框中的文本行加入这个用户的 shell 配置中。对于默认的 <command>bash</command> shell,配置是在 <filename>~/.bash_profile</filename> 中。这一设置使得 <command>yum</command> 使用代理服务器 <systemitem class="systemname">mycache.mydomain.com</systemitem>,连接端口号 3128。</para><example id="profile-script-httpproxy"><title>配置设定,为使用代理服务器</title><screen><computeroutput># 这个帐号使用的代理服务器
+export http_proxy</computeroutput></screen></example><para>如果代理服务器需要用户名和密码,只要将它们加入 URL。要包含用户名 <systemitem class="username">yum-user</systemitem>,密码 <systemitem>qwerty</systemitem>,添加设定:</para><example id="profile-script-httpproxy-withpassword"><title>配置设定,针对安全的代理服务器</title><screen><computeroutput># 这个帐号使用的代理服务器和用户名/密码
+export http_proxy</computeroutput></screen></example><note><title>环境变量 <option>http_proxy</option></title><para>环境变量 <command>http_proxy</command> 也为 <command>curl</command> 等其他工具所用。尽管 <command>yum</command> 可以识别大写或小写的 <command>http_proxy</command>,<command>curl</command> 要求环境变量的名称是小写。</para></note></section></section>
+  <!-- SE: This is at the end of the document, since it looks out of place in section 1 -->
+  <section id="sn-acknowledgements">
+    <title>æ„Ÿè°¢</title>
+    <para>Paul Frields 编辑了本文档。Timothy Murphy 检视了 BETA 发布。</para>
+  </section>
+  <index id="generated-index"/>
diff --git a/zh_CN.po b/zh_CN.po
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f05de7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zh_CN.po
@@ -0,0 +1,2456 @@
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-02-17 02:21+0800\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2006-02-17 02:36+0800\n"
+"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
+"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:23(title)
+msgid "Introduction"
+msgstr "介绍"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:26(title)
+msgid "Purpose"
+msgstr "目的"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:28(para)
+msgid ""
+"This document presents basic concepts of software management on &amp;FED; "
+"systems. It outlines the major functions of <command>yum</command>, the "
+"recommended software management tool for &amp;FED;."
+msgstr ""
+"这份文档记述了 &amp;FED; 系统中软件管理的基本内容。文档涵盖了 &amp;FED; 推荐"
+"使用的软件管理工具 <command>yum</command> 的主要功能。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:37(title)
+msgid "Audience"
+msgstr "读者"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:39(para)
+msgid ""
+"This document is intended for &amp;FED; users of all levels of experience."
+msgstr "本文档适于程度不同的所有 &amp;FED; 用户。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:46(title)
+msgid "Using This Document"
+msgstr "本文档的用法"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:48(para)
+msgid ""
+"This document is a reference for using <command>yum</command>. You may wish "
+"to read some or all of the sections, depending upon your needs and level of "
+"experience. If you are a new user, read the <xref linkend=\"sn-software-"
+"management-concepts\"/> before using <command>yum</command> for the first "
+"time. Experienced Linux users should start with <xref linkend=\"sn-managing-"
+msgstr ""
+"本文档是使用 <command>yum</command> 的参考。您可以选择阅读或全文阅读,取决于"
+"您的需求和掌握程度。如果您对系统还很陌生,可以在第一次使用 <command>yum</"
+"command> 之前先阅读 <xref linkend=\"sn-software-management-concepts\"/>。有经"
+"验的 Linux 用户可以从 <xref linkend=\"sn-managing-packages\"/> 开始。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:60(title)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:284(title)
+msgid "Previous Versions of &amp;FC;"
+msgstr "过去版本的 &amp;FC;"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:62(para)
+msgid ""
+"This document describes the configuration of <command>yum</command> on &amp;"
+"FC; &amp;FCLOCALVER; systems. You must perform the additional step noted in "
+"<xref linkend=\"sn-authorizing-package-sources\"/> to enable <command>yum</"
+"command> on &amp;FC; 3."
+msgstr ""
+"本文档描述的 <command>yum</command> 的配置适用于 &amp;FC; &amp;FCLOCALVER; 系"
+"统。在 &amp;FC; 3 中,您必须按照 <xref linkend=\"sn-authorizing-package-"
+"sources\"/> 中的步骤才能启用 <command>yum</command>。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:71(para)
+msgid ""
+"Most of the examples in this document use the package <filename>tsclient</"
+"filename>, which is included with &amp;FC;. The <filename>tsclient</"
+"filename> package provides an application for remote desktop access. If you "
+"install it successfully you may start the application by choosing "
+"guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Terminal Server Client</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. "
+"To use the examples, substitute the name of the relevant package for "
+"<filename>tsclient</filename>. The example commands for &amp;FED; package "
+"groups use the <filename>MySQL Database</filename> group."
+msgstr ""
+"本文档中大多数范例使用了软件包 <filename>tsclient</filename>,它包含在 &amp;"
+"FC; 里面。<filename>tsclient</filename> 软件包提供了一个用于远程桌面连接的应"
+"用程序。如果您成功安装了它,可以选择菜单 <menuchoice><guimenu>Applications</"
+"guimenu><guisubmenu>Internet</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Terminal Server "
+"Client</guimenuitem></menuchoice> 来运行它。要应用这些例子,只要把 "
+"<filename>tsclient</filename> 替换为相关的软件包名称。&amp;FED; 软件组的操作"
+"范例使用了 <filename>MySQL Database</filename> 组。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:86(title)
+msgid "Avoid Logging in with the Root Account"
+msgstr "避免以 root 帐号登录"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:88(para)
+msgid ""
+"You do not need to log in with the <systemitem class=\"username\">root</"
+"systemitem> account in order to manage your &amp;FED; system. All of the "
+"commands shown in this tutorial that require <systemitem class=\"username"
+"\">root</systemitem> access will prompt you for the <systemitem class="
+"\"username\">root</systemitem> password. The example terminal commands use "
+"<command>su <option>-c</option></command> to provide this facility."
+msgstr ""
+"您不需要以 <systemitem class=\"username\">root</systemitem> 登录,仍然可以管"
+"理您的  &amp;FED; 系统。本文档中包含的操作,如果需要 <systemitem class="
+"\"username\">root</systemitem> 权限,会提示您输入 <systemitem class="
+"\"username\">root</systemitem> 的密码。示例使用 <command>su <option>-c</"
+"option></command> 命令实现了这种功能。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:103(title)
+msgid "Additional Resources"
+msgstr "附加资源"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:105(primary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:109(primary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:124(primary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:128(primary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:603(primary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1096(primary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1565(primary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1603(primary)
+msgid "yum"
+msgstr "yum"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:106(secondary)
+msgid "documentation"
+msgstr "文档"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:110(secondary)
+msgid "man pages"
+msgstr "手册页"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:112(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <command>yum</command> utility has features and options not discussed in "
+"this document. Read the <command>man</command> pages for <command>yum(8)</"
+"command> and <filename>yum.conf(5)</filename> to learn more, using the "
+"following commands:"
+msgstr ""
+"本文档没有介绍 <command>yum</command> 工具的某些特性和选项。阅读 "
+"<command>man</command> 手册页的 <command>yum(8)</command> 和 <filename>yum."
+"conf(5)</filename> 来学习它们,只要这样:"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:120(userinput)
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"man yum\n"
+"man yum.conf"
+msgstr ""
+"man yum\n"
+"man yum.conf"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:125(secondary)
+msgid "web sites"
+msgstr "网站"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:129(secondary)
+msgid "mailing lists"
+msgstr "邮件列表"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:131(para)
+msgid "Other useful <command>yum</command> resources on the Internet include:"
+msgstr "互联网上其他有用的 <command>yum</command> 资源还有:"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:138(term)
+msgid "Project web site"
+msgstr "项目网站"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:149(term)
+msgid "Users mailing list"
+msgstr "用户的邮件列表"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:160(term)
+msgid "Development mailing list"
+msgstr "开发的邮件列表"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:171(title)
+msgid "Check &amp;BZ; First"
+msgstr "请先查阅 &amp;BZ;"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:172(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you encounter a persistent error with a specific operation, visit &amp;BZ-"
+"URL; and review the bug reports for the package or packages involved. An "
+"error in a package may cause all <command>yum</command> operations that rely "
+"on that package to fail. Please file bug reports for &amp;FED; packages, "
+"including <command>yum</command>, on this &amp;BZ; web site."
+msgstr ""
+"如果您的某个操作总是产生错误,请查阅 &amp;BZ-URL; 并参考相关软件包的错误报"
+"告。某个软件包出错可能导致依赖于这个软件包的所有 <command>yum</command> 操作"
+"失败。请在 &amp;BZ; 网站上提交相关 &amp;FED; 软件包的错误报告。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:185(title)
+msgid "Software Management Concepts"
+msgstr "软件管理概念"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:188(title)
+msgid "About Packages"
+msgstr "关于软件包"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:190(primary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:395(primary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:399(primary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:934(primary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1300(primary)
+msgid "packages"
+msgstr "软件包"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:191(secondary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:229(secondary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:317(secondary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:368(secondary)
+msgid "defined"
+msgstr "定义"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:193(para)
+msgid ""
+"&amp;FED; software and documentation is supplied in the form of files called "
+"RPM <firstterm>packages</firstterm>. Each package is a compressed archive "
+"containing product information, program files, icons, documentation and "
+"management scripts. Management applications use these files to safely "
+"locate, install, update and remove software. For example, the &amp;FED; "
+"installation process uses the packages supplied with &amp;FC; to build or "
+"upgrade a system to your requirements."
+msgstr ""
+"&amp;FED; 的软件和文档以一种称为 RPM <firstterm>软件包</firstterm> 的文件方式"
+"FED; 安装过程使用随 &amp;FC; 附带的软件包来构建或升级符合您需要的系统。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:204(para)
+msgid ""
+"Packages also include a digital signature to prove their source. Software "
+"management utilities verify this digital signature by using a GPG "
+"<firstterm>public key</firstterm>. The <command>yum</command> and "
+"<command>rpm</command> utilities share a common <firstterm>keyring</"
+"firstterm> that stores all of the public keys for approved package sources. "
+"The system administrator configures these approved package sources."
+msgstr ""
+"软件包也包含一个数字签名,以验证它们的来源。软件管理工具通过 GPG <firstterm>"
+"公钥</firstterm> 来验证这个签名。<command>yum</command> 和 <command>rpm</"
+"command> 工具共享同一个 <firstterm>keyring</firstterm>,它保存了所有有保障的"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:215(title)
+msgid "All &amp;FED; Packages are Open Source Software"
+msgstr "&amp;FED; 的所有软件包都是开源软件"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:217(para)
+msgid ""
+"All of the software provided by the &amp;FP; is open source software. You "
+"may download and install &amp;FED; packages on as many systems as desired."
+msgstr ""
+"&amp;FP; 提供的所有软件都是开源软件。您可以下载 &amp;FED; 的软件包并安装到任"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:226(title)
+msgid "About Repositories"
+msgstr "关于仓库"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:228(primary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1156(primary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1196(primary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1304(primary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1448(primary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1452(primary)
+msgid "repositories"
+msgstr "仓库"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:231(para)
+msgid ""
+"A <firstterm>repository</firstterm> is a prepared directory or web site that "
+"contains software packages and index files. Software management utilities "
+"such as <command>yum</command> automatically locate and obtain the correct "
+"RPM packages from these repositories. This method frees you from having to "
+"manually find and install new applications or updates. You may use a single "
+"command to update all system software, or search for new software by "
+"specifying criteria."
