
D@7@k|N& dataking at
Wed Aug 25 00:36:03 UTC 2004 I have a few questions, that (I know) have probably been answered a
thousand times, and the poor posters were flamed continuously for days on
end (OK..maybe I'm a member of too many mailing lists ;).  Anyhow, I'm
curious how you guys work on documentation projects individually.  Do you
write in your favorite text editor, then pass the subject matter to your
editor to parse it into XML?  Are all of you so good that you compose in
XML?  Is there an emacs plugin that I'm missing that allows you to write
your content, then adds all of the *basic* XML tags for you?  Where does the
author start and the editor begin? Do you compose in your favorite editor,
then once the content is complete, open it in emacs using the template, and
parse it that way? What's the /theoretical/ process, and the /practical/
application of that process?  I've skimmed the Documentation Guide, and the
Quick Start, and didn't get a whole lot out of it other than I should be
either an author, or an editor.  Karsten has volunteered to be my editor for
this particular project, so I guess that makes me the author.  ;)  So are
there considerations to be made while I'm writing the content?  Will those
come after the fact?  Are they my responsibility or the editors?


I apologize for so many questions, but this is my first "official"
documentation project, so I want to make sure I get it right.  ;)



 <mailto:-=D at 7@k|N> -=D at 7@k|N&=-


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