[accessibility-guide] Removed old software listing and removed duplicate, old config files

Eric Christensen sparks at fedoraproject.org
Sun Mar 23 04:30:01 UTC 2014

commit 79dfc9571f7d8e84d91e303a45ee76da70933fa9
Author: Eric Christensen <echriste at redhat.com>
Date:   Sun Mar 23 00:28:41 2014 -0400

    Removed old software listing and removed duplicate, old config files

 en-US/Accessibility-Guide.ent |    5 -----
 en-US/Accessibility-Guide.xml |   19 -------------------
 en-US/Screen_Readers.xml      |   27 ---------------------------
 en-US/accessibility-guide.ent |    5 -----
 en-US/accessibility-guide.xml |   19 -------------------
 5 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)
diff --git a/en-US/Screen_Readers.xml b/en-US/Screen_Readers.xml
index 705bfe1..b376e2c 100644
--- a/en-US/Screen_Readers.xml
+++ b/en-US/Screen_Readers.xml
@@ -15,33 +15,6 @@
 			<para><package>Jovie</package> is the KDE system for Text-to-Speech, previously known as ktts. <package>Jovie</package> consists of a Text-to-Speech Daemon, a <application>Konqueror</application> plugin, and an extension for the <application>Kate</application> text editor. The Daemon provides text-to-speech functionality to applications, such as <application>KMouth</application> and <application>KNotify</application>, via D-Bus. It also provides an icon from the system tray, for additional features. From this tray icon, <package>Jovie</package> can speak the contents of a text file, speak the contents of the clipboard, and access the control module for configuration. Comprehensive information on jovie can be found on the KDE website: <ulink url="http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdeaccessibility/jovie/index.html"></ulink></para>
 			<para>To start <package>Jovie</package> in Fedora, run <command>jovie</command> from the command line. To start it from the KDE graphical menus, select <menuchoice><guilabel>Applications &gt; Utilities &gt; Text-to-Speech.</guilabel></menuchoice></para>
-		<section id="Speakup">
-			<title>Speakup</title>
-			<para><application>Speakup</application> is a screen review package written by Kirk Reiser and Andy Berdan and is available under a free license. <application>Speakup</application> gives users with visual or mobility impairments the ability to have audible console feedback using a speech synthesizer. <application>Speakup</application> is useful to blind users because it provides an audible installation and is fully supported by the blind open source community.</para>
-<!-- This section needs to be verified.  Webpage fails and I'm not sure it's appropriate for this guide.
-			<para>William F. Acker maintains a Fedora distribution modified to include <application>Speakup</application>, available from <ulink url="http://speakupmodified.org/"></ulink>. His contributions to the open source community and to blind Linux users have been outstanding.</para>
-			<para><application>Speakup</application> works with the following hardware synthesizers:
-				<itemizedlist>
-					<listitem><para><application>DoubleTalk PC</application> and <application>DoubleTalk LT</application></para></listitem>
-					<listitem><para><application>LiteTalk</application></para></listitem>
-					<listitem><para><application>Accent PC</application> and <application>Accent SA</application></para></listitem>
-					<listitem><para><application>Speakout</application></para></listitem>
-					<listitem><para><application>Artic Transport</application></para></listitem>
-					<listitem><para><application>Audapter</application></para></listitem>
-					<listitem><para><application>Braille 'N Speak</application> and <application>Type 'N Speak</application></para></listitem>
-					<listitem><para><application>Dectalk External</application> and <application>Dectalk Express</application></para></listitem>
-					<listitem><para><application>Apollo2</application></para></listitem>
-				</itemizedlist>
-			</para>
-<!--- How do you install Speakup?  It isn't in the repo!
-				<section>
-					<title>Installing Speakup in Fedora</title>
-					<para>For instructions on using Speakup with Fedora, visit: <ulink url="http://www.linux-speakup.org"></ulink></para>
-				</section>
-			<para>For more information about <application>Speakup</application>, or to contribute to the Speakup project visit: <ulink url="http://www.linux-speakup.org"></ulink></para>
-		</section>
 		<section id="Emacspeak">
 				<title>Using Emacspeak with Fedora</title>
 	<para><application>Emacspeak</application> is a speech interface that allows visually impaired users to interact independently and efficiently with the computer. <application>Emacspeak</application> has dramatically changed how hundreds of blind and visually impaired users around the world interact with the personal computer and the Internet. A rich suite of task-oriented speech-enabled tools provides efficient speech-enabled access to the evolving semantic world wide web. When combined with Linux running on low-cost PC hardware, <application>Emacspeak</application> provides a reliable, stable speech-friendly solution that opens up the Internet to visually impaired users around the world.</para>

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