+msgstr ""
+"<firstterm>仓库</firstterm> 是一个预备好的目录,或是一个网站,包含了软件包和"
+"索引文件。软件管理工具,类似 <command>yum</command>,可以在仓库中自动地定位并"
+"获取正确的 RPM 软件包。这样,您就不必手动搜索和安装新应用程序和升级补丁了。只"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:242(para)
+msgid ""
+"A network of servers provide several repositories for each version of &amp;"
+"FC;. The package management utilities in &amp;FC; are already configured to "
+"use three of these repositories:"
+msgstr ""
+"有一系列的服务器,为每个版本的 &amp;FC; 分别提供了一些仓库。&amp;FC; 中的软件"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:250(term)
+msgid "Base"
+msgstr "Base"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:254(para)
+msgid "The packages that make up a &amp;FC; release, as it is on disc"
+msgstr "构成 &amp;FC; 的软件包,和光盘上内容相同"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:261(term)
+msgid "Updates"
+msgstr "Updates"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:265(para)
+msgid "Updated versions of packages that are provided in Base"
+msgstr "Base 仓库中软件包的更新版本"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:272(term)
+msgid "&amp;EX;"
+msgstr "&amp;EX;"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:276(para)
+msgid "Packages for a large selection of additional software"
+msgstr "一大批附加的软件包"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:286(para)
+msgid ""
+"&amp;FC; &amp;FCLOCALVER; automatically supports the three repositories "
+"listed above. You must manually configure &amp;FC; 3 systems to use &amp;"
+"FEX;, as noted in <xref linkend=\"sn-using-repositories\"/>."
+msgstr ""
+"&amp;FC; &amp;FCLOCALVER; 自动地支持这三个仓库。如果是 &amp;FC; 3 系统,您必"
+"须手动调整才能使用 &amp;FEX;,可以按照 <xref linkend=\"sn-using-repositories"
+"\"/> 来做。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:295(title)
+msgid "&amp;FED; Development Repositories"
+msgstr "&amp;FED; 开发仓库"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:297(para)
+msgid ""
+"&amp;FC; also includes settings for several alternative repositories. These "
+"provide packages for various types of test system, and replace one or more "
+"of the standard repositories. Only enable support for one of the following "
+"repositories if you test or develop &amp;FED; software: <filename>fedora-"
+"devel</filename> (Rawhide), <filename>fedora-extras-devel</filename>, and "
+msgstr ""
+"&amp;FC; 也包含了几个可选的仓库设置。它们提供测试的软件包,可以取代一个或多个"
+"标准的仓库。只有当您打算测试和开发 &amp;FED; 软件时,才应当启用它们:"
+"<filename>fedora-devel</filename> (Rawhide), <filename>fedora-extras-devel</"
+"filename>, 和 <filename>updates-testing</filename>。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:309(para)
+msgid ""
+"Third-party software developers also provide repositories for their &amp;"
+"FED; compatible packages. To learn how to configure your &amp;FED; system to "
+"use third-party repositories, read <xref linkend=\"sn-using-repositories\"/>."
+msgstr ""
+"第三方软件开发者通常也使用仓库,来提供自己软件的 &amp;FED; 版本。要学习如何配"
+"置自己的 &amp;FED; 系统来使用第三方仓库,可以阅读 <xref linkend=\"sn-using-"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:316(primary)
+msgid "package groups"
+msgstr "软件组"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:319(para)
+msgid ""
+"You may also use the <firstterm>package groups</firstterm> provided by the "
+"&amp;FED; repositories to manage related packages as sets. Some third-party "
+"repositories add packages to these groups, or provide their packages as "
+"additional groups."
+msgstr ""
+"您可以用 &amp;FED; 仓库提供的 <firstterm>软件组</firstterm> 来管理相关的软件"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:328(title)
+msgid "Available Package Groups"
+msgstr "现有的软件组"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:330(para)
+msgid ""
+"To view a list of all of the available package groups for your &amp;FED; "
+"system, run the command <command>su -c 'yum grouplist'</command>."
+msgstr ""
+"要查看您的 &amp;FED; 系统中现有可用的软件组,运行命令 <command>su -c 'yum "
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:337(para)
+msgid ""
+"Use repositories to ensure that you always receive current versions of "
+"software. If several versions of the same package are available, your "
+"management utility automatically selects the latest version."
+msgstr ""
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:345(title)
+msgid "Installing Software not from a Repository"
+msgstr "安装软件,但不使用仓库"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:347(para)
+msgid ""
+"Install software using manual methods only when you are confident there is "
+"no repository which can currently provide it. You may have to manage that "
+"software with manual methods, instead of with &amp;FED; software management "
+msgstr ""
+"可能需要手动地管理这个软件包,无法应用 &amp;FED; 软件包管理工具。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:354(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <command>yum</command> commands shown in this document use repositories "
+"as package sources. Refer to <xref linkend=\"sn-yum-installing-frompackage\"/"
+"> for details of using <command>yum</command> to install software from a "
+"package file."
+msgstr ""
+"本文档中的 <command>yum</command> 命令使用仓库作为软件包来源。如果要使用 "
+"<command>yum</command> 从一个软件包文件来安装软件,可以参考 <xref linkend="
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:365(title)
+msgid "About Dependencies"
+msgstr "关于依赖关系"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:367(primary)
+msgid "dependencies"
+msgstr "依赖关系"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:370(para)
+msgid ""
+"Some of the files installed on a &amp;FED; distribution are "
+"<firstterm>libraries</firstterm> which may provide functions to multiple "
+"applications. When an application requires a specific library, the package "
+"which contains that library is a <firstterm>dependency</firstterm>. To "
+"properly install a package, &amp;FED; must first satisfy its dependencies. "
+"The dependency information for a RPM package is stored within the RPM file."
+msgstr ""
+"&amp;FED; 发行版中安装的某些文件属于 <firstterm>库</firstterm>,它为多个应用"
+"程序提供功能。如果一个应用程序需要某个特定的库,那么这个库就是一个 "
+"<firstterm>依赖</firstterm>。要正常地安装一个软件包,&amp;FED; 必须首先满足它"
+"的依赖关系。一个 RPM 软件包的依赖信息储存在这个 RPM 文件中。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:381(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <command>yum</command> utility uses package dependency data to ensure "
+"that all of requirements for an application are met during installation. It "
+"automatically installs the packages for any dependencies not already present "
+"on your system. If a new application has requirements that conflict with "
+"existing software, <command>yum</command> aborts without making any changes "
+"to your system."
+msgstr ""
+"<command>yum</command> 工具使用软件包依赖关系数据来保证一个应用程序在安装前,"
+"的应用程序的要求与现有的软件冲突,<command>yum</command> 会放弃,不对系统做任"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:393(title)
+msgid "Understanding Package Names"
+msgstr "理解软件包名称"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:396(secondary)
+msgid "hardware compatibility"
+msgstr "硬件兼容性"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:400(secondary)
+msgid "naming"
+msgstr "命名"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:402(para)
+msgid ""
+"Each package file has a long name that indicates several key pieces of "
+"information. For example, this is the full name of a <filename>tsclient</"
+"filename> package:"
+msgstr ""
+"每个软件包文件都有一个很长的名字,包含了几个最重要的信息。例如,这就是 &amp;"
+"FC; 中 <filename>tsclient</filename> 软件包的全名:"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:408(filename)
+msgid "tsclient-0.132-6.i386.rpm"
+msgstr "tsclient-0.132-6.i386.rpm"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:410(para)
+msgid ""
+"Management utilities commonly refer to packages with one of three formats:"
+msgstr "管理工具处理软件包时,通常使用如下三种格式之一:"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:417(para)
+msgid "Package name: <filename>tsclient</filename>"
+msgstr "软件包名称:<filename>tsclient</filename>"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:422(para)
+msgid ""
+"Package name with version and release numbers: <filename>tsclient-0.132-6</"
+msgstr ""
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:431(para)
+msgid ""
+"Package name with hardware architecture: <filename>tsclient.i386</filename>"
+msgstr "带有硬件架构的软件包名称:<filename>tsclient.i386</filename>"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:438(para)
+msgid ""
+"For clarity, <command>yum</command> lists packages in the format "
+"<filename>name.architecture</filename>. Repositories also commonly store "
+"packages in separate directories by architecture. In each case, the hardware "
+"architecture specified for the package is the <emphasis>minimum</emphasis> "
+"type of machine required to use the package."
+msgstr ""
+"为了清楚明白,<command>yum</command> 以 <filename>名称.架构</filename> 的格式"
+"构的时候,实际指定的是此软件对机器架构的 <emphasis>最低</emphasis> 要求。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:449(term)
+msgid "i386"
+msgstr "i386"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:453(para)
+msgid "Suitable for any current Intel-compatible computer"
+msgstr "适于任何现有的 Intel 兼容计算机"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:460(term)
+msgid "noarch"
+msgstr "noarch"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:464(para)
+msgid "Compatible with all computer architectures"
+msgstr "适于所有架构"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:471(term)
+msgid "ppc"
+msgstr "ppc"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:475(para)
+msgid "Suitable for PowerPC systems, such as Apple Power Macintosh"
+msgstr "适于 PowerPC 系统,例如 Apple Power Macintosh"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:483(term)
+msgid "x86_64"
+msgstr "x86_64"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:487(para)
+msgid "Suitable for 64-bit Intel-compatible processors, such as Opterons"
+msgstr "适于 64 位 Intel 处理器,例如 Opterons"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:495(para)
+msgid ""
+"Some software may be optimized for particular types of Intel-compatible "
+"machine. Separate packages may be provided for <option>i386</option>, "
+"<option>i586</option>, <option>i686</option> and <option>x86_64</option> "
+"computers. A machine with at least an Intel Pentium, VIA C3 or compatible "
+"CPU may use <option>i586</option> packages. Computers with an Intel Pentium "
+"Pro and above, or a current model of AMD chip, may use <option>i686</option> "
+msgstr ""
+"一些软件会为特殊类型的 Intel 处理器优化,为 <option>i386</option>, "
+"<option>i586</option>, <option>i686</option> 和 <option>x86_64</option> 计算"
+"机提供不同的软件包。如果机器中有 Intel 奔腾,VIA C3 或其他兼容的处理器,那么"
+"可以使用 <option>i586</option> 软件包。如果机器中有 Intel 高能奔腾或更强劲的"
+"处理器,或是有时兴的 AMD 处理器,那么可以使用 <option>i686</option> 软件包。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:506(para)
+msgid ""
+"Use the short name of the package for <command>yum</command> commands. This "
+"causes <command>yum</command> to automatically select the most recent "
+"package in the repositories that matches the hardware architecture of your "
+msgstr ""
+"在 <command>yum</command> 的命令行中,应当使用软件包的短名称。<command>yum</"
+"command> 会自动在符合您的机器架构的仓库中,选择版本最新的软件包。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:513(para)
+msgid ""
+"Specify a package with other name formats to override the default behavior "
+"and force <command>yum</command> to use the package that matches that "
+"version or architecture. Only override <command>yum</command> when you know "
+"that the default package selection has a bug or other fault that makes it "
+"unsuitable for installation."
+msgstr ""
+"用其他命名格式指定软件包,可以避免默认行为,强制 <command>yum</command> 使用"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:522(title)
+msgid "Package Names"
+msgstr "软件包名称"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:523(para)
+msgid ""
+"You may use any of the following formats to specify a package in a "
+"<command>yum</command> operation: <replaceable>name</replaceable>, "
+"<replaceable>name.architecture</replaceable>, <replaceable>name-version</"
+"replaceable>, <replaceable>name-version-release</replaceable>, "
+"<replaceable>name-version-release.architecture</replaceable>, and "
+msgstr ""
+"您可以在 <command>yum</command> 操作中,使用下列任一格式来指定软件包:"
+"<replaceable>name</replaceable>, <replaceable>name.architecture</"
+"replaceable>, <replaceable>name-version</replaceable>, <replaceable>name-"
+"version-release</replaceable>, <replaceable>name-version-release."
