toolchain rock-up

Karsten 'quaid' Wade kwade at
Fri May 16 14:48:57 UTC 2008

We've been talking about rocking up our toolchain by integrating
Publican[1].  We need to set up some tests to be able to confirm if the
tool does what we need, technically, socially, and communally.

Please add yours to the list below, then we can throw it in a wiki page
to start working against.

= Technical =

* Does it fulfill all the current tool's capabilities?
  - These need to be defined and listed as specific tests
* Is it built on sound technology with a future?
* ...

= Social =

* Is there an active upstream?
* Is upstream responsive to Fedora Docs?
* Is the upstream work in the open?
* Can anyone (theoretically) join the upstream work?
* Is there a role Fedora Docs should take in the upstream?
* ...

= Communal =

* Is there a Fedora packager?
* Is it maintained for EPEL as well?
* Do other parts of Fedora want to use this tool?
* Is there value-add from Fedora Docs to make it worth promoting the
integrated set (Fedora Docs + Publican)?
* Does Fedora Docs want to create and maintain a "Content Producer
* ...

Karsten Wade, Sr. Developer Community Mgr.
Dev Fu :
Fedora :
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