[RFC] DocsRawhide enhancements

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at redhat.com
Wed Dec 7 10:36:30 UTC 2005

Karsten Wade wrote:

>The DocsRawhide (rawhide of documentation) beta has been live for a
>little while:
>There are many purposes this basic technology can be used for.
>At it's core, it checks out the latest content from CVS and builds it at
>static URLs.
>This is fully draft, may burn your computer documentation.  It's purpose
>is to let anyone view what is in CVS without needing a build
>What are your ideas of what to do with this tool?  What should we make
>it do?
My original idea behind the suggestion was to enhance visibility to the 
documentation in progress and potentially get more reviewers and 
contributors and bring in transparency to the project.  Fedora 
Documentation could sit into a portal with links and search for the 
following information

* End user docs
* Printed books -  Fedora books from 
http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/Books and perhaps 
* Red Hat magazine
* Manual and info pages - see 
* In progress docs (docs rawhide) with appropriate warnings
* RPM Package lists with meta data information about the packages.

RPM The package descriptions in many cases are vague or outdated. I saw 
a reference to the SELinux  in the IRC meeting logs which applies RPM 
package descriptions too. The Fedora documentation project should  be 
accountable for the end user docs, man and info pages, keeping track of 
printed books and active involvement and coordination towards getting 
more such books published even from the formal Fedora docs. package 
description and website content etc to cover everything comprehensively.


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