+"architecture</replaceable>, 和 <replaceable>epoch:name-version-release."
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:539(title)
+msgid "Software Management Tools in &amp;FC;"
+msgstr "&amp;FC; 中的软件管理工具"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:541(primary)
+msgid "Add/Remove Applications utility"
+msgstr "添加/移除应用程序工具"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:544(primary)
+msgid "Alert Icon"
+msgstr "警告图标"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:547(primary)
+msgid "up2date"
+msgstr "up2date"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:549(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <command>yum</command> utility is a complete software management system. "
+"&amp;FC; also includes several other applications that can supplement "
+msgstr ""
+"<command>yum</command> 工具是一个完整的软件管理系统。&amp;FC; 也包含其他几个"
+"应用程序,作为 <command>yum</command> 的补充。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:555(para)
+msgid ""
+"On your desktop is an <application>Alert Icon</application> that keeps you "
+"informed about package updates. Until your system is updated the icon "
+"appears as a red circle with a flashing exclamation mark. The Alert Icon is "
+"part of the <application>up2date</application> application, which enables "
+"you to easily install system updates."
+msgstr ""
+"您的桌面上有一个 <application>Alert Icon</application>,当软件包有更新时它会"
+"警告图标是 <application>up2date</application> 的一部分,它让您可以简单地更新"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:564(para)
+msgid ""
+"&amp;FC; also includes <application>system-config-packages</application>. To "
+"run this application from the graphical interface, select "
+"<menuchoice><guimenu>Desktop</guimenu><guisubmenu>System Settings</"
+"guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Add/Remove Applications</guimenuitem></menuchoice>. "
+"Unlike <application>up2date</application> and <command>yum</command>, "
+"<application>system-config-packages</application> installs software packages "
+"from your &amp;FC; installation discs only, and does not use repositories. "
+"This application is used on systems that do not have a network connection."
+msgstr ""
+"&amp;FC; 也包含了一个 <application>system-config-packages</application> 工"
+"具。要在图形界面运行这个应用程序,从菜单中选择 <menuchoice><guimenu>Desktop</"
+"guimenu><guisubmenu>System Settings</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Add/Remove "
+"Applications</guimenuitem></menuchoice>。与 <application>up2date</"
+"application> 和 <command>yum</command> 不同,<application>system-config-"
+"packages</application> 只能利用 &amp;FC; 安装光盘中安装软件,无法使用仓库。这"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:578(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <command>rpm</command> command-line utility has many functions for "
+"working with individual RPM packages. You may use it to manually install and "
+"remove packages from your system. If you install software with the "
+"<command>rpm</command> utility, you must manually check and install any "
+"dependencies. For this reason, <command>yum</command> is the recommended "
+"method for installing software."
+msgstr ""
+"命令行工具 <command>rpm</command> 有很多功能,主要是操作单独的 RPM 软件包。您"
+"可以利用它来手动地为系统安装和移除软件包。如果使用 <command>rpm</command> 工"
+"command> 是安装软件的首选方式。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:589(title)
+msgid "Current Package Versions"
+msgstr "当前软件包版本"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:591(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <application>up2date</application> and <command>yum</command> utilities "
+"ensure that you have the most recent version of software packages. Other "
+"methods do not guarantee that the packages are current."
+msgstr ""
+"<application>up2date</application> 和 <command>yum</command> 工具可以保证您安"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:601(title)
+msgid "Managing Software with <command>yum</command>"
+msgstr "使用 <command>yum</command> 管理软件"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:604(secondary)
+msgid "software management"
+msgstr "软件管理"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:606(para)
+msgid ""
+"Use the <command>yum</command> utility to modify the software on your system "
+"in four ways:"
+msgstr "使用 <command>yum</command> 工具改变系统中的软件配置,有四种选择:"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:614(para)
+msgid "To install new software from package repositories"
+msgstr "从仓库安装新软件"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:619(para)
+msgid "To install new software from an individual package file"
+msgstr "从单独的软件包文件安装新软件"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:624(para)
+msgid "To update existing software on your system"
+msgstr "更新您的系统中现有的软件"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:629(para)
+msgid "To remove unwanted software from your system"
+msgstr "从您的系统中移除不需要的软件"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:637(title)
+msgid "Installing Software from a Package File"
+msgstr "从一个软件包文件安装软件"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:639(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <command>yum</command> commands shown in this section use repositories "
+"as package sources. Refer to <xref linkend=\"sn-yum-installing-frompackage\"/"
+"> for details of using <command>yum</command> to install software from an "
+"individual package file."
+msgstr ""
+"本文档中的 <command>yum</command> 命令使用仓库作为软件包来源。如果要使用 "
+"<command>yum</command> 从一个软件包文件来安装软件,可以参考 <xref linkend="
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:648(para)
+msgid ""
+"To use <command>yum</command>, specify a function and one or more packages "
+"or package groups. Each section below gives some examples."
+msgstr ""
+"使用 <command>yum</command> 时,应指定一个操作,以及一个或多个软件包/软件组。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:654(para)
+msgid ""
+"For each operation, <command>yum</command> downloads the latest package "
+"information from the configured repositories. If your system uses a slow "
+"network connection <command>yum</command> may require several seconds to "
+"download the repository indexes and the header files for each package."
+msgstr ""
+"对于每个操作,<command>yum</command> 都要从已配置的仓库中下载最新的软件包信"
+"息。如果您的网络连接比较慢,<command>yum</command> 会用数秒钟来下载仓库的索引"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:662(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <command>yum</command> utility searches these data files to determine "
+"the best set of actions to produce the required result, and displays the "
+"transaction for you to approve. The transaction may include the "
+"installation, update, or removal of additional packages, in order to resolve "
+"software dependencies."
+msgstr ""
+"为得到所需的结果,<command>yum</command> 工具搜索这些数据文件,产生最好的动作"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:671(title)
+msgid "Format of <command>yum</command> Transaction Reports"
+msgstr "<command>yum</command> 事务报告的格式"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:673(para)
+msgid ""
+"This is an example of the transaction for installing <filename>tsclient</"
+msgstr "这个范例是安装 <filename>tsclient</filename> 时的事务:"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:678(computeroutput)
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+" Package                 Arch       Version          Repository        Size\n"
+" tsclient                i386       0.132-6          base              247 k\n"
+"Installing for dependencies:\n"
+" rdesktop                i386       1.4.0-2          base              107 k\n"
+"Transaction Summary\n"
+"Install      2 Package(s)\n"
+"Update       0 Package(s)\n"
+"Remove       0 Package(s)\n"
+"Total download size: 355 k\n"
+"Is this ok [y/N]:"
+msgstr ""
+" Package                 Arch       Version          Repository        Size\n"
+" tsclient                i386       0.132-6          base              247 k\n"
+"Installing for dependencies:\n"
+" rdesktop                i386       1.4.0-2          base              107 k\n"
+"Transaction Summary\n"
+"Install      2 Package(s)\n"
+"Update       0 Package(s)\n"
+"Remove       0 Package(s)\n"
+"Total download size: 355 k\n"
+"Is this ok [y/N]:"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:696(para)
+msgid ""
+"Review the list of changes, and then press <keycap>y</keycap> to accept and "
+"begin the process. If you press <keycap>N</keycap> or <keycap>Enter</"
+"keycap>, <command>yum</command> does not download or change any packages."
+msgstr ""
+"检视列表中的改变,然后按下 <keycap>y</keycap> 接受并开始。如果您按下 "
+"<keycap>N</keycap> 或 <keycap>Enter</keycap>(回车),<command>yum</command> 不"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:704(title)
+msgid "Package Versions"
+msgstr "软件包版本"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:706(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <command>yum</command> utility only displays and uses the newest version "
+"of each package, unless you specify an older version."
+msgstr ""
+"<command>yum</command> 工具只显示和使用软件包的最新版本,除非您指定一个旧版"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:713(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <command>yum</command> utility also imports the repository public key if "
+"it is not already installed on the <command>rpm</command> keyring."
+msgstr ""
+"<command>yum</command> 工具支持导入仓库公钥,如果它没有预装在 <command>rpm</"
+"command> 钥匙环中的话。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:720(title)
+msgid "Format of <command>yum</command> Public Key Import"
+msgstr "<command>yum</command> 公钥导入的格式"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:722(para)
+msgid "This is an example of the public key import:"
+msgstr "这是公钥导入的一个例子:"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:726(computeroutput)
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 4f2a6fd2\n"
+"public key not available for tsclient-0.132-6.i386.rpm\n"
+"Retrieving GPG key from file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora\n"
+"Importing GPG key 0x4F2A6FD2 \"Fedora Project &amp;lt;fedora at redhat.com&amp;gt;\"\n"
+"Is this ok [y/N]:"
+msgstr ""
+"warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 4f2a6fd2\n"
+"public key not available for tsclient-0.132-6.i386.rpm\n"
+"Retrieving GPG key from file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora\n"
+"Importing GPG key 0x4F2A6FD2 \"Fedora Project &amp;lt;fedora at redhat.com&amp;gt;\"\n"
+"Is this ok [y/N]:"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:734(para)
+msgid ""
+"Check the public key, and then press <keycap>y</keycap> to import the key "
+"and authorize the key for use. If you press <keycap>N</keycap> or "
+"<keycap>Enter</keycap>, <command>yum</command> stops without installing any "
+msgstr ""
+"检查这个公钥,然后按下 <keycap>y</keycap> 来导入它,认可它的效力。如果您按下 "
+"<keycap>N</keycap> 或 <keycap>Enter</keycap>(回车),<command>yum</command> 停"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:741(para)
+msgid ""
+"To ensure that downloaded packages are genuine, <command>yum</command> "
+"verifies the digital signature of each package against the public key of the "
+"provider. Once all of the packages required for the transaction are "
+"successfully downloaded and verified, <command>yum</command> applies them to "
+"your system."
+msgstr ""
+"为保证下载到的软件包是真实的,<command>yum</command> 用提供者的公钥校验每个软"
+"command> 将它们应用到您的系统中。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:749(para)
+msgid ""
+"Every completed transaction records the affected packages in the log file "
+"<filename>/var/log/yum.log</filename>. You may only read this file with "
+"<systemitem class=\"username\">root</systemitem> access."
+msgstr ""
+"每个完成的事务会在日志文件 <filename>/var/log/yum.log</filename> 中记录受影响"
+"的软件包。您只能以 <systemitem class=\"username\">root</systemitem> 权限读取"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:756(title)
+msgid "Downloads are Cached"
+msgstr "下载被缓存"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:757(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <command>yum</command> utility keeps downloaded data files and packages "
+"for reuse. You may copy packages from the repository cache directories under "
+"<filename>/var/cache/yum/</filename>, and use them elsewhere if you wish. If "
+"you remove a package from the cache, you do not affect the copy of the "
+"software installed on your system."
+msgstr ""
+"<command>yum</command> 工具保留已下载的数据文件和软件包以复用。如果需要,您可"
+"以从 <filename>/var/cache/yum/</filename> 下的仓库缓存目录中,将软件包复制出"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:767(title)
+msgid "Installing New Software with <command>yum</command>"
+msgstr "使用 <command>yum</command> 安装新软件"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:769(primary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1363(primary)
+msgid "installing software"
+msgstr "安装软件"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:770(see)
+msgid "software, installing"
+msgstr "软件,安装"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:773(primary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:824(primary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:882(primary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1368(primary)
+msgid "software"
+msgstr "软件"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:774(secondary)
+msgid "installing"
+msgstr "安装"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:776(para)
+msgid ""
+"To install the package <filename>tsclient</filename>, enter the command:"
+msgstr "要安装软件 <filename>tsclient</filename>,输入命令:"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:781(replaceable)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:832(replaceable)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:897(replaceable)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:963(replaceable)
+msgid "tsclient"
+msgstr "tsclient"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:781(userinput)
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "su -c 'yum install <placeholder-1/>'"
+msgstr "su -c 'yum install <placeholder-1/>'"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:783(para)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:796(para)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:834(para)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:858(para)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:899(para)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:912(para)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:965(para)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1010(para)
+msgid ""
+"Enter the password for the <systemitem class=\"username\">root</systemitem> "
+"account when prompted."
