Ideas for the translations

Dave Pawson dpawson at
Tue Dec 30 08:17:23 UTC 2003

At 03:02 30/12/2003, Jan Fabry wrote:
>[ sorry if this is posted twice - my fault ]
>I think it is time to do some research on how we should handle the
>translations. There were some messages about this in the past, but we
>should also look at other projects and how they handled it. I suggest
>you reply to this message with information about other translation
>efforts, so we can learn from them.
>I'll start with a description of the PHP Manual, since I spend some of
>my time there.
>When running ./configure, some scripts are run to fill up the missing
>entities, and create the manual.xml file. The makefile then executes
>(open)jade or other XML tools, depending on the requested output format.
>Because the transformation can take a long time (30-150 mins per format,
>about 6 formats, about 30 languages), the real site isn't updated that
>often. They want to change from the 'real' DocBook conversion to a
>homemade 'LiveDocs' project, that would convert the pages on-the-fly.

Hi Jan. I'm curious what you mean by 'LiveDocs'?

Any further info please?

regards DaveP.

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