[software-management-guide] createrepo output from external include

Guillermo Gómez gomix at fedoraproject.org
Tue Mar 26 15:43:57 UTC 2013

commit e42f7c5a5e5d66573d33d65c80935eb3989f2614
Author: Guillermo Gómez <gomix at fedoraproject.org>
Date:   Tue Mar 26 11:13:51 2013 -0430

    createrepo output from external include

 es-ES/extras/createrepo/createrepo-h.txt |   73 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/es-ES/extras/createrepo/createrepo-h.txt b/es-ES/extras/createrepo/createrepo-h.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9db863
--- /dev/null
+++ b/es-ES/extras/createrepo/createrepo-h.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+Usage: genpkgmetadata.py [options]
+  --version             show program's version number and exit
+  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
+  -q, --quiet           output nothing except for serious errors
+  -v, --verbose         output more debugging info.
+  --profile             output timing/profile info.
+  -x EXCLUDES, --excludes=EXCLUDES
+                        files to exclude
+  --basedir=BASEDIR     basedir for path to directories
+  -u BASEURL, --baseurl=BASEURL
+                        baseurl to append on all files
+  -g GROUPFILE, --groupfile=GROUPFILE
+                        path to groupfile to include in metadata
+  -s SUMTYPE, --checksum=SUMTYPE
+                        specify the checksum type to use (default: sha256)
+  -p, --pretty          make sure all xml generated is formatted
+  -c CACHEDIR, --cachedir=CACHEDIR
+                        set path to cache dir
+  -C, --checkts         check timestamps on files vs the metadata to see if we
+                        need to update
+  -d, --database        create sqlite database files: now default, see --no-
+                        database to disable
+  --no-database         do not create sqlite dbs of metadata
+  --update              use the existing repodata to speed up creation of new
+  --update-md-path=UPDATE_MD_PATH
+                        use the existing repodata  for --update from this path
+  --skip-stat           skip the stat() call on a --update, assumes if the
+                        filename is the same then the file is still the same
+                        (only use this if you're fairly trusting or gullible)
+  --split               generate split media
+  -i PKGLIST, --pkglist=PKGLIST
+                        use only the files listed in this file from the
+                        directory specified
+  -n INCLUDEPKG, --includepkg=INCLUDEPKG
+                        add this pkg to the list - can be specified multiple
+                        times
+  -o OUTPUTDIR, --outputdir=OUTPUTDIR
+                        <dir> = optional directory to output to
+  -S, --skip-symlinks   ignore symlinks of packages
+  --changelog-limit=CHANGELOG_LIMIT
+                        only import the last N changelog entries
+  --unique-md-filenames
+                        include the file's checksum in the filename, helps
+                        with proxies
+  --simple-md-filenames
+                        do not include the file's checksum in the filename,
+                        helps with proxies
+  --retain-old-md=RETAIN_OLD_MD
+                        keep around the latest (by timestamp) N copies of the
+                        old repodata
+  --distro=DISTRO       distro tag and optional cpeid:
+                        --distro'cpeid,textname'
+  --content=CONTENT_TAGS
+                        tags for the content in the repository
+  --repo=REPO_TAGS      tags to describe the repository itself
+  --revision=REVISION   user-specified revision for this repository
+  --deltas              create delta rpms and metadata
+  --oldpackagedirs=OLDPACKAGE_PATHS
+                        paths to look for older pkgs to delta against
+  --num-deltas=NUM_DELTAS
+                        the number of older versions to make deltas against
+  --read-pkgs-list=READ_PKGS_LIST
+                        output the paths to the pkgs actually read useful with
+                        --update
+  --max-delta-rpm-size=MAX_DELTA_RPM_SIZE
+                        max size of an rpm that to run deltarpm against (in
+                        bytes)
+  --workers=WORKERS     number of workers to spawn to read rpms
+  --xz                  use xz for repodata compression
+  --compress-type=COMPRESS_TYPE
+                        which compression type to use

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