Hardening Doc Preview

tuxxer tuxxer at cox.net
Sat Sep 4 13:04:27 UTC 2004

Hey guys.

I'm posting a draft version of what I've got so far of the hardening doc
in my own web-space.  It's not much, but it will be updated rather
randomly, as I get chances to work on it.  There isn't a "draft"
statement on it at the moment (other than the title), but I'm working on
that, and it will be there shortly.

Link:  http://members.cox.net/tuxxer/

I'll be posting the XML to the bug, once I've finished chapter 1.

Please feel free to comment, critique, shred, etc.  


tuxxer <tuxxer(a)cox(dot)net>

     <== tuxxer's gpg key fingerprint ==>
57EB F948 76AE 25BC E340  EFA9 FAF6 E1AC F1E1 1EA1
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