Chris Lennert calennert at gmail.com
Tue Jan 3 02:06:00 UTC 2006

Paul W. Frields wrote:
> Actually, I thought the same thing before my commit, WRT the absolute
> element path, then promptly forgot to go back and change it.  Thanks for
> catching this.  The node() thing I didn't realize was an issue.  Are
> there any usage differences between "node()" and "."?

As I understand XPath: "node()" is a node test that yields true for any type of
node whether it be an attribute, element, et cetera.  The "." is short for
self::node() and always refers to the node currently being pointed to, the
context node.  node() can refer to nodes other than the context node, as in
"child::node()" (all nodes that are immediate children of the context node) or
"ancestor::node()" (all nodes that are parents, grandparents, etc. of the
context node).

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