+msgstr ""
+"当提示时,输入 <systemitem class=\"username\">root</systemitem> 帐号的密码。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:789(para)
+msgid ""
+"To install the package group <filename>MySQL Database</filename>, enter the "
+msgstr "要安装软件组 <filename>MySQL Database</filename>,输入命令:"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:794(replaceable)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:856(replaceable)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:910(replaceable)
+msgid "MySQL Database"
+msgstr "MySQL Database"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:794(userinput)
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "su -c 'yum groupinstall \"<placeholder-1/>\"'"
+msgstr "su -c 'yum groupinstall \"<placeholder-1/>\"'"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:803(title)
+msgid "New Services Require Activation"
+msgstr "新的服务需要激活"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:805(para)
+msgid ""
+"When you install a service, &amp;FED; does not activate or start it. To "
+"configure a new service to run on bootup, choose "
+"<menuchoice><guimenu>Desktop</guimenu><guisubmenu>System Settings</"
+"guisubmenu><guisubmenu>Server Settings</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Services</"
+"guimenuitem></menuchoice>, or use the <command>chkconfig</command> and "
+"<command>service</command> command-line utilities."
+msgstr ""
+"当您安装一项服务的时候,&amp;FED; 不会激活或启动它。要配置一项新服务随系统启"
+"动而运行,选择菜单中的 <menuchoice><guimenu>Desktop</"
+"guimenu><guisubmenu>System Settings</guisubmenu><guisubmenu>Server Settings</"
+"具 <command>chkconfig</command> 和 <command>service</command>。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:818(title)
+msgid "Updating Software with <command>yum</command>"
+msgstr "使用 <command>yum</command> 更新软件"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:820(primary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:825(secondary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1092(primary)
+msgid "updating"
+msgstr "æ›´æ–°"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:821(secondary)
+msgid "software packages"
+msgstr "软件包"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:827(para)
+msgid ""
+"To update the <filename>tsclient</filename> package to the latest version, "
+msgstr "要更新 <filename>tsclient</filename> 软件为最新版本,输入:"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:832(userinput)
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "su -c 'yum update <placeholder-1/>'"
+msgstr "su -c 'yum update <placeholder-1/>'"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:841(title)
+msgid "New Software Versions Require Reloading"
+msgstr "新版本软件需要重新载入"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:843(para)
+msgid ""
+"If a piece of software is in use when you update it, the old version remains "
+"active until the application or service is restarted. Kernel updates take "
+"effect when you reboot the system."
+msgstr ""
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:851(para)
+msgid ""
+"To update all of the packages in the package group <filename>MySQL Database</"
+"filename>, enter the command:"
+msgstr ""
+"要更新软件组 <filename>MySQL Database</filename> 中的所有软件,输入命令:"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:856(userinput)
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "su -c 'yum groupupdate \"<placeholder-1/>\"'"
+msgstr "su -c 'yum groupupdate \"<placeholder-1/>\"'"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:865(title)
+msgid "Updating the Entire System"
+msgstr "更新整个系统"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:867(para)
+msgid ""
+"To update all of the packages on your &amp;FED; system, use the commands "
+"described in <xref linkend=\"sn-updating-your-system\"/>."
+msgstr ""
+"要更新您的 &amp;FED; 系统中的所有软件,使用 <xref linkend=\"sn-updating-your-"
+"system\"/> 中提到的命令。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:877(title)
+msgid "Removing Software with <command>yum</command>"
+msgstr "使用 <command>yum</command> 移除软件"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:879(primary)
+msgid "removing software"
+msgstr "移除软件"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:883(secondary)
+msgid "removing"
+msgstr "移除"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:885(para)
+msgid ""
+"To remove software, <command>yum</command> examines your system for both the "
+"specified software, and any software which claims it as a dependency. The "
+"transaction to remove the software deletes both the software and the "
+msgstr ""
+"要移除软件,<command>yum</command> 在您的系统中检测指定被移除的软件,以及任何"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:892(para)
+msgid ""
+"To remove the <filename>tsclient</filename> package from your system, use "
+"the command:"
+msgstr "要移除 <filename>tsclient</filename> 软件,使用命令:"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:897(userinput)
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "su -c 'yum remove <placeholder-1/>'"
+msgstr "su -c 'yum remove <placeholder-1/>'"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:905(para)
+msgid ""
+"To remove all of the packages in the package group <filename>MySQL Database</"
+"filename>, enter the command:"
+msgstr ""
+"要移除软件组 <filename>MySQL Database</filename> 中的所有软件,使用命令:"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:910(userinput)
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "su -c 'yum groupremove \"<placeholder-1/>\"'"
+msgstr "su -c 'yum groupremove \"<placeholder-1/>\"'"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:919(title)
+msgid "Data and Configuration File Retention"
+msgstr "数据和配置文件的保留情况"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:921(para)
+msgid ""
+"The removal process leaves user data in place but may remove configuration "
+"files in some cases. If a package removal does not include the configuration "
+"file, and you reinstall the package later, it may reuse the old "
+"configuration file."
+msgstr ""
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:932(title)
+msgid "Searching for Packages with <command>yum</command>"
+msgstr "使用 <command>yum</command> 搜索软件"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:935(secondary)
+msgid "locating"
+msgstr "定位"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:938(primary)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1160(primary)
+msgid "searching"
+msgstr "搜索"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:939(secondary)
+msgid "for packages"
+msgstr "软件包"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:941(para)
+msgid ""
+"Use the search features of <command>yum</command> to find software that is "
+"available from the configured repositories, or already installed on your "
+"system. Searches automatically include both installed and available packages."
+msgstr ""
+"使用 <command>yum</command> 的搜索功能来查找已配置的仓库中可用的软件,或系统"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:948(para)
+msgid ""
+"The format of the results depends upon the option. If the query produces no "
+"information, there are no packages matching the criteria."
+msgstr ""
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:955(title)
+msgid "Searching by Package Name and Attributes"
+msgstr "通过软件名和属性搜索"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:957(para)
+msgid ""
+"To search for a specific package by name, use the <option>list</option> "
+"function. To search for the package <filename>tsclient</filename>, use the "
+msgstr ""
+"要通过名称搜索,使用 <option>list</option> 功能。要搜索软件 "
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:963(userinput)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:978(userinput)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1057(userinput)
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "su -c 'yum list <placeholder-1/>'"
+msgstr "su -c 'yum list <placeholder-1/>'"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:971(para)
+msgid ""
+"To make your queries more precise, specify packages with a name that include "
+"other attributes, such as version or hardware architecture. To search for "
+"version 0.132 of the application, use the command:"
+msgstr ""
+"要使搜索更精确,可以指定包含属性的名称,例如版本或硬件架构。要搜索 "
+"<filename>tsclient</filename> 的 0.132 版,使用命令:"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:978(replaceable)
+msgid "tsclient-0.132"
+msgstr "tsclient-0.132"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:981(title)
+msgid "Valid Package Attributes"
+msgstr "有效的软件属性"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:983(para)
+msgid ""
+"Refer to <xref linkend=\"sn-package-names\"/> for information on package "
+"name formats and the attributes that they include."
+msgstr ""
+"参见 <xref linkend=\"sn-package-names\"/>,其中有软件包命名格式以及其中包含的"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:991(title)
+msgid "Advanced Searches"
+msgstr "高级搜索"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:993(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you do not know the name of the package, use the <option>search</option> "
+"or <option>provides</option> options. Alternatively, use wild cards or "
+"regular expressions with any <command>yum</command> search option to broaden "
+"the search critieria."
+msgstr ""
+"如果您不知道软件的名称,使用 <option>search</option> 或 <option>provides</"
+"option> 功能。另外,可以在任何 <command>yum</command> 搜索选项中使用通配符和"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1001(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <option>search</option> option checks the names, descriptions, summaries "
+"and listed package maintainers of all of the available packages to find "
+"those that match. For example, to search for all packages that relate to "
+"PalmPilots, type:"
+msgstr ""
+"<option>search</option> 功能检测所有可用的软件的名称、描述、概述和已列出的维"
+"护者,查找匹配的值。例如,要从所有软件包中搜索与 PalmPilots 相关的内容,输"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1008(replaceable)
+msgid "PalmPilot"
+msgstr "PalmPilot"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1008(userinput)
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "su -c 'yum search <placeholder-1/>'"
+msgstr "su -c 'yum search <placeholder-1/>'"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1016(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <option>provides</option> function checks both the files included in the "
+"packages and the functions that the software provides. This option requires "
+"<command>yum</command> to download and read much larger index files than "
+"with the <option>search</option> option."
+msgstr ""
+"<option>provides</option> 功能检测软件包中包含的文件以及软件提供的功能。与 "
+"<option>search</option> 相比,这个选项要求 <command>yum</command> 下载并读取"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1024(para)
+msgid ""
+"To search for all packages that include files called <filename>libneon</"
+"filename>, type:"
+msgstr "要搜索所有包含文件 <filename>libneon</filename> 的软件包,输入:"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1029(replaceable)
+msgid "libneon"
+msgstr "libneon"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1029(userinput)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1037(userinput)
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "su -c 'yum provides <placeholder-1/>'"
+msgstr "su -c 'yum provides <placeholder-1/>'"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1031(para)
+msgid ""
+"To search for all packages that either provide a MTA (Mail Transport Agent) "
+"service, or include files with <filename>mta</filename> in their name:"
+msgstr ""
+"要搜索所有提供了 MTA (Mail Transport Agent, 邮件传输代理) 服务,或名称中包含"
+"了 <filename>mta</filename> 的软件包:"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1037(replaceable)
+msgid "MTA"
+msgstr "MTA"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1039(para)
+msgid ""
+"For each command, at the prompt enter the password for the <systemitem class="
+"\"username\">root</systemitem> account."
+msgstr ""
+"对每个命令,应在提示时输入 <systemitem class=\"username\">root</systemitem> "
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1044(para)
+msgid ""
+"Use the standard wildcard characters to run any search option with a partial "
+"word or name: <option>?</option> to represent any one character, and "
+"<option>*</option> to mean zero or more characters. Always add the escape "
+"character (<option>\\</option>) before wildcards."
+msgstr ""
+"使用标准的通配符搭配词或名称的片段来搜索:<option>?</option> 代表任意单个字"
+"符,<option>*</option> 代表 0 或多个字符。在通配符前应当使用转义字符 "
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1052(para)
+msgid ""
+"To <option>list</option> all packages with names that begin with "
+"<filename>tsc</filename>, type:"
+msgstr ""
+"要 <option>list</option> 列出名称以 <filename>tsc</filename> 开始的软件,输"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1057(replaceable)
+msgid "tsc\\*"
+msgstr "tsc\\*"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1060(title)
+msgid "Regular Expressions"
+msgstr "正则表达式"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1061(para)
+msgid ""
+"Use Perl or Python regular expressions to carry out more complex queries."
+msgstr "使用 Perl 或 Python 正则表达式来进行更复杂的查询。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1069(title)
+msgid "Understanding Matches"
+msgstr "理解匹配"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1071(para)
+msgid ""
+"Searches with <command>yum</command> show all of the packages that match "
+"your criteria. Packages must meet the terms of the search exactly to be "
+"considered matches, unless you use wildcards or a regular expression."
