Wiki gardening

Karsten Wade kwade at
Fri Dec 5 16:23:28 UTC 2008

On Fri, Dec 05, 2008 at 08:15:48AM +1000, Rüdiger Landmann wrote:
> Karsten Wade wrote:


> Can you point me to some specific examples of the problems you're  
> having? It's definitely something I can help out with.

Well, as you saw, we could use a bit more organizing help around the
wiki gardening effort itself.  Any help you have to help organize the
Wiki_gardening page so it makes sense to people such as yourself,
looking to be useful across the wiki.

> I tried to RTFM but the "Page renaming project" and "Wiki garden tasks"  
> pages appear not to exist yet, and neither does the mailing list...

Sorry, wrong mailing list address; it's been fixed:

We are having a combination of the usual you might expect and the
effects of a migration earlier in 2008 from MoinMoin, which uses
CamelCase page naming.

* Massive page naming effort underway via fedora-wiki@ list; to be
  handled with a wikibot that renames and relinks pages.  Pages are by
  artificial hierarchy rather than natural language naming.

* Pages that need attention, and putting more pages in this category:

* Getting pages to match the editing and structure guidelines:

- Karsten
Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Community Gardener
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