Docbook XML to PDF convertion

Hugo Cisneiros hugo at
Wed Jan 25 04:08:11 UTC 2006


I was indicated to this list, so here I am :)

Last year I began working on a 'book', explaining many things to the 
Linux world for newbies and somewhat advanced users. At that time, I 
choose to use the Fedora Documentation style because I liked the way it 
works and presents itself (it is pretty ;)

The book now has more than 100 pages, and it is in portuguese. I always 
use the Fedora's Documentation Guide as reference, so the 7253-line XML 
is nice and validates very well on building HTML pages (chunks and 

Since I'll release the book freely, I will need a PDF version for 
distribuition, since many people will like to print it. The 
Documentation Guide says that PDF generation is somewhat broken :(

Still I'm building the pdf format well, but somethings are just broken: 
like lists (itemizedList, orderedList, etc), tables (really messed up), 
the "commands" box, and such are not showing pretty like in the html 

Is there any way to fix these issues? I want to keep this book in this 
format (Fedora's XML Docbook) since I liked and is much convenient. In 
the other way, I need the PDF "pretty" version too :(

Some tips? Advices? Tutorials on changing and customizing the xsl 
stylesheets? :)

If anyone wants to see the PDF version, I uploaded to:

Any help apreciated!
Thanks :)

"Talk is cheap. Show me the code." - Linus Torvalds

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