Looking for Ideas on a User-friendly Join Process

John Poelstra poelstra at redhat.com
Sun Dec 28 06:00:05 UTC 2008

Marc Ferguson wrote:
> Hi,
> My name is Marc Ferguson.  I recently joined the websites group for 
> Fedora Project and I've been assigned to help figure out a very 
> universal and user-friendly way to tweak 
> http://fedoraproject.org/en/join-fedora.  Can you please respond to this 
> thread and let us know what your process is for people to join your 
> group.  In the end we want to make sure we're all "on the same page" and 
> that the joining process is much easier, thus increasing the 
> contributors to the project.  Thanks.

In addition to adding more information and I'd also suggest looking at 
the "join" pages for other projects for ideas too, particularly finding 
the best way to display the information.



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