+msgstr ""
+"使用 <command>yum</command> 搜索会得出所有匹配您的搜索条件的软件。如果不使用"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1078(para)
+msgid ""
+"For example, a search query for <filename>shadowutils</filename> or "
+"<filename>shadow-util</filename> would not produce the package "
+"<filename>shadow-utils</filename>. This package would match and be shown if "
+"the query was <filename>shadow-util\\?</filename>, or <filename>shadow\\*</"
+msgstr ""
+"例如,搜索 <filename>shadowutils</filename> 或 <filename>shadow-util</"
+"filename> 的结果不会包含 <filename>shadow-utils</filename> 软件。如果搜索条件"
+"是 <filename>shadow-util\\?</filename> 或 <filename>shadow\\*</filename>,那"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1090(title)
+msgid "Updating Your System with <command>yum</command>"
+msgstr "使用 <command>yum</command> 更新您的系统"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1093(secondary)
+msgid "full system"
+msgstr "整个系统"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1097(secondary)
+msgid "updating full system"
+msgstr "更新整个系统"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1099(para)
+msgid ""
+"Use the <option>update</option> option to upgrade all of your &amp;FED; "
+"system software to the latest version with one operation."
+msgstr ""
+"使用 <option>update</option> 功能来更新您的 &amp;FED; 系统中所有软件为最新"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1104(para)
+msgid "To perform a full system update, type this command:"
+msgstr "要进行整个系统的更新,输入命令:"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1108(userinput)
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "su -c 'yum update'"
+msgstr "su -c 'yum update'"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1110(para)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1280(para)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1396(para)
+msgid ""
+"At the prompt, enter the <systemitem class=\"username\">root</systemitem> "
+msgstr ""
+"在提示时,输入 <systemitem class=\"username\">root</systemitem> 的密码。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1117(title)
+msgid "Automatically Updating Your System"
+msgstr "自动更新您的系统"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1119(primary)
+msgid "automatic updating"
+msgstr "自动更新"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1121(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <filename>yum</filename> package supplied with &amp;FC; includes scripts "
+"to perform full system updates every day. To activate automatic daily "
+"updates, enter this command:"
+msgstr ""
+"&amp;FC; 中的 <filename>yum</filename> 包含了一个脚本,用以每日自动地更新整个"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1127(userinput)
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "su -c '/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 yum on; /sbin/service yum start'"
+msgstr "su -c '/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 yum on; /sbin/service yum start'"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1129(para)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1221(para)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1266(para)
+msgid ""
+"At the prompt, enter the password for the <systemitem class=\"username"
+"\">root</systemitem> account."
+msgstr ""
+"在提示时,输入 <systemitem class=\"username\">root</systemitem> 帐号的密码。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1135(title)
+msgid "How Daily Updates are Run"
+msgstr "每日更新是如何做到的"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1137(para)
+msgid ""
+"There is no separate <command>yum</command> service that runs on your "
+"system. The command given above enables the control script <filename>/etc/rc."
+"d/init.d/yum</filename>. This control script activates the script <filename>/"
+"etc/cron.daily/yum.cron</filename>, which causes the <command>cron</command> "
+"service to perform the system update automatically at 4am each day."
+msgstr ""
+"系统中并没有单独的 <command>yum</command> 服务。这个命令启用了控制脚本 "
+"<filename>/etc/rc.d/init.d/yum</filename>。这个控制脚本激活了 <filename>/etc/"
+"cron.daily/yum.cron</filename>,而它又会使 <command>cron</command> 服务来在每"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1151(title)
+msgid "Using Other Software Repositories"
+msgstr "使用其他软件仓库"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1153(primary)
+msgid "&amp;FEX;"
+msgstr "&amp;FEX;"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1157(secondary)
+msgid "finding"
+msgstr "寻找"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1161(secondary)
+msgid "for repositories"
+msgstr "仓库"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1163(para)
+msgid ""
+"&amp;FED; systems automatically use the &amp;FP; repositories. These include "
+"&amp;FEX;, the default source of packages for software that is not included "
+"with &amp;FC;."
+msgstr ""
+"&amp;FED; 系统自动使用 &amp;FP; 的仓库。其中包括 &amp;FEX;,默认没有包含在 "
+"&amp;FC; 中的软件包。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1170(title)
+msgid "&amp;FEX; Repositories for Previous Versions of &amp;FC;"
+msgstr "适于旧版本 &amp;FC; 的 &amp;FEX; 仓库"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1172(para)
+msgid ""
+"You must manually configure &amp;FC; 3 systems to use &amp;FEX;, using the "
+"instructions at <ulink url=\"http://fedora.redhat.com/projects/extras/\"/>. "
+"For additional packages for &amp;FC; 1 and &amp;FC; 2, refer to <ulink url="
+msgstr ""
+"您必须手动配置 &amp;FC; 3 系统使用 &amp;FEX;,按照 <ulink url=\"http://"
+"fedora.redhat.com/projects/extras/\"/> 的步骤做。对于 &amp;FC; 1 和 &amp;FC; "
+"2 的附加软件包,请查看 <ulink url=\"http://www.fedora.us/\"/>。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1183(para)
+msgid ""
+"If the &amp;FP; does not supply packages for a product, the manufacturer may "
+"provide or recommend a separate repository. Members of the community also "
+"maintain repositories to provide packages for &amp;FED; systems. For "
+"example, <ulink url=\"http://www.jpackage.org/\"/> distributes popular Java "
+"software as packages."
+msgstr ""
+"如果 &amp;FP; 没有包含某个软件,软件的作者可能提供了一个单独的仓库。一些社区"
+"的成员也维护了适于 &amp;FED; 的软件仓库。例如,<ulink url=\"http://www."
+"jpackage.org/\"/> 将流行的 Java 软件打包发布。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1194(title)
+msgid "Adding a Repository as a Package Source"
+msgstr "添加仓库作为软件来源"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1197(secondary)
+msgid "adding to yum"
+msgstr "添加"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1199(para)
+msgid ""
+"To add an extra repository, place a definition file in the <filename>/etc/"
+"yum.repos.d/</filename> directory on your system. Package providers make the "
+"definition files for their repositories available on their web sites."
+msgstr ""
+"要另外添加一个仓库,必须在您的系统中 <filename>/etc/yum.repos.d/</filename> "
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1206(title)
+msgid "Definition File Extension"
+msgstr "文件扩展名约定"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1207(para)
+msgid ""
+"The names of repository definition files end with <filename>.repo</filename>."
+msgstr "仓库描述文件的名称以 <filename>.repo</filename> 结尾。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1212(para)
+msgid ""
+"You must have <systemitem class=\"username\">root</systemitem> access to add "
+"a file to the definitions directory. To copy the definition file "
+"<filename>example.repo</filename>, type this command:"
+msgstr ""
+"您必须有 <systemitem class=\"username\">root</systemitem> 权限才能向这个目录"
+"添加文件。要复制描述文件 <filename>example.repo</filename>,输入命令:"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1219(userinput)
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "su -c 'cp example.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/'"
+msgstr "su -c 'cp example.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/'"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1226(para)
+msgid ""
+"The configuration file for each repository should include a <command>gpgkey</"
+"command> setting. This setting specifies the location of a public key that "
+"verifies the packages provided by that repository. This public key is "
+"automatically imported the first time that you install software from the "
+"repository. If the configuration file provided does not include this "
+"setting, refer to <xref linkend=\"sn-authorizing-package-sources\"/>."
+msgstr ""
+"每个仓库的描述文件应当包含一个 <command>gpgkey</command> 配置项。这一配置项指"
+"软件时会自动导入。如果配置文件中没有包含这个配置项,请参见 <xref linkend="
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1237(title)
+msgid "Repositories and <application>up2date</application> Channels"
+msgstr "仓库和 <application>up2date</application> 频道"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1239(para)
+msgid ""
+"Starting with &amp;FC; 4, <command>yum</command> repositories are "
+"automatically used as <application>up2date</application> channels. On &amp;"
+"FC; 3 and earlier systems, you must manually configure <application>up2date</"
+"application> to use these channels. To do so, edit the <filename>/etc/"
+"sysconfig/rhn/sources</filename> file."
+msgstr ""
+"从 &amp;FC; 4 开始,<command>yum</command> 仓库被自动用作 "
+"<application>up2date</application> 频道。在 &amp;FC; 3 和更老版本的系统中,您"
+"必须手动配置 <application>up2date</application> 使用这些频道。具体的步骤是修"
+"改文件 <filename>/etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources</filename>。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1251(title)
+msgid "Manually Authorizing Package Sources"
+msgstr "手动认证软件来源"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1253(primary)
+msgid "public keys"
+msgstr "公钥"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1254(secondary)
+msgid "adding"
+msgstr "添加"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1256(para)
+msgid ""
+"To manually add a public key to your <command>rpm</command> keyring, use the "
+"<option>import</option> feature of the <command>rpm</command> utility. To "
+"import the file <filename>GPG-PUB-KEY.asc</filename>, type the following "
+msgstr ""
+"要手动向 <command>rpm</command> 钥匙环中添加公钥,使用 <command>rpm</"
+"command> 的 <option>import</option> 功能。要导入文件 <filename>GPG-PUB-KEY."
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1264(replaceable)
+msgid "GPG-PUB-KEY.asc"
+msgstr "GPG-PUB-KEY.asc"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1264(userinput)
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1278(userinput)
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "su -c 'rpm --import <placeholder-1/>'"
+msgstr "su -c 'rpm --import <placeholder-1/>'"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1271(para)
+msgid ""
+"You may also import public keys directly from a web site. For example, to "
+"import the file <filename>GPG-PUB-KEY.asc</filename> on the web site "
+"<wordasword>www.therepository.com</wordasword> use this command:"
+msgstr ""
+"您可以直接从一个网站上导入公钥。例如,要导入网站 <wordasword>www."
+"therepository.com</wordasword> 上的文件 <filename>GPG-PUB-KEY.asc</"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1278(replaceable)
+msgid "http://www.therepository.com/GPG-PUB-KEY.asc"
+msgstr "http://www.therepository.com/GPG-PUB-KEY.asc"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1287(title)
+msgid "Importing the &amp;FED; Key on &amp;FC; 3"
+msgstr "在 &amp;FC; 3 中导入 &amp;FED; 公钥"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1289(para)
+msgid ""
+"To add the &amp;FED; public key to the <command>rpm</command> keyring on "
+"&amp;FC; 3 systems, run the command <command>su -c 'rpm --import /usr/share/"
+msgstr ""
+"要在 &amp;FC; 3 系统中向 <command>rpm</command> 钥匙环添加 &amp;FED; 的公钥,"
+"使用命令 <command>su -c 'rpm --import /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora'</"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1298(title)
+msgid "Understanding Repository Compatibility"
+msgstr "理解仓库相容性"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1301(secondary)
+msgid "software compatibility"
+msgstr "软件相容性"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1305(secondary)
+msgid "compatibility"
+msgstr "相容性"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1307(para)
+msgid ""
+"The &amp;FEX; repository provides packages which are built to the same "
+"standards as &amp;FC; packages. Third-party packages should be compatible "
+"with these &amp;FP; packages, unless the provider specifically states "
+msgstr ""
+"&amp;FEX; 仓库提供了按照与 &amp;FC; 相同的标准构建的软件。第三方软件总是会与 "
+"&amp;FP; 软件包相容,如果不是,提供者会给出特别的说明。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1314(para)
+msgid ""
+"Always read the web site of the repository for information on package "
+"compatibility before you add it as a package source. Separate repository "
+"providers may offer different and incompatible versions of the same "
+"software. Third-party repositories may also provide alternative packages for "
+"software that is included in &amp;FED; repositories."
