Using ulink

Paul W. Frields stickster at
Wed Aug 17 16:48:40 UTC 2005

(Possibly) helpful tip for the day:

FDP standard usage for the DocBook XML tag <ulink> is to always use the
link URL as the text for the link itself.  In other words, instead of

<ulink url="">A good link</ulink>

...use this:


But wait!  It gets easier.  DocBook XML specifies that when the XML tag
closes itself (i.e. you don't provide any link text), the link itself is
used as the text for any rendering process.  So what you should probably
do instead, for better XML readability, is this:

<ulink url=""/>

Isn't that a lot easier?  I think so.  Remember the tag-closing slash
after closing the quotes for the URL, or xmlto will give you a hard time
when you attempt to build your document. :-)

Paul W. Frields, RHCE                
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