
Edward Haddock edward.haddock at
Fri Jul 28 19:33:31 UTC 2006

Aloha everyone,
	I am not sure what the proper procedures are but I need to discontinue,
for the present, working with the Fedora Documentation Project. Rather
than not saying anything at all, I want you all to know that due to
personal reasons I have very little time to dedicate to the project and
don't want to just lurk in the background. It is my hope that things
will improve for me here and I can start contributing again. I am
uncertain if I need to leave the email list or not. I will leave that up
to the owners to decide. If left on the list I will continue to try and
read posts and if I can offer my opinion and such but again, that is up
to the owners. Thank you all for a very rewarding experience. I had
hoped I could have contributed more. 
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