+msgstr ""
+"能提供 &amp;FED; 仓库中软件的替代软件包。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1323(para)
+msgid ""
+"Alternative packages may contain versions of the software that function "
+"differently from the version in the &amp;FP; packages. Determine the "
+"benefits and potential incompatibilities before replacing &amp;FP; packages "
+"with alternative versions."
+msgstr ""
+"替代软件包可能是软件的不同版本,功能与 &amp;FP; 仓库中的版本不同。在将 &amp;"
+"FP; 版本的软件包替换掉前,仔细考虑其中的好处和可能的不相容情况。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1331(title)
+msgid "Incompatible Repositories"
+msgstr "不相容的仓库"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1333(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you configure your system to use incompatible repositories <command>yum</"
+"command> operations may fail."
+msgstr ""
+"如果您配置您的系统使用了不相容的仓库,<command>yum</command> 会无法操作。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1339(para)
+msgid ""
+"Packages built for one version of &amp;FED; are usually not compatible with "
+"other versions of &amp;FED;. The web site of the provider should "
+"specifically state which versions of &amp;FED; they support."
+msgstr ""
+"为一个版本的 &amp;FED; 构建的软件包通常与另一个版本的 &amp;FED; 不相容。提供"
+"者的网站总是会特别地说明所支持的 &amp;FED; 版本。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1346(title)
+msgid "Old Versions of <command>yum</command> and Current Repositories"
+msgstr "旧版本的 <command>yum</command> 和当前的仓库"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1347(para)
+msgid ""
+"The data format for repository indexes changed with version 2.1 of "
+"<command>yum</command>. This was the version supplied with &amp;FC; 3. "
+"Repository providers should specify the versions of &amp;FC; that they "
+"support. To confirm that an unlabeled repository is compatible with current "
+"versions of <command>yum</command>, check that it has a sub-directory called "
+msgstr ""
+"在 <command>yum</command> 2.1 发布时,仓库索引的数据格式发生了变化。在 &amp;"
+"FC; 3 中即是这一格式。仓库提供者应当说明所支持的 &amp;FC; 版本。要确认一个未"
+"说明的仓库是否与新版本的 <command>yum</command> 相容,只要查看它是否有一个叫"
+"做 <filename>repodata/</filename> 的子目录。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1361(title)
+msgid "Installing Software from an Isolated Package"
+msgstr "从一个单独的软件包文件安装软件"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1364(secondary)
+msgid "from a package"
+msgstr "从软件包"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1365(see)
+msgid "software, installing from a package"
+msgstr "从软件包安装软件"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1369(secondary)
+msgid "installing from a package"
+msgstr "从软件包安装软件"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1371(para)
+msgid ""
+"Use repositories and the standard <command>yum</command> commands to locate "
+"and install new software, unless the software package is not available from "
+"any repository. In these cases, use the <option>localinstall</option> "
+"function to install the software from the package file."
+msgstr ""
+"使用仓库和标准的 <command>yum</command> 命令来定位并安装新软件,除非软件无法"
+"从任何一个仓库中找到。这种情况下,只能用 <option>localinstall</option> 功能来"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1380(title)
+msgid "Public Key is Required"
+msgstr "必须有公钥"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1382(para)
+msgid ""
+"Ensure that the public key for the package source has been imported before "
+"you install a package without a repository. Refer to <xref linkend=\"sn-"
+msgstr ""
+"确保在安装没有仓库的软件之前,已经导入了软件来源的公钥。参见 <xref linkend="
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1389(para)
+msgid ""
+"Enter this command to install the package <filename>tsclient-0.132-4.i386."
+msgstr ""
+"要安装软件包 <filename>tsclient-0.132-4.i386.rpm</filename>,输入命令:"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1394(replaceable)
+msgid "tsclient-0.132-4.i386.rpm"
+msgstr "tsclient-0.132-4.i386.rpm"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1394(userinput)
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "su -c 'yum localinstall <placeholder-1/>'"
+msgstr "su -c 'yum localinstall <placeholder-1/>'"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1403(title)
+msgid "Previously Installed Software is Updated"
+msgstr "过去安装的软件将被更新"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1405(para)
+msgid ""
+"If the package provides a later version of software that is already "
+"installed on your system, <command>yum</command> updates the installed "
+msgstr ""
+"如果软件提供了已安装软件的新版本,<command>yum</command> 将更新已安装的软件。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1412(para)
+msgid ""
+"If the package requires software that is not installed on your system, "
+"<command>yum</command> attempts to meet the dependencies with packages from "
+"the configured repositories. You may need to manually download and install "
+"additional packages in order to satisfy all of the dependencies."
+msgstr ""
+"如果软件包需要系统中未安装的软件,<command>yum</command> 会尝试利用已配置的仓"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1421(title)
+msgid "Maintaining Manually Installed Software"
+msgstr "手动维护已安装的软件"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1423(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you install software that is not provided by a repository, <command>yum "
+"update</command> cannot automatically upgrade it as new versions become "
+"available. To ensure that you have the latest packages, subscribe to e-mail "
+"or RSS services that notify you when new versions are released."
+msgstr ""
+"如果您安装了并非来自仓库的软件,当它有新版时,<command>yum update</command> "
+"无法自动更新它。为保证您总是用着最新的软件,可以订阅一份电子邮件或 RSS 服务,"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1434(title)
+msgid "Maintaining <command>yum</command>"
+msgstr "调整 <command>yum</command>"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1436(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <command>yum</command> system does not require any routine maintenance. "
+"To ensure that <command>yum</command> operations are carried out at optimal "
+"speed, disable or remove repository definitions which you no longer require. "
+"You may also clear the files from the <command>yum</command> caches in order "
+"to recover disk space."
+msgstr ""
+"<command>yum</command> 不需要任何日常的维护。为保证 <command>yum</command> 操"
+"作的速度,您应当禁用或删除那些不再需要的仓库。您还可以删除 <command>yum</"
+"command> 缓存中的文件,从而节省硬盘空间。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1446(title)
+msgid "Disabling or Removing Package Sources"
+msgstr "禁用或删除软件来源"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1449(secondary)
+msgid "disabling in yum"
+msgstr "禁用"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1453(secondary)
+msgid "removing from yum"
+msgstr "删除"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1455(para)
+msgid ""
+"Set <command>enable=0</command> in a definition file to prevent "
+"<command>yum</command> from using that repository. The <command>yum</"
+"command> utility ignores any definition file with this setting."
+msgstr ""
+"在仓库的描述文件中设置 <command>enable=0</command> 可以禁止 <command>yum</"
+"command> 使用这个仓库。<command>yum</command> 工具忽略包含这一设置的描述文"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1462(para)
+msgid "To completely remove access to a repository:"
+msgstr "要彻底删除一个仓库"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1467(para)
+msgid "Delete the relevant file from <filename>/etc/yum.repos.d/</filename>."
+msgstr "从 <filename>/etc/yum.repos.d/</filename> 目录中删除相关的文件。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1473(para)
+msgid "Delete the cache directory from <filename>/var/cache/yum/</filename>."
+msgstr "从 <filename>/var/cache/yum/</filename> 目录中删除相关的缓存目录。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1563(title)
+msgid "Clearing the <command>yum</command> Caches"
+msgstr "清空 <command>yum</command> 缓存"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1566(secondary)
+msgid "cleaning caches"
+msgstr "清空缓存"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1568(para)
+msgid ""
+"By default, <command>yum</command> retains the packages and package data "
+"files that it downloads, so that they may be reused in future operations "
+"without being downloaded again. To purge the package data files, use this "
+msgstr ""
+"默认情况下,<command>yum</command> 保留它下载的软件包和软件信息文件,这样将来"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1575(userinput)
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "su -c 'yum clean headers'"
+msgstr "su -c 'yum clean headers'"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1577(para)
+msgid "Run this command to remove all of the packages held in the caches:"
+msgstr "要删除缓存中所有软件包,使用命令:"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1582(userinput)
+#, no-wrap
+msgid "su -c 'yum clean packages'"
+msgstr "su -c 'yum clean packages'"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1584(para)
+msgid ""
+"When using these commands, at the prompt, enter the password for the "
+"<systemitem class=\"username\">root</systemitem> account."
+msgstr ""
+"在提示时,输入 <systemitem class=\"username\">root</systemitem> 帐号的密码。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1589(para)
+msgid ""
+"Purging cached files causes those files to downloaded again the next time "
+"that they are required. This increases the amount of time required to "
+"complete the operation."
+msgstr ""
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1598(title)
+msgid "Using <command>yum</command> with a Proxy Server"
+msgstr "有代理服务器时使用 <command>yum</command>"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1600(primary)
+msgid "proxy server"
+msgstr "代理服务器"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1604(secondary)
+msgid "using with a proxy server"
+msgstr "有代理服务器时的使用"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1606(para)
+msgid ""
+"By default, <command>yum</command> accesses network repositories with HTTP. "
+"All <command>yum</command> HTTP operations use HTTP/1.1, and are compatible "
+"with web proxy servers that support this standard. You may also access FTP "
+"repositories, and configure <command>yum</command> to use an FTP proxy "
+"server. The <filename>squid</filename> package provides a proxy service for "
+"both HTTP/1.1 and FTP connections."
+msgstr ""
+"默认情况下,<command>yum</command> 通过 HTTP 连接到网络上的仓库。所有 "
+"<command>yum</command> HTTP 操作都使用 HTTP/1.1,与支持这一标准的 web 代理服"
+"务器兼容。您也可以连接到 FTP 仓库,并配置 <command>yum</command> 使用 FTP 代"
+"理服务器。<filename>squid</filename> 软件包同时提供了 HTTP/1.1 和 FTP 连接的"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1616(title)
+msgid "Modifying <command>yum</command> for Network Compatibility"
+msgstr "为网络兼容性调整 <command>yum</command>"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1617(para)
+msgid ""
+"Refer to the <command>man</command> page for <filename>yum.conf</filename> "
+"for information on HTTP settings that may be modified for compatibility with "
+"nonstandard web proxy servers. Alternatively, configure <command>yum</"
+"command> to use an FTP proxy server, and access repositories that support "
+"FTP. The &amp;FED; repositories support both HTTP and FTP."
+msgstr ""
+"请参考 <filename>yum.conf</filename> 的手册页中,可修改的 HTTP 设置,以与非标"
+"准的 web 代理服务器兼容。或者,配置 <command>yum</command> 使用 FTP 代理服务"
+"器并访问 FTP 仓库。&amp;FED; 仓库同时支持 HTTP 和 FTP。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1627(title)
+msgid "Configuring Proxy Server Access"
+msgstr "配置代理服务器访问"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1629(para)
+msgid ""
+"To enable all <command>yum</command> operations to use a proxy server, "
+"specify the proxy server details in <filename>/etc/yum.conf</filename>. The "
+"<option>proxy</option> setting must specify the proxy server as a complete "
+"URL, including the TCP port number. If your proxy server requires a username "
+"and password, specify these by adding <option>proxy_username</option> and "
+"<option>proxy_password</option> settings."
+msgstr ""
+"要设置所有 <command>yum</command> 操作都使用代理服务器,可以在 <filename>/"
+"etc/yum.conf</filename> 中设置代理服务器的信息。<option>proxy</option> 配置项"
+"必须设定为完整的代理服务器的 URL,包含 TCP 端口号在内。如果您的代理服务器要求"
+"用户名和密码,可以用 <option>proxy_username</option> 和 "
+"<option>proxy_password</option> 配置项来指定它们。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1640(para)
+msgid ""
+"The settings below enable <command>yum</command> to use the proxy server "
+"<systemitem class=\"systemname\">mycache.mydomain.com</systemitem>, "
+"connecting to port 3128, with the username <systemitem class=\"username"
+"\">yum-user</systemitem> and the password <systemitem>qwerty</systemitem>."
