[multiboot-guide] master: updated .txt file of the guide and uploading images (8221563)

chrisroberts at fedoraproject.org chrisroberts at fedoraproject.org
Mon Jul 29 05:14:36 UTC 2013

Repository : http://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/docs/multiboot-guide.git

On branch  : master


commit 8221563f9ba8cee008aeb38d936aeacf28293b8b
Author: chrisroberts <croberts at cintrixhosting.com>
Date:   Mon Jul 29 01:14:36 2013 -0400

    updated .txt file of the guide and uploading images


 en-US/FedoraDualBoot.txt |  112 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/en-US/FedoraDualBoot.txt b/en-US/FedoraDualBoot.txt
index 1c6f348..bf4837a 100644
--- a/en-US/FedoraDualBoot.txt
+++ b/en-US/FedoraDualBoot.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Dual booting with Fedora and Microsoft Windows 8
+Dual booting 
+Fedora and multiple operating systems
@@ -6,26 +8,30 @@
 Table of Contents
-1. Introduction
 1.1 About Fedora
 1.2 About Windows 8
 1.3 Getting further help
-2. Goals
-2.1 Audience
+New Windows 8 boot sequence
-3 New Windows 8 boot sequence
-3.1 New Windows boot loader
-3.2 How GRUB interacts with Windows 8
+3.1 What is UEFI
+3.2 New Windows 8 boot sequence
-3. Installing Windows 8 and Fedora Together.
-3.1 Upgrade from windows 7 to Windows 8 with Fedora installed already. (Will replace bootloader)
-3.2 Fresh install of Windows 8 with Fedora not installed.
-3.3 Installing Fedora 
-3.4 Running Windows 8, Windows 7, and Fedora together.
+Installing Windows 8 and Fedora Together.
+4.1 Fresh install of Windows 8 with Fedora not installed.
+4.2 Installing Fedora with Windows 8 already Installed.
+4.3 Running Windows 8, Windows 7, and Fedora together.
 A. Contributors
@@ -40,18 +46,20 @@ B. Revision History
-This guide covers dual booting of Fedora, a Linux distribution built on free and open source software, with Microsoft Windows 8. This manual will help you install Windows 8 and Fedora together on a single machine. Covered in this manual will also be different type of configurations as well as covering the Microsoft Windows 8 Bootloader in detail and the options it provides, for a clean install and boot. This guide will not focus on explaining what Fedora or Windows 8 is, but provide links to their prospective sites.
-1.1 About Windows 8
+This guide covers dual booting of Fedora, a Linux distribution built on free and open source software, with Microsoft Windows 8. This manual will help you install Windows 8 and Fedora together on a single machine. Covered in this manual will also be different type of configurations as well as covering the Microsoft Windows 8 Bootloader in detail and the options it provides, for a clean install and boot. This guide will not focus on explaining what Fedora or Windows 8 is, but provide links to their prospective sites.
+About Windows 8
 To find out more about Microsoft Windows 8, refer to http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-8/meet
-1.2 About Fedora
+About Fedora
 To find out more about Fedora, refer to http://fedoraproject.org/. To read other documentation on Fedora related topics, refer to http://docs.fedoraproject.org/.
-1.3 Getting further help
+Getting further help
 For information on additional help resources for Fedora, visit http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicate.
+This guide is intended for Fedora and Microsoft users of all levels of experience, however it treats the installation process and the Windows 8 boot loader’s many options in far greater detail. With that said the user should have a moderate knowledge of Microsoft Windows.
@@ -63,14 +71,74 @@ This guide helps a reader:
 5. Provide some answers to some frequently asked questions that I have heard or may come up.
-2.1 Audience
-This guide is intended for Fedora and Microsoft users of all levels of experience, however it treats the installation process and the Windows 8 boot loader’s many options in far greater detail. With that said the user should have a moderate knowledge of Microsoft Windows.
 Overview of boot sequences
-3.0 New Windows 8 boot sequence
+3.1 What is UEFI
+UFEI stands for Unified Extensible Firmware Interface, UEFI is meant to replace the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) firmware interface. UEFI defines an interface between personal-computer operating systems and platform specific firmware. Diving deeper into the interface, its inner workings consist of data that contain platform specific information, boot, and runtime services that are available to the operating system and its bootloader.
+3.2 New Windows 8 boot sequence
+Microsoft with the release of Windows 8 has chosen to change the bootloader and the manner in which operating systems are loaded once selected from the bootloader menu. The typical process that most bootloaders go through is something like this: The power button on the computer is pressed and the device turns on and starts the BIOS power on self test. The MBR on the hard drive is referenced accessing the bootloader and the user is given a selection menu to choose which operating system to use. Below is a screenshot showing the process of how the boot process works:
+With Microsoft Windows 8, the process has changed completely, and through testing this is now along the lines of what takes place:
+As you notice from the picture above, the change is very small but is subtle enough to not show the boot menu the second time around, the computer does a reboot after making the selection. Performing various installs and going through testing it seems that the new bootloader and menu interface is possibly running in a protected mode. The bootloader needs to reboot the system back into a real time mode that the Windows 8 kernel can initialize from.
+Installing Windows 8 and Fedora Together.
+4.1 Fresh install of Windows 8 with Fedora not installed.
-With Windows 8, this boot process has been changed completely, and now something more along these lines:
+The goal of this guide is to provide support for multibooting different operating systems with Fedora. That being the case the guide will not go into details of how to perform a clean install of Windows 8, but provide a link to a detailed guide on the subject. 
+A guide showing how to perform a clean install of Microsoft Windows 8 in 31 detailed steps can be located here: http://pcsupport.about.com/od/windows-8/ss/windows-8-clean-install-part-1.htm
-3.2 New Windows boot loader
+4.2 Installing Fedora with Windows 8 already Installed.

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