Proposal: Building Packages under Fedora

Peter Boy pboy at
Wed Aug 24 00:08:31 UTC 2005

Am Dienstag, den 23.08.2005, 00:30 -0400 schrieb Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams:
> notecase format (available in Fedora Extras).
valuable hint for me - didn't know it.

In Introduction you might add as a conclusion from your text: Even for
non programmers (but administrators / users )  one should make an rpm
package for all software, which the user will install from a tar ball
because no rpm is available or because he/she has to change its
behaviour. Because it is easier to administer the system.

Perhaps you should add a section after the Introduction with the titel
"goals and intended audience" of something like that. You should add
some information as

-  what can be learned here
-  what is different form generell rpm guides (as MaximumRPM)
   (perhaps: shorter / limited to essential? with features specific
   to the Fedora distribution?)
-  relation to the packaging guide of the extras project.



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