+msgstr ""
+"这一配置使得 <command>yum</command> 使用代理服务器 <systemitem class="
+"\"systemname\">mycache.mydomain.com</systemitem>,连接端口号 3128,用户名 "
+"<systemitem class=\"username\">yum-user</systemitem>,密码 "
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1652(title)
+msgid "Configuration File Settings for Using A Proxy Server"
+msgstr "配置文件设定,以使用代理服务器"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1654(computeroutput)
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"# The proxy server - proxy server:port number\n"
+"# The account details for yum connections\n"
+msgstr ""
+"# 代理服务器 - proxy server:port number\n"
+"# 用于 yum 连接的帐户细节\n"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1663(title)
+msgid "Global Settings"
+msgstr "全局设置"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1665(para)
+msgid ""
+"If you define a proxy server in <filename>/etc/yum.conf</filename>, "
+"<emphasis>all</emphasis> users connect to the proxy server with those "
+"details when using <command>yum</command>."
+msgstr ""
+"如果您在 <filename>/etc/yum.conf</filename> 中定义代理服务器,<emphasis>所有"
+"</emphasis> 用户在使用 <command>yum</command> 时都会应用这个代理服务器设置。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1675(title)
+msgid "Configuring Proxy Server Access for a Single User"
+msgstr "为单个用户配置代理服务器"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1677(para)
+msgid ""
+"To enable proxy access for a specific user, add the lines in the example box "
+"below to the user's shell profile. For the default <command>bash</command> "
+"shell, the profile is the file <filename>~/.bash_profile</filename>. The "
+"settings below enable <command>yum</command> to use the proxy server "
+"<systemitem class=\"systemname\">mycache.mydomain.com</systemitem>, "
+"connecting to port 3128."
+msgstr ""
+"要为一个特定的用户启用代理访问,只要将实例框中的文本行加入这个用户的 shell 配"
+"置中。对于默认的 <command>bash</command> shell,配置是在 <filename>~/."
+"bash_profile</filename> 中。这一设置使得 <command>yum</command> 使用代理服务"
+"器 <systemitem class=\"systemname\">mycache.mydomain.com</systemitem>,连接端"
+"口号 3128。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1689(title)
+msgid "Profile Settings for Using a Proxy Server"
+msgstr "配置设定,为使用代理服务器"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1691(computeroutput)
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"# The Web proxy server used by this account\n"
+"export http_proxy"
+msgstr ""
+"# 这个帐号使用的代理服务器\n"
+"export http_proxy"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1697(para)
+msgid ""
+"If the proxy server requires a username and password, add these to the URL. "
+"To include the username <systemitem class=\"username\">yum-user</systemitem> "
+"and the password <systemitem>qwerty</systemitem>, add these settings:"
+msgstr ""
+"如果代理服务器需要用户名和密码,只要将它们加入 URL。要包含用户名 <systemitem "
+"class=\"username\">yum-user</systemitem>,密码 <systemitem>qwerty</"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1705(title)
+msgid "Profile Settings for a Secured Proxy Server"
+msgstr "配置设定,针对安全的代理服务器"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1707(computeroutput)
+#, no-wrap
+msgid ""
+"# The Web proxy server, with the username and password for this account\n"
+"export http_proxy"
+msgstr ""
+"# 这个帐号使用的代理服务器和用户名/密码\n"
+"export http_proxy"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1714(title)
+msgid "The <option>http_proxy</option> Environment Variable"
+msgstr "环境变量 <option>http_proxy</option>"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1716(para)
+msgid ""
+"The <command>http_proxy</command> environment variable is also used by "
+"<command>curl</command> and other utilities. Although <command>yum</command> "
+"itself may use <command>http_proxy</command> in either upper-case or lower-"
+"case, <command>curl</command> requires the name of the variable to be in "
+msgstr ""
+"环境变量 <command>http_proxy</command> 也为 <command>curl</command> 等其他工"
+"具所用。尽管 <command>yum</command> 可以识别大写或小写的 "
+"<command>http_proxy</command>,<command>curl</command> 要求环境变量的名称是小"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1731(title)
+msgid "Acknowledgements"
+msgstr "æ„Ÿè°¢"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:1733(para)
+msgid ""
+"Paul Frields edited this document. Timothy Murphy reviewed the beta release."
+msgstr "Paul Frields 编辑了本文档。Timothy Murphy 检视了 BETA 发布。"
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:18(article)
+msgid ""
+"&amp;FDP-INFO; <section id=\"sn-introduction\"><placeholder-1/><section id="
+"\"sn-purpose\"><placeholder-2/><placeholder-3/></section><section id=\"sn-"
+"section><section id=\"sn-software-management-usingdoc\"><placeholder-6/"
+"section><section id=\"sn-yum-additional-resources\"><placeholder-13/"
+"><placeholder-27/></tip></section></section><section id=\"sn-software-"
+"management-concepts\"><placeholder-28/><section id=\"sn-about-packages"
+"><placeholder-35/></note></section><section id=\"sn-about-repositories"
+"><placeholder-54/><placeholder-55/></caution></section><section id=\"sn-"
+"section><section id=\"sn-package-names\"><placeholder-61/"
+"><placeholder-76/></tip></section></section><section id=\"sn-software-"
+"84/><caution><placeholder-85/><placeholder-86/></caution></section><section "
+"><placeholder-95/><placeholder-96/><example id=\"yum-transaction-format"
+"102/></note><placeholder-103/><example id=\"yum-publickey-import"
+"><tip><placeholder-110/><placeholder-111/></tip><section id=\"sn-yum-"
+"important></section><section id=\"sn-yum-updating-withrepositories"
+"note></section><section id=\"sn-yum-removing-software\"><placeholder-140/"
+"note></section></section><section id=\"sn-searching-packages\"><placeholder-"
+"indexterm><placeholder-158/><placeholder-159/><section id=\"sn-searching-"
+"</screen><note><placeholder-166/><placeholder-167/></note></section><section "
+"</screen><tip><placeholder-182/><placeholder-183/></tip></section><section "
+"186/></section></section><section id=\"sn-updating-your-system"
+"</screen><placeholder-195/><section id=\"sn-automatic-updating"
+"note></section></section><section id=\"sn-using-repositories\"><placeholder-"
+"note><placeholder-212/><section id=\"sn-adding-repositories\"><placeholder-"
+"><placeholder-224/></note></section><section id=\"sn-authorizing-package-"
+"important></section><section id=\"sn-compat-repositories\"><placeholder-236/"
+"><tip><placeholder-247/><placeholder-248/></tip></section></section><section "
+"caution></section><section id=\"sn-yum-maintenance\"><placeholder-266/"
+"><placeholder-267/><section id=\"sn-removing-sources\"><placeholder-268/"
+"275/></step><step><placeholder-276/></step></procedure></section><section id="
+"</screen><placeholder-284/><placeholder-285/></section></section><section id="
+"tip><section id=\"sn-yum-proxy-server-global\"><placeholder-293/"
+"><placeholder-294/><placeholder-295/><example id=\"config-file-httpproxy"
+"section><section id=\"sn-yum-proxy-server-peruser\"><placeholder-300/"
+"><placeholder-301/><example id=\"profile-script-httpproxy\"><placeholder-302/"
+"</screen></example><placeholder-304/><example id=\"profile-script-httpproxy-"
+"section></section><section id=\"sn-acknowledgements\"><placeholder-309/"
+"><placeholder-310/></section><index id=\"generated-index\"/>"
+msgstr ""
+"&amp;FDP-INFO; <section id=\"sn-introduction\"><placeholder-1/><section id=\"sn-purpose\"><placeholder-2/><placeholder-3/></section><section id=\"sn-software-management-audience\"><placeholder-4/><placeholder-5/></section><section id=\"sn-software-management-usingdoc\"><placeholder-6/><placeholder-7/><note><placeholder-8/><placeholder-9/></note><placeholder-10/><important><placeholder-11/><placeholder-12/></important></section><section id=\"sn-yum-additional-resources\"><placeholder-13/><indexterm><placeholder-14/><placeholder-15/></indexterm><indexterm><placeholder-16/><placeholder-17/></indexterm><placeholder-18/><screen>\n"
+"</screen><indexterm><placeholder-20/><placeholder-21/></indexterm><indexterm><placeholder-22/><placeholder-23/></indexterm><placeholder-24/><placeholder-25/><tip><placeholder-26/><placeholder-27/></tip></section></section><section id=\"sn-software-management-concepts\"><placeholder-28/><section id=\"sn-about-packages\"><placeholder-29/><indexterm><placeholder-30/><placeholder-31/></indexterm><placeholder-32/><placeholder-33/><note><placeholder-34/><placeholder-35/></note></section><section id=\"sn-about-repositories\"><placeholder-36/><indexterm><placeholder-37/><placeholder-38/></indexterm><placeholder-39/><placeholder-40/><placeholder-41/><note><placeholder-42/><placeholder-43/></note><warning><placeholder-44/><placeholder-45/></warning><placeholder-46/><indexterm><placeholder-47/><placeholder-48/></indexterm><placeholder-49/><note><placeholder-50/><placeholder-51/></note><placeholder-52/><caution><placeholder-53/><placeholder-54/><placeholder-55/></caution></section><sec
 tion id=\"sn-about-dependencies\"><placeholder-56/><indexterm><placeholder-57/><placeholder-58/></indexterm><placeholder-59/><placeholder-60/></section><section id=\"sn-package-names\"><placeholder-61/><indexterm><placeholder-62/><placeholder-63/></indexterm><indexterm><placeholder-64/><placeholder-65/></indexterm><placeholder-66/><screen>\n"
+"</screen><placeholder-68/><placeholder-69/><placeholder-70/><placeholder-71/><placeholder-72/><placeholder-73/><placeholder-74/><tip><placeholder-75/><placeholder-76/></tip></section></section><section id=\"sn-software-management-tools\"><placeholder-77/><indexterm><placeholder-78/></indexterm><indexterm><placeholder-79/></indexterm><indexterm><placeholder-80/></indexterm><placeholder-81/><placeholder-82/><placeholder-83/><placeholder-84/><caution><placeholder-85/><placeholder-86/></caution></section><section id=\"sn-managing-packages\"><placeholder-87/><indexterm><placeholder-88/><placeholder-89/></indexterm><placeholder-90/><placeholder-91/><important><placeholder-92/><placeholder-93/></important><placeholder-94/><placeholder-95/><placeholder-96/><example id=\"yum-transaction-format\"><placeholder-97/><placeholder-98/><screen>\n"
+"</screen></example><placeholder-100/><note><placeholder-101/><placeholder-102/></note><placeholder-103/><example id=\"yum-publickey-import\"><placeholder-104/><placeholder-105/><screen>\n"
