[uefi-secure-boot-guide] f18: Adding index terms (e3c05f2)

sparks at fedoraproject.org sparks at fedoraproject.org
Sat Jan 5 02:39:41 UTC 2013

Repository : http://git.fedorahosted.org/git/?p=docs/uefi-secure-boot-guide.git

On branch  : f18


commit e3c05f25c3f0bb0a9005dadd2940abcfbd2c8fbc
Author: Eric Christensen <sparks at fedoraproject.org>
Date:   Fri Jan 4 21:38:48 2013 -0500

    Adding index terms


 en-US/Implementation_of_Secure_Boot.xml |    2 ++
 en-US/What_is_Secure_Boot.xml           |    2 ++
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/en-US/Implementation_of_Secure_Boot.xml b/en-US/Implementation_of_Secure_Boot.xml
index 013cb7a..0556df4 100644
--- a/en-US/Implementation_of_Secure_Boot.xml
+++ b/en-US/Implementation_of_Secure_Boot.xml
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 <chapter id="chap-UEFI_Secure_Boot_Guide-Implementation_of_UEFI_Secure_Boot">
 	<title>&PRODUCT;'s Implementation of UEFI Secure Boot</title>
+	<indexterm><primary>implementation</primary></indexterm>
+	<indexterm><primary>Microsoft key</primary></indexterm>
 	The Fedora Secure Boot implementation includes support for two methods of booting under the Secure Boot mechanism.  The first method utilizes the signing service hosted by Microsoft to provide a copy of the shim bootloader signed with the Microsoft keys.  The second method is a more general form of the first, wherein a site or user can create their own keys, deploy them in system firmware, and sign their own binaries. 
diff --git a/en-US/What_is_Secure_Boot.xml b/en-US/What_is_Secure_Boot.xml
index 85b7037..c58052c 100644
--- a/en-US/What_is_Secure_Boot.xml
+++ b/en-US/What_is_Secure_Boot.xml
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
 	This means that Fedora versions before Fedora 18 booted on such hardware will refuse to boot until the user disables Secure Boot in the firmware.  While disabling Secure Boot is a viable option that some users may wish to choose, it is not an optimal solution.
+	<indexterm><primary>shim</primary></indexterm>
+	<indexterm><primary>Verisign</primary></indexterm>
 	To facilitate out of the box functionality on new hardware, the maintainers of the grub2, kernel and associated packages have implemented Secure Boot support in Fedora 18.  On UEFI machines, Fedora 18 uses a small bootloader called "shim" that has been signed by the Microsoft signing service (via Verisign).  This allows UEFI to load shim on Windows 8 client ready machines and continue the boot process for Linux.  Shim in turn boots grub2, which is signed by a Fedora key.  Grub2 then boots a similarly signed Linux kernel provided by Fedora which loads the rest of the OS as per the usual boot process.  The machine remains in Secure Boot mode.

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