+"</screen></example><placeholder-107/><placeholder-108/><placeholder-109/><tip><placeholder-110/><placeholder-111/></tip><section id=\"sn-yum-installing-withrepositories\"><placeholder-112/><indexterm><placeholder-113/><placeholder-114/></indexterm><indexterm><placeholder-115/><placeholder-116/></indexterm><placeholder-117/><screen>\n"
+"</screen><placeholder-122/><important><placeholder-123/><placeholder-124/></important></section><section id=\"sn-yum-updating-withrepositories\"><placeholder-125/><indexterm><placeholder-126/><placeholder-127/></indexterm><indexterm><placeholder-128/><placeholder-129/></indexterm><placeholder-130/><screen>\n"
+"</screen><placeholder-137/><note><placeholder-138/><placeholder-139/></note></section><section id=\"sn-yum-removing-software\"><placeholder-140/><indexterm><placeholder-141/></indexterm><indexterm><placeholder-142/><placeholder-143/></indexterm><placeholder-144/><placeholder-145/><screen>\n"
+"</screen><placeholder-150/><note><placeholder-151/><placeholder-152/></note></section></section><section id=\"sn-searching-packages\"><placeholder-153/><indexterm><placeholder-154/><placeholder-155/></indexterm><indexterm><placeholder-156/><placeholder-157/></indexterm><placeholder-158/><placeholder-159/><section id=\"sn-searching-packages-byname\"><placeholder-160/><placeholder-161/><screen>\n"
+"</screen><note><placeholder-166/><placeholder-167/></note></section><section id=\"sn-searching-packages-advanced\"><placeholder-168/><placeholder-169/><placeholder-170/><screen>\n"
+"</screen><tip><placeholder-182/><placeholder-183/></tip></section><section id=\"sn-package-matches\"><placeholder-184/><placeholder-185/><placeholder-186/></section></section><section id=\"sn-updating-your-system\"><placeholder-187/><indexterm><placeholder-188/><placeholder-189/></indexterm><indexterm><placeholder-190/><placeholder-191/></indexterm><placeholder-192/><placeholder-193/><screen>\n"
+"</screen><placeholder-195/><section id=\"sn-automatic-updating\"><placeholder-196/><indexterm><placeholder-197/></indexterm><placeholder-198/><screen>\n"
+"</screen><placeholder-200/><note><placeholder-201/><placeholder-202/></note></section></section><section id=\"sn-using-repositories\"><placeholder-203/><indexterm><placeholder-204/></indexterm><indexterm><placeholder-205/><placeholder-206/></indexterm><indexterm><placeholder-207/><placeholder-208/></indexterm><placeholder-209/><note><placeholder-210/><placeholder-211/></note><placeholder-212/><section id=\"sn-adding-repositories\"><placeholder-213/><indexterm><placeholder-214/><placeholder-215/></indexterm><placeholder-216/><tip><placeholder-217/><placeholder-218/></tip><placeholder-219/><screen>\n"
+"</screen><placeholder-221/><placeholder-222/><note><placeholder-223/><placeholder-224/></note></section><section id=\"sn-authorizing-package-sources\"><placeholder-225/><indexterm><placeholder-226/><placeholder-227/></indexterm><placeholder-228/><screen>\n"
+"</screen><placeholder-233/><important><placeholder-234/><placeholder-235/></important></section><section id=\"sn-compat-repositories\"><placeholder-236/><indexterm><placeholder-237/><placeholder-238/></indexterm><indexterm><placeholder-239/><placeholder-240/></indexterm><placeholder-241/><placeholder-242/><placeholder-243/><caution><placeholder-244/><placeholder-245/></caution><placeholder-246/><tip><placeholder-247/><placeholder-248/></tip></section></section><section id=\"sn-yum-installing-frompackage\"><placeholder-249/><indexterm><placeholder-250/><placeholder-251/><placeholder-252/></indexterm><indexterm><placeholder-253/><placeholder-254/></indexterm><placeholder-255/><important><placeholder-256/><placeholder-257/></important><placeholder-258/><screen>\n"
+"</screen><placeholder-260/><note><placeholder-261/><placeholder-262/></note><placeholder-263/><caution><placeholder-264/><placeholder-265/></caution></section><section id=\"sn-yum-maintenance\"><placeholder-266/><placeholder-267/><section id=\"sn-removing-sources\"><placeholder-268/><indexterm><placeholder-269/><placeholder-270/></indexterm><indexterm><placeholder-271/><placeholder-272/></indexterm><placeholder-273/><placeholder-274/><procedure><step><placeholder-275/></step><step><placeholder-276/></step></procedure></section><section id=\"sn-yum-clearance\"><placeholder-277/><indexterm><placeholder-278/><placeholder-279/></indexterm><placeholder-280/><screen>\n"
+"</screen><placeholder-284/><placeholder-285/></section></section><section id=\"sn-yum-proxy-server\"><placeholder-286/><indexterm><placeholder-287/></indexterm><indexterm><placeholder-288/><placeholder-289/></indexterm><placeholder-290/><tip><placeholder-291/><placeholder-292/></tip><section id=\"sn-yum-proxy-server-global\"><placeholder-293/><placeholder-294/><placeholder-295/><example id=\"config-file-httpproxy\"><placeholder-296/><screen>\n"
+"</screen></example><note><placeholder-298/><placeholder-299/></note></section><section id=\"sn-yum-proxy-server-peruser\"><placeholder-300/><placeholder-301/><example id=\"profile-script-httpproxy\"><placeholder-302/><screen>\n"
+"</screen></example><placeholder-304/><example id=\"profile-script-httpproxy-withpassword\"><placeholder-305/><screen>\n"
+"</screen></example><note><placeholder-307/><placeholder-308/></note></section></section><section id=\"sn-acknowledgements\"><placeholder-309/><placeholder-310/></section><index id=\"generated-index\"/>"
+#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2.
+#: en/yum-software-management-en.xml:0(None)
+msgid "translator-credits"
+msgstr "bbbush <bbbush.yuan at gmail.com>, 2005"
+#~ msgid "2005"
+#~ msgstr "2005"
+#~ msgid "Stuart Ellis"
+#~ msgstr "Stuart Ellis"
+#~ msgid "Ellis"
+#~ msgstr "Ellis"
+#~ msgid "Stuart"
+#~ msgstr "Stuart"
+#~ msgid "0.4"
+#~ msgstr "0.4"
+#~ msgid "2005-06-01"
+#~ msgstr "2005-06-01"
+#~ msgid "StuartEllis"
+#~ msgstr "StuartEllis"
+#~ msgid "Initial import into CVS."
+#~ msgstr "导入 CVS。"
+#~ msgid "0.5"
+#~ msgstr "0.5"
+#~ msgid "2005-07-19"
+#~ msgstr "2005-07-19"
+#~ msgid "Updated for &amp;FC; &amp;FCLOCALVER;."
+#~ msgstr "为 &amp;FC; &amp;FCLOCALVER; 更新。"
+#~ msgid "0.6"
+#~ msgstr "0.6"
+#~ msgid "2005-07-25"
+#~ msgstr "2005-07-25"
+#~ msgid "PaulWFrields"
+#~ msgstr "PaulWFrields"
+# 修正样式和用法;发布 BETA。
+#~ msgid "Edited for style and usage; BETA publication."
+#~ msgstr "修正样式和用法;发布 BETA。"
+#~ msgid "1.0"
+#~ msgstr "1.0"
+#~ msgid "2005-08-13"
+#~ msgstr "2005-08-13"
+#~ msgid "Publish to official project page."
+#~ msgstr "正式发表于项目网站。"
+#~ msgid "1.0.1"
+#~ msgstr "1.0.1"
+#~ msgid "2005-08-18"
+#~ msgstr "2005-08-18"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Added information on installing without repository and manually adding "
+#~ "keys."
+#~ msgstr "添加有关无仓库时的安装和手动添加密钥的内容。"
+#~ msgid "1.0.2"
+#~ msgstr "1.0.2"
+#~ msgid "2005-08-26"
+#~ msgstr "2005-08-26"
+#~ msgid "Fix localinstall information."
+#~ msgstr "修正本地安装的内容。"
+#~ msgid "1.0.3"
+#~ msgstr "1.0.3"
+#~ msgid "2005-10-13"
+#~ msgstr "2005-10-13"
+#~ msgid "Fix wording (#170584)."
+#~ msgstr "修正用词 (#170584)。"
+#~ msgid "1.0.4"
+#~ msgstr "1.0.4"
+#~ msgid "2005-11-15"
+#~ msgstr "2005-11-15"
+#~ msgid "Updated section on proxy servers. Fixed #166122."
+#~ msgstr "更新代理服务相关内容,修正 #166122。"
+#~ msgid "1.0.5"
+#~ msgstr "1.0.5"
+#~ msgid "2005-11-28"
+#~ msgstr "2005-11-28"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "Fixed some uses of \"&amp;FED;\" to read \"&amp;FC;\" where appropriate."
+#~ msgstr "在某些地方使用 \"&amp;FC;\" 代替 \"&amp;FED;\"。"
+#~ msgid ""
+#~ "<placeholder-1/><copyright><placeholder-2/><placeholder-3/></"
+#~ "copyright><authorgroup><author><placeholder-4/><placeholder-5/></author></"
+#~ "authorgroup> &amp;LEGALNOTICE; <revhistory><revision><placeholder-6/"
+#~ "><placeholder-7/><placeholder-8/><revdescription><placeholder-9/></"
+#~ "revdescription></revision><revision><placeholder-10/><placeholder-11/"
+#~ "><placeholder-12/><revdescription><placeholder-13/></revdescription></"
+#~ "revision><revision><placeholder-14/><placeholder-15/><placeholder-16/"
+#~ "><revdescription><placeholder-17/></revdescription></"
+#~ "revision><revision><placeholder-18/><placeholder-19/><placeholder-20/"
+#~ "><revdescription><placeholder-21/></revdescription></"
+#~ "revision><revision><placeholder-22/><placeholder-23/><placeholder-24/"
+#~ "><revdescription><placeholder-25/></revdescription></"
+#~ "revision><revision><placeholder-26/><placeholder-27/><placeholder-28/"
+#~ "><revdescription><placeholder-29/></revdescription></"
+#~ "revision><revision><placeholder-30/><placeholder-31/><placeholder-32/"
+#~ "><revdescription><placeholder-33/></revdescription></"
+#~ "revision><revision><placeholder-34/><placeholder-35/><placeholder-36/"
+#~ "><revdescription><placeholder-37/></revdescription></"
+#~ "revision><revision><placeholder-38/><placeholder-39/><placeholder-40/"
+#~ "><revdescription><placeholder-41/></revdescription></revision></"
+#~ "revhistory>"
+#~ msgstr ""
+#~ "<placeholder-1/><copyright><placeholder-2/><placeholder-3/></"
+#~ "copyright><authorgroup><author><placeholder-4/><placeholder-5/></author></"
+#~ "authorgroup> &amp;LEGALNOTICE; <revhistory><revision><placeholder-6/"
+#~ "><placeholder-7/><placeholder-8/><revdescription><placeholder-9/></"
+#~ "revdescription></revision><revision><placeholder-10/><placeholder-11/"
+#~ "><placeholder-12/><revdescription><placeholder-13/></revdescription></"
+#~ "revision><revision><placeholder-14/><placeholder-15/><placeholder-16/"
+#~ "><revdescription><placeholder-17/></revdescription></"
+#~ "revision><revision><placeholder-18/><placeholder-19/><placeholder-20/"
+#~ "><revdescription><placeholder-21/></revdescription></"
+#~ "revision><revision><placeholder-22/><placeholder-23/><placeholder-24/"
+#~ "><revdescription><placeholder-25/></revdescription></"
+#~ "revision><revision><placeholder-26/><placeholder-27/><placeholder-28/"
+#~ "><revdescription><placeholder-29/></revdescription></"
+#~ "revision><revision><placeholder-30/><placeholder-31/><placeholder-32/"
+#~ "><revdescription><placeholder-33/></revdescription></"
+#~ "revision><revision><placeholder-34/><placeholder-35/><placeholder-36/"
+#~ "><revdescription><placeholder-37/></revdescription></"
+#~ "revision><revision><placeholder-38/><placeholder-39/><placeholder-40/"
+#~ "><revdescription><placeholder-41/></revdescription></revision></"
+#~ "revhistory>"
+#~ msgid "Updated versions of &amp;FC; software"
+#~ msgstr "对 &amp;FC; 中软件的更新"
+#~ msgid "Manually Installing Software"
+#~ msgstr "手动安装软件"

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